Is dieting making me paranoid?

Hi all,

I decided to walk to work today following yesterdays attack (see road rage post), and as I came around a corner I saw 8/9 cats all sat in a circle. As soon as they saw me, they all bolted off in different directions. Now this could just have been an completely innocent get-together but they all acted very suspiciously and looked guilty about something. I then got to thinking about my cats and how, over the past week or so they have been looking at me funny.
In fact, even the dogs have been on edge now I think about it. I think that a possible revolution is being planned under our very noses…Or I’m am getting paranoid.. Are you lot talking about me now?



  • randa_behnam
    randa_behnam Posts: 488 Member
    HAHAHAHA i think you need a holiday!
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    Have you been reading Harry Potter? Perhaps they are animagi??
    I seem to have imaginary enemies (as opposed to imaginary friends) who push me over when I'm running. Actually I've decided that they are invisible black swans because those birds are MEAN!
    I'm not paranoid and I'm sure you aren't either. But, I'll watch your back anyway!
  • jbenton091011
    No. I don't think you're being paranoid at all. Cravendale are already investigating the cats with opposable thumbs!!!

    Best remain vigilant!
  • whiskey9890
    whiskey9890 Posts: 652 Member
    No. I don't think you're being paranoid at all. Cravendale are already investigating the cats with opposable thumbs!!!

    Best remain vigilant!

    oh i love that add so much better than the plastic figures they used to use.

    "jog on kitty"
  • UDTsunamiSurfer
    UDTsunamiSurfer Posts: 21 Member
    Just becoz ur paranoid doesn't mean they're not out 2 get u... Just sayin (((MB)))