Wandering around the Children's section at the pool?

My local pool has a 'children's play area' it only gets up to 3.5ft deep and has a playground and small slides and squirters. Basically a park...in water.

Does that count under 'swimming, leisurely' if I take the kids there? I don't usually count it because I'm not sure but I don't want to be short changing myself and not eating what I am supposed to.

It is not quite a splash pad because it does get to 3 feet deep, but I'm not swimming so much as carrying the baby (18 months) and chasing around the other 2


  • lcoulter23
    lcoulter23 Posts: 568 Member
    the recreational pool at the Y where I live is like that. Only goes up to 3.5 feet, but I do water aerobic type things and stuff like that. I would log it as leisurely swimming.
  • johnsonjk
    johnsonjk Posts: 23 Member
    I classify mine as walking at a slow pace for about 1/2 the time I was there. For instance I'm at a waterpark with my little one for 3 hours. I log it as walking at 2.0 miles per hour for 1 or 1.5 hours. I use 1 or 1.5 depending on how energetic I was -- lots of floating = less time. Lots of sitting down = less time.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    I'd say that it would depend how you have your daily acitvity level set.
    If you are set at "lightly active" or "active" then you have probably already accounted for it.
    If you are set at "sedentary" then you could log it as slow walking or leisurely swimming
  • Brady_
    Brady_ Posts: 108 Member
    My own personal opinion, which dont hold it against me, everyones will be different BUTTT I deffinitly would not count those as anything as far as calorie loss goes. That is part of your daily activities and not a workout. Dont cheat yoursel girl =) I work in retail and I am on my feet 8 hours a day, but no way I would count that as a calorie loss even though itd be big numbers, its part of my daily activity and I wouldn't cheat myself to thinking I could get by with just that =) same as for tkain the kids to the pool, its part of every day routine/life but not a work out =) I think itd be okay if you wanted to take the kiddos around the block a few times and talk them for a mile+ walk you should/could log though thatd be fun =)

    again, thats just my opionion and dont take it the wrong way!!!
  • _angua_
    _angua_ Posts: 35
    Personally I wouldn't log it. I would think of it as a bonus but wouldn't log it because its something that is more than likely going to get overestimated and then I would feel like I'm cheating.
  • MamaNae
    MamaNae Posts: 23

    I have my activity set at sedentary right now...I am a SAHM so I'm anything BUT but better safe than sorry LOL.

    I haven't been counting it, I was just worried about losing too many calories and putting myself further in the hole (finances=mama doesn't eat much=mama doesn't get enough calories as it is...)
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    i probably wouldnt count it as swimming, which gets counted at quite a lot burnt.
    Id maybe put it under walking leisurely