Is there any way mfp is wrong ?

Hey, im 185cm,81.5kg,18yo .... mfp says i should eat 1800 a day. I weight my food and track it every day, I always have around 1700-1790 a day.... + i do excercise like cycling/running ... im not eating calories burned by running/cycling , just 1800 .... Im tracking for a week, i should be 500grams lighter, but i gained 500g... Do you think mfp calculations are wrong and 1800 a day is too much for me ?


  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    You are 6'2" and 179 lbs. Why are you trying to lose weight?
  • Mentali
    Mentali Posts: 352 Member
    How long have you been doing this for? Can't be more than a week or two, right?
  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    edited June 2016
    It has been a week. That is far too little time to make a difference. Give it at least a month.

    Also, weight loss isn't linear. Some weeks you won't lose, some weeks you'll have small gains and other weeks you'll lose on target or even more. Many things can mask weight loss such as too much sodium which causes water retention. Other things that can cause fluid retention is that time of the month/hormonal changes (if that applies), a new exercise regime or dehydration. For some, lots of carbs can also cause fluid retention.

    Weigh and log absolutely everything. Weigh all ingredients of a recipe. Weigh prepackaged and pre weighed foods (they can be off by about 20%). Only use cups for liquids. Weight butter, mayo, nuts, peanut butter. Weigh everything. Log tastes, bites or licks. Log and measure cooking oils and salad dressing. Weigh pastas and rices. Weigh cereal.

    At your height and weight (you're at the very end on a healthy BMI), you really should consider recomposition instead of weight loss... This means lifting heavy with a programs such as strong lifts 5x5 and eating at your maintenance calories.
  • Gallowmere1984
    Gallowmere1984 Posts: 6,626 Member
    jemhh wrote: »
    You are 6'2" and 179 lbs. Why are you trying to lose weight?

    Probably for the same reason that I am 5'10", 152, and still want to peel another ten or so. Since genetics dictate where I lose fat from, my only option to get rid of it where I want it gone from, is to strip away as much of it as possible. ;)
  • erkoo32
    erkoo32 Posts: 6 Member
    jemhh wrote: »
    You are 6'2" and 179 lbs. Why are you trying to lose weight?

    I want to lose weight, because I want to lose belly fat, leg fat, also I start seeing manboobs a little. But my main goal was to start eating healthy food and not bag of chips/chocolate or other crap like I used to. I want to get in a shape a bit, also increase my endurance by running.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    jemhh wrote: »
    You are 6'2" and 179 lbs. Why are you trying to lose weight?

    I was wondering the same...


    1. These calculators are just estimates based on population averages
    2. There is often a lot of error in logging...choosing erroneous entries, eyeballing portions, you could be eating more than you think you are depending on possible error
    3. It's only been a week...hardly enough time to determine anything.
  • erkoo32
    erkoo32 Posts: 6 Member
    Mentali wrote: »
    How long have you been doing this for? Can't be more than a week or two, right?

    a week yea, but its so frustrating... If i have same weight I started with , I wouldn't complain ... I mean i am eating healthy food, excercising 100% more than i did before...So why i gained weight lol :dizzy:
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    One week doesn't mean anything - any natural fluctuation will skew your numbers over such a small timeframe.
    Just one glass of water will make a difference!

    MFP doesn't tell you to eat 1800 calories, the goal is plus exercise calories as well.
    You selected a weight loss goal - probably an aggressive one, more than likely an inappropriate one for your age and weight.
    I'm three times your age, much shorter and can lose on 2500!
  • Mentali
    Mentali Posts: 352 Member
    erkoo32 wrote: »
    Mentali wrote: »
    How long have you been doing this for? Can't be more than a week or two, right?

    a week yea, but its so frustrating... If i have same weight I started with , I wouldn't complain ... I mean i am eating healthy food, excercising 100% more than i did before...So why i gained weight lol :dizzy:

    When you exercise more you retain more water to begin with, and often your body takes time to adjust to a new eating regimen. You're weighing your food and doing everything right, just give it time! :)
  • ccrdragon
    ccrdragon Posts: 3,370 Member
    1. it's been 1 week
    2. water
    3. salt
    4. did I mention water?!? (esp if you are just now starting exercise - muscles will retain water at the start of an exercise cycle to help rebuild what you breaking down by the new exercise)
  • erkoo32
    erkoo32 Posts: 6 Member
    edited June 2016
    jemhh wrote: »
    I'm guessing the OP is a male. No 18 yo male of that size should be wasting his prime muscle building years trying to cut more fat. What a waste of testosterone.

    So you mean instead of trying to lose fat I should work out to build muscles ? Also do not imagine me as athlet, i have quite thick calfs and thighs, a lot of hip fat and belly fat and really thin arms. I hate it and i regret i didnt do anything earlier.

  • erkoo32
    erkoo32 Posts: 6 Member
    ccrdragon wrote: »
    1. it's been 1 week
    2. water
    3. salt
    4. did I mention water?!? (esp if you are just now starting exercise - muscles will retain water at the start of an exercise cycle to help rebuild what you breaking down by the new exercise)

    How much water should I drink, how to calculate it including excercies such as walking/cycling/running ?
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    erkoo32 wrote: »
    jemhh wrote: »
    I'm guessing the OP is a male. No 18 yo male of that size should be wasting his prime muscle building years trying to cut more fat. What a waste of testosterone.

    So you mean instead of trying to lose fat I should work out to build muscles ? Also do not imagine me as athlet, i have quite thick calfs and thighs, a lot of hip fat and belly fat and really thin arms.

    That would be my suggestion. You are in the prime time to build muscle. And don't even worry about being an athlete. You don't have to be an athlete to train. Look in my profile at my before picture. I was in no way athletic before starting. If I were you I'd eat at maintenance and get on a good resistance exercise program (e.g., lift weights.) You'll have good results just recomping at this point.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,007 Member
    erkoo32 wrote: »
    jemhh wrote: »
    I'm guessing the OP is a male. No 18 yo male of that size should be wasting his prime muscle building years trying to cut more fat. What a waste of testosterone.

    So you mean instead of trying to lose fat I should work out to build muscles ? Also do not imagine me as athlet, i have quite thick calfs and thighs, a lot of hip fat and belly fat and really thin arms. I hate it and i regret i didnt do anything earlier.

    Yes, it's called body recomposition. Hopefully someone will come along and post a link. You will get the results you want with a higher percentage of muscle to fat.

    I'm almost 50, female, never been an athlete, and I lift weights. Heck, my 78 year old mother lifts weights. Muscle is important for all of us, not just athletes.

  • erkoo32
    erkoo32 Posts: 6 Member
    If somebody have nice guide, please send me a link for body recomposition.
  • plainsjane
    plainsjane Posts: 2 Member
    edited June 2016
    I have similar issues, because I first gain muscle before the scale shows progress. I'm glad to gain/maintain muscle and I don't let the scale readings get to me. (And I LOVE to weigh myself everyday, it's the first thing I do when I wake up. I have a scale that tracks fat, muscle, water & BMI percentages. I feel that by weighing myself daily sets the 'tone' for the day).
    My questions to you: 1) Are your clothes fitting better; 2) Do you muscles feel more toned?
    I can stay at the same weight (bouncing up and down 1-3 lbs) for a month to six weeks, yet I can go down a whole size, then I have a breakthrough...mainly when I really decide to push my exercise a little further to get off the plateau, say 15-20 minutes more on the elliptical for a few days or more when time and motivation are there. Combined with absolutely sticking to my calorie allotment I can usually get off the plateau. Currently I've lost 50 lbs.
    I hope this helps.
  • spingirl605
    spingirl605 Posts: 181 Member
    Here is an interesting article on the topic of recomp. I started doing it in September, and saw incredible results. I'm taking a break for the summer because I like to bike and run, but I will be heading back in September to start all over again...Good luck!

  • solieco1
    solieco1 Posts: 1,559 Member
    Here is an interesting article on the topic of recomp. I started doing it in September, and saw incredible results. I'm taking a break for the summer because I like to bike and run, but I will be heading back in September to start all over again...Good luck!
