Hello Fitness Pals

TIFFANY618 Posts: 1
edited 7:41AM in Introduce Yourself
Good Evening,

After the passing of my mother last year (July 13) I gained more than 25lbs, today I visited my doctor (who is also on here) and she suggested that I try it out, so here I am. I have invited some family & friends and I have posted (hopefully) my before picture to as my profile pix and when I go back to see my doctor I will have hope to have lost lots of unwanted pounds...

Im open for all suggestions to healthy weightloss suggestions and know that exercise and fruits and vegetables will need to be a huge part....

Good luck to all thats on here for the same purpose.

1lb at a Time
Tiffany, MI


  • davidrt
    davidrt Posts: 162
    welcome, you already said what you need to do, being on here will show you how you are doing , good luck
  • Shelleybean29
    Shelleybean29 Posts: 95 Member
    You can do it!
  • RoseVernon
    RoseVernon Posts: 88
    Good luck! You're already headed in the right direction!
  • LessMe2B
    LessMe2B Posts: 316
    Congrats on taking the first step. You'll do great here with all of the support and advice. Here's to your next Dr. appt. being a fabulous success.
  • XxBri22xX
    XxBri22xX Posts: 183
    I am sorry about the passing of your mother :( You can lose those unwanted pounds! When you do (I know you will!) Your mom will be looking down on you and will be so proud (:
  • Getting_Fit_4_Life
    Getting_Fit_4_Life Posts: 401 Member
    Welcome and good luck in your weightloss journey. I just joined MFP in June and I am loving it. Feel free to add me as a MFP friend if you like.
  • supershala
    supershala Posts: 30
    My advice is to take it slow...baby steps. If you try and change your whole lifestyle all at once you will almost certainly give up eventually. Make small changes to begin with...try to drink water until you've consumed at least 8 cups, THEN you can have your diet soda. Or try incorporating more vegetables into your diet before "giving up" the things you really aren't ready to give up. My point is that you should start slowly and go from there. Before you know it you will have turned your life around without it being such a challenge. Oh, and if you are new to exercise I highly recommend Leslie Sansone videos. She does walking workouts that are perfect for beginners. Good luck!
  • Stephy_LP
    Stephy_LP Posts: 20
    We can do this! I love how supportive this site is! I had a slow start but, I take it a day at a time:)
  • Stephy_LP
    Stephy_LP Posts: 20
    Wow! That's awesome! Good for you! :)
  • Giraffe33991
    Giraffe33991 Posts: 430 Member
    Welcome! I also gained >25 lbs after both my parents died 6 months apart a couple of years ago. That, coupled with a divorce, really sealed the deal for my weight ballooning over 200 lbs!

    I've found this site to be so helpful, supportive and informative! I am sure if you log regularly and start changing just small things you will see results!

    Good luck! We are glad you are here!
  • Mel36Run
    Mel36Run Posts: 114 Member
    Welcome to MFP! My Doctor recommended this site to me when I hit a plateau in my weight loss. This site is great. It is filled with many nice and supportive people. The exercise and food log have helped me stay on track! Good luck in your weight loss journey!
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