60 days only potatoes



  • GhostX1994
    GhostX1994 Posts: 58 Member
    Alright cheers mate

    Thats always been my biggest problem finding the right food plan to eat for me sadly

    I ask alot of stupid questions but hey im sure alot of people have the same questions and unsure about asking haha
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    You struggle with finding "the right food" plan because there ISN'T one right food plan. That's what we are trying to explain. Eat food you like, enough, but not too much.
  • TheRootofGroot
    TheRootofGroot Posts: 118 Member
    And let myfitnesspal do the bulk of the thinking.
    I'd lower the default carb percent and add that to the protein column for an aspiring weightlifter on a caloric deficit though.

    The default is 50% carbs, 30% fat and 20% protein.
    For him I'd go something like 40% carbs, 30% fat and 30% protein.
  • GhostX1994
    GhostX1994 Posts: 58 Member
    I like all types of food but my issue is i dont know what is the right amout i usually eat like a kilo of chicken snit or whole bbq chicken or even just a kilo or 2 of boiled chicken with veg. Iv been told eating slower and less food and more often a day is good for you is that true?

    Yeah iv never been the type to be very smart with working out carbs and stuff but im wanting to get big and fit again as i want my son to look up to me not turn out like me with my ways.

    But thank you for the info im listening and ill defently learn from it and try to figure out what be best suited to me to eat because of the info
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    This is why you use the food diary. Log what you (intend to) eat and see how the numbers add up. Tweak amounts to hit your goals (calories, protein, fat, carbs) for the day. You don't have to eat to any particular rythm either, just find something that suits your rythm. If you get stomach pain from eating, for instance, you'll know that you don't follow your rythm. If you feel fine, carry on.
  • TheRootofGroot
    TheRootofGroot Posts: 118 Member
    Get a digital food scale.
    Everything you eat is in the database.
    So even if it is a whole roast chicken, you take all the edible parts, discard the bones, weigh what you plan on eating and it'll go up on your dairy.
    From there you'll see how much fat you ate and how much more you could eat in the day, how much protein you ate and how much more you could eat in that day.

    You don't need to be good at working out carbs and protein and fats.
    That's what myfitnesspal is, it is a tool that does most of the thinking for you and leaves you with graphs and charts to help you reach your goals.

    Thing is, if you're trying to lose fat you'll not be eating entire chickens in a sitting anymore, not unless you're 6'6 or something and have a very high TDEE "total daily energy expenditure".
  • GhostX1994
    GhostX1994 Posts: 58 Member
    This is why you use the food diary. Log what you (intend to) eat and see how the numbers add up. Tweak amounts to hit your goals (calories, protein, fat, carbs) for the day. You don't have to eat to any particular rythm either, just find something that suits your rythm. If you get stomach pain from eating, for instance, you'll know that you don't follow your rythm. If you feel fine, carry on.

    Probs explains my stomach pains since last night then from eating only once that night and over eating the wrong stuff :/
  • Rincewind_1965
    Rincewind_1965 Posts: 639 Member
    edited June 2016
    GhostX1994 wrote: »
    I ask alot of stupid questions

    There's no such thing as a stupid question.
    We have a slight chance of inadequate and/or "funny" answers though.

    On topic:
    Restricting yourself to only one supplement is never a good idea, it's boring to eat, there is no joy in it (which I found to be necessary) and after finishing this "diet" you will almost surely feel the urge to stuff anything into your mouth that doesn't look like the stuff you ate the last x days.

    Finding the right food-plan for your needs will take some time and continuous fine-adjustments. For me it worked (or better "works") like this:
    1. For about one week I tracked everything (and I mean everything) I ate or drank.
    2. After this I scanned the diary for "TMC" (Too Many Calories). This is quite subjective, for me this meant more than 120 cal per portion (or per 3 oz).
    3. Now comes the hard part: Find out which of these can be omitted, reduced or replaced and which are vital for you. Mind you, this is subjective too, the things that you are not willing to let go may (and almost surely will) be things that are completely unimportant to others.
    4. Sooner or later this will lead to your food plan which is supposed to help you reach the goals you have with your body (lose/gain/hold weight, build up muscle, or whatever else).
    5. Since your body is not a linear system you will constantly need to monitor the result of your plan and apply some necessary changes. The main goal (Or at least my main goal) is to achieve that this monitoring will one day be a semi-automatic process, so that I will not have to track CiCo anymore ... one fine day ...
  • GhostX1994
    GhostX1994 Posts: 58 Member
    Im 6' 8 in hight haha, iv been using this app wrong the whole time then haah iv been only putting food in data base iv ate not to see the results first ops

    Other thing is workouts, iv always done evey body part exercise every day but been told its best to only do 1 each day like chest day etc does it matter or not? I just want best results i can get right, bad enough iv got nerv damage in my right wrist and finger but has never stopped me from when i ust to lift as i found it was horrible pain but over time it stopped
  • GhostX1994
    GhostX1994 Posts: 58 Member
    GhostX1994 wrote: »
    I ask alot of stupid questions

    There's no such thing as a stupid question.
    We have a slight chance of inadequate and/or "funny" answers though.

    On topic:
    Restricting yourself to only one supplement is never a good idea, it's boring to eat, there is no joy in it (which I found to be necessary) and after finishing this "diet" you will almost surely feel the urge to stuff anything into your mouth that doesn't look like the stuff you ate the last x days.

    Finding the right food-plan for your needs will take some time and continuous fine-adjustments. For me it worked (or better "works") like this:
    1. For about one week I tracked everything (and I mean everything) I ate or drank.
    2. After this I scanned the diary for "TMC" (Too Many Calories). This is quite subjective, for me this meant more than 120 cal per portion (or per 3 oz).
    3. Now comes the hard part: Find out which of these can be omitted, reduced or replaced and which are vital for you. Mind you, this is subjective too, the things that you are not willing to let go may (and almost surely will) be things that are completely unimportant to others.
    4. Sooner or later this will lead to your food plan which is supposed to help you reach the goals you have with your body (lose/gain/hold weight, build up muscle, or whatever else).
    5. Since your body is not a linear system you will constantly need to monitor the result of your plan and apply some necessary changes. The main goal (Or at least my main goal) is to achieve that this monitoring will one day be a semi-automatic process, so that I will not have to track CiCo anymore ... one fine day ...

    Yeah its always been my issue keeping track of what i eat and what i should alwayd been my downfall
  • SassyMommasaurus
    SassyMommasaurus Posts: 380 Member
    GhostX1994 wrote: »
    GhostX1994 wrote: »
    I ask alot of stupid questions

    There's no such thing as a stupid question.
    We have a slight chance of inadequate and/or "funny" answers though.

    On topic:
    Restricting yourself to only one supplement is never a good idea, it's boring to eat, there is no joy in it (which I found to be necessary) and after finishing this "diet" you will almost surely feel the urge to stuff anything into your mouth that doesn't look like the stuff you ate the last x days.

    Finding the right food-plan for your needs will take some time and continuous fine-adjustments. For me it worked (or better "works") like this:
    1. For about one week I tracked everything (and I mean everything) I ate or drank.
    2. After this I scanned the diary for "TMC" (Too Many Calories). This is quite subjective, for me this meant more than 120 cal per portion (or per 3 oz).
    3. Now comes the hard part: Find out which of these can be omitted, reduced or replaced and which are vital for you. Mind you, this is subjective too, the things that you are not willing to let go may (and almost surely will) be things that are completely unimportant to others.
    4. Sooner or later this will lead to your food plan which is supposed to help you reach the goals you have with your body (lose/gain/hold weight, build up muscle, or whatever else).
    5. Since your body is not a linear system you will constantly need to monitor the result of your plan and apply some necessary changes. The main goal (Or at least my main goal) is to achieve that this monitoring will one day be a semi-automatic process, so that I will not have to track CiCo anymore ... one fine day ...

    Yeah its always been my issue keeping track of what i eat and what i should alwayd been my downfall

    Put it all on here, when you eat something take a second add it to your food diary, just get in the habit it becomes really easy. Don't listen to any of those crazy diets that promise results in such and such time, take it slow, one day at a time.
  • SassyMommasaurus
    SassyMommasaurus Posts: 380 Member
    Especially if you want to add muscle, you really don't want to be dropping weight really fast, you want to take it slower.
  • GhostX1994
    GhostX1994 Posts: 58 Member
    Yeah i wanna tone up but my main goal is get big in muslce quick first and tone after
  • TehLaughingDog
    TehLaughingDog Posts: 200 Member
    So you want to bulk first then cut?

    You should check out stronglifts 5x5 for a good intro powerlifting routine (if that's what you want). Or you can check out bodybuilding.com for more weight training/diet tips.

    Check out iifym.com's calculator to figure out your calorie and macro goals. I'm working on losing weight but eating 1730 calories per day and ratios of 30% carbs, 40% protein, 30% fat. I eat high protein because of my weight and that I don't want to lose what muscle I have while eating at a deficit. I do cardio as well as weight training to lift heavy. When I burn with cardio I eat back 1/2 of my calories burnt (which I calculate with my HRM but you can use the mfp search just be aware that it tends to lean on the over estimation side).

    How my day goes generally is that I wake up and begin logging my food before I'm out of bed to see what I can or cannot eat today. I try to have everything match close to my macros as possible. Then I start working on my water after getting up. Because I'm a high weight I a for 12 cups of water per day. Via my food plan (that I logged in bed) I'll eat what I sorted out as well as attempt to hit my fiber goals. Then the day continues with me eating to reach those goals. If I ate something extra or didn't eat something I remove it. If I did cardio or lifted heavy I eat carbs/fat to fill in that 50% deficit. Then the end of the day I check everything over, get my water entered, and complete the day.

    And don't listen to those crazy fad diets. You can lose eating treats and sweets with the CICO principle. The quality of food will effect how you feel, though, so trying to hit your macros with smart healthy choices make a huge difference in your attitude and performance. After a tough workout I totally treat myself with ice cream or a candy bar for the carbs/fat. That might change when I drop more weight but for now it's working fine.

    Also remember this is a life style change - not just a temporary diet. So if you want to live healthy it doesn't end when you hit a certain weight/body shape. So make sure you're learning to eat foods you love in a diet you can keep to and perform well with.

    Good luck!!
  • GhostX1994
    GhostX1994 Posts: 58 Member
    Im at that stage where i perfer healthy food then fatty foods like hungry jacks etc
  • TehLaughingDog
    TehLaughingDog Posts: 200 Member
    Good then. You probably won't feel like crap starting out on this journey. But just remember that fats are important too to a healthy diet :smile:
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    edited June 2016
    Those that eliminate foods, that they aren't allergic to; have no understanding of how calories work & possibly're underrating. You can consume anything you desire, lose weight & without exercising. All you have to ensure, is that you eat less calories; than your body burns. That's it!

    This is not really accurate, but, regardless, the notion of eating only potatoes is ABSURD.
  • Kobz27
    Kobz27 Posts: 64 Member
    It probably works because you get so sick of potatoes that you skip meals. Sounds boring to me but if it works you'll have to share
  • Kristinapedia
    Kristinapedia Posts: 73 Member
    edited June 2016
    GhostX1994 wrote: »
    Iv heard and read how people have done 60 days of just eating boiled potatoes without things added and have lost nearly 10kg in 2 months without help from exercise. Has anyone done this? Want opinions on how it worked and if its a good diet to go on to help lose weight to tone up quick woth exercise

    Just like many others said, there is no magic quick weight loss without health problems.

    It's real simple math: burn more calories than you eat and you'll lose weight.

    Figure your BMR--the amount of calories you burn sitting on your @$$ all day. Then eat less then that. For example: if your BMR is 1800 calories, you would have a food goal of 1600 calories. So you would be automatically be burning 200 calories per day. Now if you exercise you'll burn more.

    Having your son is no excuse not to exercise. Put him in a stroller and walk. Walking one mile burns about 100 calories. (Give or take. Going uphill Burns more, going downhill burns less).

    Search YouTube for "using your toddler to exercise".

    Get him involved with you. Think of the awesome time you two will have and the memories it will create. You will also be teaching your son that it's important to take care of your body and he will follow suit.

    Exercise while he is napping. Can't leave the house because of no car? Walk around the house for an hour. Like, literally-- AROUND the house. Outside. Lol.

    Roads too dangerous to walk on? Go to a school track, park or even walk around the school building if they have no track. (The school closest to me is 1/3 mile once around).

    You can also do your own strength training at home. Search YouTube for that too. You can use logs, Bricks, cinder blocks. Your son. :-P. You can chop wood and of course swim.

    No one needs money to lose weight. (I never paid a dime to lose 30 pounds five years ago. And I won't pay anything now).

    My diary is public. I just started again two days ago but you're welcome to look at it. I have only been walking to and from work for exercise until I lose at least 10-15 pounds then I'll walk more and start jogging. (I live 1.25 miles from work so I burn about 300 calories day from that).

    Good luck and as one poster said on here :just eat food goddammit.