Anyone else on the HMR Diet??

I would love to have some pals that are in the same diet as I do that we can support each other! :)


  • willburpeeforcookie
    willburpeeforcookie Posts: 117 Member
    I've tried it but it was way too structured for me, my mother has been very successful with it though. Best of luck!
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    When you already are here, why don't you just use the functions MFP gives you (logging food and exercise)?
  • safetywes2015
    safetywes2015 Posts: 3 Member
    What is hrm?
  • theresakruse48
    theresakruse48 Posts: 76 Member
    I found that I needed to lose the weight quickly as possible because of my health problems. But , I still use MFP to log as well as my HMR app so that I can see my macros and all that. Plus, there is community spirit here and I love that! We are all here with similar goals of eating better and exercising more!
    HMR is an in clinic diet that is highly structured and gives excellent results. If you work the program as it was designed. It works for me right now and thwts what matters!
  • peggywaydesigns
    peggywaydesigns Posts: 5 Member
    I lost 110 on HMR 10 years ago. Unfortunately, gained it all back within a few years. I didn't have an eating plan when it was over and back then, there wasn't an aftercare program where I went. I'm sure that's all changed now and I agree, it's very effective and the weight drops quickly (especially if you just do shakes for the most part). It took me 8 months to lose the 110 lbs then. I had been trying to diet just with food and I decided today, to go back on HMR because it's so simple and I barely have to think about food for the most part. Are you just doing the shakes?
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    I found that I needed to lose the weight quickly as possible because of my health problems. But , I still use MFP to log as well as my HMR app so that I can see my macros and all that. Plus, there is community spirit here and I love that! We are all here with similar goals of eating better and exercising more!
    HMR is an in clinic diet that is highly structured and gives excellent results. If you work the program as it was designed. It works for me right now and thats what matters!

    Losing weight is just the first step. That's the "now" part.

    But meal replacements don't address the second step......keeping the weight off forever.

    Please, before you are completely done losing weight, take the time to measure & log REAL FOOD. All your meals. Measuring & logging may seem tedious, but you will learn so much by doing that. Using MFP (as designed) will give you the tools to keep the weight off for good.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    I lost 110 on HMR 10 years ago. Unfortunately, gained it all back within a few years. I didn't have an eating plan when it was over and back then, there wasn't an aftercare program where I went. I'm sure that's all changed now and I agree, it's very effective and the weight drops quickly (especially if you just do shakes for the most part). It took me 8 months to lose the 110 lbs then. I had been trying to diet just with food and I decided today, to go back on HMR because it's so simple and I barely have to think about food for the most part. Are you just doing the shakes?

    That's not bad luck, it's by design so that you'll come back.

    110 pounds in 8 months is a lot and I really hope you still were obese after 8 months. Your body can only lose a certain amount of fat per day. You don't lose fast because you drink shakes, you lose fast because you're starving yourself!

    One of the major changes a person needs to implement to keep excess weight off forever, is starting to be more aware of what and how much they eat. Not paying attention is what makes most of us gain weight in the first place. Not to mention that enjoying food is a great part of living a good life. I think this business is a sad and cynical and sinister one.
  • theresakruse48
    theresakruse48 Posts: 76 Member
    I do 3shakes 2 entrees with "more is better" ...that's the minimum prescription...this is phase 1 of the program. I lost my first 6lbs in this journey myself using MFP..I love how it works and it is a tool I will use probably for the rest of my life. Phase 2 of HMR teaches us to be weight managers. We have weekly meetings to learn about food, calories, physical activity, etcetera. I am eating these foods only for a season, not forever! Thanks everyone for your comments!
  • khristie107
    khristie107 Posts: 8 Member
    I'm considering HMR. How are you finding it so far? Does it taste good? I'm also considering going back to medifast which I did well with in the past.
  • theresakruse48
    theresakruse48 Posts: 76 Member
    I really like the HMR! It's really helpful to have that accountability and support by going to the classes. Also, learning new strategies and how to maintain the new scale number is going to be crucial in Phase 2. I really like the taste of thier foods and shakes. You can use add-ins in the shakes and that makes for bigger variety. With thier "more is better" philosophy you don't have to starve either!
  • jennilsf
    jennilsf Posts: 57 Member
    Well, I'm about to sign up and get started on it.

    Went to orientation last night and am scheduled for the intro class and medical eval stuff at the end of the month. I chose the Decision Free program option because I have over 100 to lose and am anxious to lose enough to get back to enjoying my old favorite activities, gym classes, and then eventually to re-learn maintenance techniques and healthy habits in the aftercare this program provides. I tried Medifast for 6 mos and did lose some, but I didn't do well with just over-the-phone coaching and I made too many errors with the meals I had to make on my own. I'm excited for such a clinical, proven program and classes, but nervous because the first phase is so structured and I'll still be in that phase during Thanksgiving and the winter holidays, but maybe that's a good thing and night help me to break that holiday/birthday/special event "must indulge" mentality. Anyway, I hope it's all worth the incredible cost.
  • xvolution
    xvolution Posts: 721 Member
    I see that the HMR diet relies on meal replacement shakes. Those who have to watch their potassium levels should probably steer clear of this diet, as most meal replacement shakes are very high in potassium.
  • christareid28
    christareid28 Posts: 47 Member
    I use the shakes a lot for a meal or two but I just started. The rest of my meals I just watch my calories and eat a lot of fruit and vegetables. I can't go to low of calories because I go to the gym and since I am obese I need some calories or I get light headed. I like the taste and there good for you.