
When I go on the scales, I can see I'm loosing the weight, slowly but surely, but… when I look in the mirror, I think I look bigger then when I started
Does anyone else see themselves bigger than they originally started?


  • BZAH10
    BZAH10 Posts: 5,709 Member
    The mind likes to play tricks on us sometimes! If your scales are showing a weight loss, then just be patient and let your mind catch up.

    How are your clothes fitting? Do you take measurements? I weigh myself, but I find tracking my measurements with a cloth tape measure is much more accurate. Keep at it!
  • SamanthaLouiseMence
    SamanthaLouiseMence Posts: 663 Member
    I take measurements every Saturday, the numbers are getting a little smaller each week, my clothes fit pretty loose now, but still a little too big to go into the next size down
    I was told it could happen and that it's a subconscious thing but I was starting to think that it's not actually working, I don't know why though tbh lol, just wanted to see if anyone else was having the same little issue
  • BZAH10
    BZAH10 Posts: 5,709 Member
    Good - sounds like you are doing well!

    Personally, I "see" my body differently day to day, sometimes hour to hour! Different mirrors and lighting all show different results. Pictures are a whole different story! What I see in the mirror isn't at all what I see in pictures.

    What really matters is that we are tracking weight, measurements, and that we are hopefully getting healthier by making better food choices.
  • ElizabethOakes2
    ElizabethOakes2 Posts: 1,038 Member
    Take a set of pictures = front, back, sides= once a month and compare them side-by-side when you get discouraged. I bet you'll be amazed at the difference. Our minds don't always see what's really there.