Losing Motivation

Please help me regain the motivation to lose weight as I'm currently Over Weight and have alot of weight to lose in order to get back to a healthy weight. My total Weight Loss Goal is 70 pounds and I'm already down 3 pounds and that leaves me with 67.4 pounds to go, and with that I will need all the motivation and support I can get in order to reach this goal by either the end of the this year or by this time next year. I'm doing Meal Planning and Portion Control at home, and will be meeting with a Trainer July 5th to help me create a Exercise plan to follow. Please feel free to add me as a friend as I'm always looking for new Friends.


  • scolby44
    scolby44 Posts: 1 Member
    It's a constant battle for me, could always use another person to hold me accountable, support and motivate me!
    Looks like you're on the right path, just have to remember that weights going to drop then flatline..... Don't let that throw you off track! If you keep plugg'n away; you'll def be down 70 by next year!
    Good luck!
  • happyauntie2015
    happyauntie2015 Posts: 282 Member
    Hi there. I have a lot to loose like a good 100 pounds if not more. I haven't set a long range goal instead I set short goals. My first goal is to drop 10 pounds and my second is to get to 299 pounds. Once reach goal 1 ( 1 more pound) I am then 11 pounds from goal 2. I keep reminding myself I didn't get this way overnight and I'm not gonna wake up tomorrow at a healthier weight. I also stopped looking at this as a diet because it was my lifestyle that needed a change for this to continue forever. Right now I am motivated by my 9 pound loss, the inches I've lost, the changes I am seeing in myself, and how my joints ache less and I can breathe a bit easier! Feel free to add me. You can do this! Congratulations on your 3 pound loss!!!
  • Feel Free to Add me .