Need to Gain Control...

Hi all.. I'm here because I'm fed up. I always want to gain control and then slip back quickly into old habits. Each time, I go some time accepting it and not caring, and then I always wind up miserable and uncomfortable with my appearance.

I am considered an average weight/BMI, but the thing is that my body holds onto fat in very unflattering places. I used to have a slim, curvy figure with a small waist no matter my weight, but since I become a mother in 2009 I have held onto fat all about my midsection. I am also a size or two bigger at the same weight range I was pre-pregnancy. Well, I don't want to change the shape of my BODY but I'd like to reduce the stored fat. I currently work out 3 days a week doing strength training, but I need to step it up by adding in two more days of cardio. Strength training alone is so far not doing much toward the way my body looks...

I have binge eating disorder, which leaves me feeling helpless a lot of the time. I've fought it, overcame it, and then slipped back into it many times. I have tried diets, but I give up as they make me miserable. I need to get serious but it has to be around calorie control and not "diets". I need help and support though, because I tend to feel out of control and unhappy.. So here I am.. I really hope I can start doing this right and have it stick.


  • ai965
    ai965 Posts: 118
    If you want some extra support, friend me and/or join the July Perfection Challenge. Look for info in the "General" section in a post titled "For All Who Go Over Calorie Net More Than Desired.."
  • RoseVernon
    RoseVernon Posts: 88
    I totally relate to that! We can't give up though. This is a good place to keep yourself accountable. It's eye opening at the end of the day when, at the bottom of the food log, it says I'll be heavier in 5 weeks if I keep eating the way I currently am. Yep, pretty eye opening. If I record it I'll slowly get better. If we ignore it we'll just be content with our unhealthy selves. You can do it! Just keep up the hard work, it'll pay off in the end.
  • ohsogoodfitness
    Hi, I have same disorder. You are more than welcome to send me a request. I found that I had stressful issues that caused me to eat. I thought I needed to adress the way I handled stress. But truly I was thru exersize. There was just more stress than I should have. I have done some difficult things and put large issues to care. I have more control in my life, and more control in my eating. Hope that little bit helps. Families, Marriage are all about compromise. Women tend to be overgiving. One really must create their own Heaven or Hell.
  • bhuntington12
    I know how you feel. I am the same way. I eat bad and then way overeat until I feel sick. I want to quit so bad but its like only a little part of me wants that and the rest just gets sick of it and doesn't care anymore.
  • nbolton
    nbolton Posts: 2
    Wow, quick replies! It's nice to see such an active community. I'm definitely going to head over and check out the other forums!