Am I setting myself up for failure..

emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
I am a runner (yep I can say it and not giggle now) and by the end of this year I will have run 7 half marathons. I am a sloow runner ... but I am still a runner.

I have a new running partner and friend and he is training for the Disney marathon. He wants me to join him in training for this ...

My concerns....

1. The week prior to the race I will have to be out of the state for school ... from Sunday - Friday
2. Then I will have to fly to Florida on Friday with the race on Sunday ...
3. Im slow... my PR for a half is 3:16
4. I thought about not doing this race ... but wouldnt it be depressing to train for a marathon and then not get to run one.
5. I could pick a race another time... but then I would be going alone...

So here I sit... wondering... dreaming.... should I .... shouldnt I?
Am I setting myself up for failure?


  • WildflowerAL
    WildflowerAL Posts: 41 Member
    Do it!!

    The week before the marathon will be a taper week--so you can get in the few miles you need while you are out of town.

    It doesn't matter what you finish in--just doing it is an accomplishment!

    It will definately be nice to have a training partner--especially for your long runs; doing 20 by yourself is hard!

    Check out different training programs--I used Hal Higdon marathon training plan and it worked for me.

    Good Luck!
  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    Why can't you just train with him and then run another race in the same timeframe? I personally don't like racing with others. I thought it would be fun at first to have other people do the same races as me. But then I always stressed out about them wanting me to go at their pace. Usually my sister would "release me" to run at my pace (I'm faster), but I just prefer to do it all on my own. It's more rewarding that way, I think!
  • WifeMomDVM
    WifeMomDVM Posts: 1,025 Member
    Just go for it! Who cares if you're slow? Running a marathon?!?! Do you know how many people would give their right arm to say they could do that?

    So you're going out of town the week before, you will know the race is coming, you can still run wherever you travel, just set your mind to it and make good choices that week.

    YOU CAN DO IT!!!! And you'll be so proud you did.

    If you don't you'll always look back and say, "If only I had....(fill in the blank) then maybe..." Don't do that to yourself.
  • pauljsolie
    pauljsolie Posts: 1,024 Member
    If you don't go you will most assuredly fail. Failing is ok, failing to try is not. Go for it, you'll have fun even though is sounds like it will be hectic.
  • kelsully
    kelsully Posts: 1,008 Member
    I see your points that you made that make you question...but how about this...
    1. the week before is a tapering week so while you might be emotionally tired from being out of town your body will be ok with an easy workout week

    2. IF you are there on Friday that gives you all day Sat to do Disney a bit and rest up for the race.

    3. you are a runner and finsihing isn't about speed it is about finishing. my dear friend ran Chicago with me on 10/10/10...due to the heat she didn't get an official time....she finished in 7 ish hours...but she is a marathoner and proud to be so

    4. (my points are out of order.) if you train and you like racing then this marathon with your friend would be awesome

    Ok I think you made more points but I think that about covers it. Only you know if this is the "right" marathon...BUT as easily as you can come up with reasons not to do it I can counter them so I think you should give some solid consideration to just biting the bullet and submitting your registration
  • arc918
    arc918 Posts: 2,037 Member
    No reason to not go for it. I guess the only question is whether or not you have the time to put into your training. Marathon training is time consuming. Those 17 - 20 miler could take you 4 or 5 hours to finish.

    Travel schedule is no big deal at all. I've flown in for races the day before and flown back out later in the day after the race.

    Like everyone else, the week of the race will be a few short and easy runs (taper madness).
  • FL_Nettie
    FL_Nettie Posts: 265 Member
    I say GO FOR IT!! If you don't do it, you'll probably regret not doing it. But if you run it I doubt that you'll regret it at all (even with a bit of a hectic schedule).

    Good luck & have fun!!
  • IndyCarfan
    IndyCarfan Posts: 11 Member
    If you think you can manage the 16 min mile pace that is required, I say go for it! I know that I have one speed (slow) and it doesn't matter if I'm doing a 5K or a half marathon - I'm always the same speed. So, if you think you can maintain your half marathon pace for an entire marathon, you should do it.

    I might the only person to say this, but if you are at all concerned about maintaining the minimum pace, do the half marathon instead. Disney will pick you up and bus you to the end if you aren't at the required pace. I think it would be heartbreaking to travel all the way there and not get to finish the race. If you do the half, you can still travel with your friend and he can cheer for you on Saturday and you can cheer for him on Sunday. You would want to make sure that he can pick up your packet for you in the event that your flight is delayed on Friday.

    I always fly in as late as possible for WDW races. I prefer to spend time there after the race showing off my medal.