NES (night eating syndrome)

Does anyone else here suffer from this? I believe this is something very real for me and has been for many years. Interested in hearing from someone else who suffers and has had success in combating it. What has worked for you? I think my next step is to get a hormone or vitamin panel of blood work done.


  • fxckyeahhappyface
    fxckyeahhappyface Posts: 9 Member
    I had a major problem with it until I stopped eating breakfast first thing in the morning. I know people make a huge deal out of breakfast. Like you MUST eat it within, say 20 minutes, of waking up. But I am not remotely hungry until I've been up for a couple of hours. So... I don't eat until I'm hungry.

    Typically, that means I eat for the last time later in the day but I feel like that helps. The evening is still the hardest part of my day mind you. Especially before bed, I feel really hungry and I get tempted to eat. But I find it's easier for me now than earlier in my life where I would literally binge and go right to bed.

    If I'm desperate, I'll have some hot decaf tea before bed. It keeps me from feeling all that hungry and I can go to sleep in peace. I don't like to do it much because while I will fall asleep alright, it certainly will wake me up a couple times that night for potty trips :neutral: