I hate working out! How do I start again?

So, I have lost 13lbs in two weeks just by changing my diet. I've tried to be more active, like walking after dinner, swimming an hour or two on the weekends, but no official workout regiment.

I hate working out, mainly because I loathe being hot and sweaty. I also don't like working out in front of other people, so the gym is pretty much out of question. I also know that this weight isn't going to come off by itself so I kind of need to get over some things.

In previous years, I lost 40 lbs on a stationary bike and worked out to music, but honestly, I've gotten so large, that it's uncomfortable to sit and workout on the bike, (I'm 5'10 and at 258). I used to work out everday for 25-30 minutes. I was much lighter then and I just don't think I can start out doing it that way again.

I would love any suggestions on how to start out again. What exercies, how long, how many times a week? I want to do this carefully because I don't want to hurt myself or have a bad experience early on, because I know I'll be discouraged from exercising.


  • RocheleLynn
    RocheleLynn Posts: 265 Member
    I hate working out too.. I started the Couch 2 5K program. There is an app for it that makes it really easy. Today is day 5- I can't get enough. Also, I have a mini trampoline- which is a GREAT workout!
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    I started with Richard Simmons videos. They're fun and the moves are easy. You can also do them at home by yourself which is a big plus. Just get moving with something you love and you'll be hooked. I am currently into Zumba pretty heavily. I get really hot and sweaty doing it but it's so fun I don't care. :)
  • vaughny
    vaughny Posts: 145
    i used to be this way too, i started out on the ellipitical b/c it didn't hurt my knees i did it without resistance when i first started. I remember when i signed up at the gym i told them i didn't like to get sweaty lol they looked at me like i was crazy! that was about 9 years ago I have finally come around. I like to look at oxygen magazine and I work in a vitamin store where there are mags with all those pretty models in them that compete in body building competitions i know they get sweaty so looks like its part of the game. Just start off slow and remember there is always a shower waiting for you afterwards =)
  • KeeleySue
    KeeleySue Posts: 158
    Walking really helped me 'get ready' for more strenuous exercise. Start slow and increase your speed over time so you end up at a BRISK walk. I would do it at least 3 days a week but when I started I did at least 5 days. I would walk for about 30 minutes or so to start and then increase if you feel like it after time when you get used to the exercise.

    I've also noticed that the more I exercise, the more I want too. (Does that make sense?? lol) I know that if I take a day off, I'm more likely to not workout the next day either and it just keeps snowballing. If I'm not in the mood I make myself do it. I've noticed that usually once I start I'm fine.
  • Brandicaloriecountess
    Brandicaloriecountess Posts: 2,126 Member
    It took me a good two months before I started using the gym. I would walk about a mile, play wii fit games and used a stair stepper I bought at target for around $75.

    Eventually I wanted to do more so I started the gym. To help me I often watch episodes of tv shows on Netflix ap on my phone. It puts me in my "zone" the time passes quickly and I don't care about others around me lol.

    Swimming is great exercise though! And working out can come in different forms so find something you enjoy so you will stick with it
  • Revolutionwithin
    Revolutionwithin Posts: 47 Member
    I"m basically in the same boat as you. I have this mental thing where I just hate it that I can't even get it started. I've found something that works for me is I will do Wii fit first, or one of the Wii dancing games. Generally I get an energy rush and this feeling hits me that I want to do more and then I go downstairs to the treadmill, up the incline and walk. My goal is to eventually put in a load of laundry when I'm down there and walk the wash cycle, but exercise AND a clean house.....hahah I might go into shock if I push it! Lol.
  • dmest
    dmest Posts: 98 Member
    I know you said you don't like to work out in front of other people but what about with just one workout buddy? My neighbor and I work out together every morning using Jillian Michaels or Jackie Warner DVDs and it's been great. Because we have plans to do it everyday, it makes us more accountable so that we don't let each other down. Plus we chat a little during the workout which makes it go by faster.
  • sharonfincher1
    sharonfincher1 Posts: 311 Member
    I got back into it with Leslie Sansone walk at home....she breaks it down into miles.....
  • mmcgille
    mmcgille Posts: 60 Member
    I'm in the same boat - even a little larger than you. I bought an elliptical for my house and started with that. I put a fan right in front of my face, cranked the AC and had the ceiling fan on, too. I changed up my routine (using the arms going forward, no arms, going backward) every couple of minutes to break it up. I found that if I could change it up often on the elliptical, the 15-30 minutes didn't seem so long. I started out telling myself I was going to start with 15 minutes, and if I wanted to quit after 15 minutes, I could. But more often than not, the first 10 minutes is the hardest part. Once you hit 10 minutes, you want to keep going!

    I've also done water aerobics which is great - you don't feel hot and your joints don't work, but you do get a pretty good workout. And everyone in the class typically all feels like you do!
  • dragonladywendy
    After having this conversation with my GP (as I suffer prolapsed discs and trapped sciatic nerve) I was told a gym membership and aerobic classes are NOT necessary for weight loss! I walk 2 miles a day - sometimes more - and it is a very slow walk due to the pain. I swim 15 mins, 3 times a week - again, no more because of the pain. By using this site and monitoring calorie intake, I am able to lose roughly 1 - 2lbs a week. I add on any housework I do (as my life is quiet sedentary at the moment) and it all seems to be going ok. So my advice would be to keep doing what you're doing already if it makes you happy and little by little, the weight will come off. If in doubt, say no to that extra cake!! Good luck, Wendy :flowerforyou:
  • gothicprophet
    Like others on here, I'm easing into this whole fitness thing. I walk 45-minutes every day (the distance varies slightly, but I average between 3-4.5mph) with one of my dogs - the other is a puppy and can't do the extended walks, but she'll be able to soon enough. Also, I got myself into a daily challenge here on MFP that includes dietary challenges, as well as physical ones, and even a mental challenge has been issued. Another thing I've started doing now is Wii Fit (Plus) every day and riding my bicycle for a few minutes every couple of days.

    Starting on Monday, I'm going to be doing the "100 Push Ups Challenge" which is a 6(+) week program designed to get participants able to do 100 consecutive push ups. I imagine that goal is without resting, but I don't know what sort of time-goal there is for completing the "magic number." Guess we'll find out in 6-weeks or so. :D

    Oh! I almost forgot, I'm also [currently] a smoker, and I've actually incorporated exercise into my cut-back routine. I have to do a number of crunches and reverse crunches (formerly included push ups and squats) before I can have a cigarette; I call it my "ciggy-set". The push ups were removed to give my arms a bit of recovery time before I start the 100 Push Up Challenge, and the squats were removed due to knee pain. I'm looking to incorporate something else into the set, maybe some additional stretching/yoga exercises... not sure exactly what I'm going to add to it, but this isn't the appropriate thread for that.

    Basically when you're just starting out it's good to push hard, but be careful not to break yourself and end up setting yourself back and possibly losing the motivation to exercise at all!
  • Rikki444
    Rikki444 Posts: 326 Member
    In a previous life, that used to be me. I hated working out becasue it felt like such a chore! It felt like punishment and somewhere in my mind I had decided that being hot and sweaty was uncomfortable. Trust me, I used to be one who would declare such statements.

    The more you say it, think it and declare it: "I hate working out!".... the more true and the more real it becomes....the more difficult it will be for you to start again. Stop self sabotaging with your words!!!! You feel conflicted because you are aware that physical activity is not only good to lose weight but for your overall wellness. People who excersise are happier (not only healthier) than those who don't. Literally! It gives you an emotional boost that you can't find in any pill. It will not happen in one workout or one week, but it will happen. Your confidance will soar, you will feel stronger, healthier, more vibrant .... more alive! Trust me. I KNOW!

    You have access to a swiming pool, use it! Because you are heavier these days, it is easy on your joints and gives you an incredible workout without you feeling 'hot and sweaty.' Walking is also very effective, more than a lot of people give it credit for. The gym is not for everyone, so don't feel discouraged by the fact that you HATE the gym. You can hate the gym, but don't hate the experience of your daily dose of activity.

    If saying that you hate working out has made you HATE working out. I wonder what will happen when you say, 'I really enjoy swimming! I love the feeling I get when I swim! I love logging in my workout in my MFP after I swim and see that I burned a bunch of calories!' Well, you get my point. Change your words and the rest will follow.

    Keep on.... getting FiT!
  • gothicprophet
    If saying that you hate working out has made you HATE working out. I wonder what will happen when you say, 'I really enjoy swimming! I love the feeling I get when I swim! I love logging in my workout in my MFP after I swim and see that I burned a bunch of calories!' Well, you get my point. Change your words and the rest will follow.

    Win. :D
  • KourtneyP83
    KourtneyP83 Posts: 319
    I hate working out too! I do the Walk Away the Pounds dvds by Leslie Sansone...they go by so fast!
  • giftedcat
    giftedcat Posts: 11
    I too used to hate working out. I have joint the Gym about 3 times, gone a few times & then cancelled.

    This time however I was determined. I joint the gym, but this time I made myself book some classes. I have been going for about 6 weeks now & absolutely love it. I do 5 classes a week. I am yet to use to actual gym, as it's just too boring for me.

    I'd bite the bullet & try some classes