Hi! I'm new, just like everyone else!

I am here for a couple of reasons. I recently got engaged, and I recently went to see the doctor. I would like to look nice for the wedding, but I mainly want to be healthy. I don't get a lot of support from home mainly because the fiance and family see me as already beautiful. But my self esteem matters, and my body image matters, and I am trying to change that for the better. I dont want to be skinny, I want to be healthy!


  • Mel_MisFit_Mae
    Mel_MisFit_Mae Posts: 43 Member
    Hey girl welcome to the club ;-), love the name
  • Raimie71
    Raimie71 Posts: 11 Member
    I am so with you girl! I recently got married and my husband absolutely loves me, but 200 pounds is not healthy!! Add me as a friend, and I will be there to encourage you all the way!! Raimie
  • bevsdietfor2011
    bevsdietfor2011 Posts: 361 Member
    Hello, I would love to be your friend and support and motivate you on this journey. We are all in this together. Feel free to check out my profile and add me if you would like. You can do this and we will all be there for you!!!!!

    You will be a hot looking bride when you say your vows!!!!

  • Stoptheviolins
    Stoptheviolins Posts: 18 Member
  • devteach1
    devteach1 Posts: 26
    Hey.. I am new to this joint too ;) Just like you, my husband and family love me the way I am, but I do not love myself. I really just started using my myfitnesspal app a couple of days ago when I got on the scale. I was not happy and crying in the inside. So, I totally understand!!