Mini binge

katandwaves Posts: 67 Member
edited June 2016 in Health and Weight Loss
I ate a total of 5 packaged Rice Krispie treats (450 calories), and the only reason I stopped there was because that's all I had. Instead of beating myself up I'm going to a) work it into my calories and b) don't buy these again


  • suzieprstn199
    suzieprstn199 Posts: 25 Member
    Don't beat yourself up. 450 calories isn't the worst. Why not go for a walk or something and burn some of them off? If it helps at all, I am practically sitting in my hands to stop myself taking a bite of my sons ice cream. It's mint choc chip. Yum!
  • dlkfox
    dlkfox Posts: 463 Member
    Those things are like eating air for too many calories. ;-)

    Good strategy for avoiding them...good learning. And logging what you ate...excellent life skill!
  • katandwaves
    katandwaves Posts: 67 Member
    I took my puppy on a strenuous walk for 45 minutes :)
    Thanks, ladies!
  • lexylondon
    lexylondon Posts: 89 Member
    I'm.having a binge today, my sister is coming over so we will be having cakes a plenty. I'll have to just eat less tonight and tomorrow and exercise a bit more...get the old skipping rope out when the babies are in bed!!
  • jahillegas_51
    jahillegas_51 Posts: 143 Member
    I ate a total of 5 packaged Rice Krispie treats (450 calories), and the only reason I stopped there was because that's all I had. Instead of beating myself up I'm going to a) work it into my calories and b) don't buy these again

    Good plan of attack:) Best of luck and support to you on kicking some *kitten* today!!
  • canadianvampyregurl
    canadianvampyregurl Posts: 231 Member
    It happens to the best of us darlin.

    Way to go for logging your intake though !!! That is fabulous.

    Excellent job on going for a walk. Have a great day :)
  • STEVE142142
    STEVE142142 Posts: 867 Member
    I got bad news for you you're going to the Rice Krispies level of hell. In all seriousness welcome to the human race. For this to work we can't give up things that we enjoy it has to be a balance and you're going to have bad days and very good days it's just a matter of not having too many bad days.

    Speaking for myself if I had to give up the things that I've enjoyed I couldn't have done it. I enjoy Wendy's hamburgers Pizza and beer on the beach. If I had to give up those things I'd be miserable and this wouldn't work it's been the simplest and easiest 6 months of my life as far as weight loss.

    It's okay to have a day where you blow your calorie limit it's not going to kill you. The most important thing is to be accountable to yourself just log it shrug it off and get back on track the next day it's that simple. Enjoy the journey
  • katandwaves
    katandwaves Posts: 67 Member
    Haha Rice Krispies level of hell. I don't plan on giving them up, maybe just buy one at a time from the vending machine. I can't be trusted with them! Thanks :)
  • Cheesy567
    Cheesy567 Posts: 1,186 Member
    Good job-- log it, learn from it, and move on.
  • suzieprstn199
    suzieprstn199 Posts: 25 Member
    Buying one at a time is a good idea, limits potential calories. Could you maybe make lower calorie versions? Then bring one into work and leave change for vending machine at home? I am one if those people who doesn't do well with denial. I still want to be able to eat chocolate and crisps, so just bought treat size ones and walk past the Pringles. Seriously, who can eat 8 Pringles and then stop!? If you want the Rice Crispy treats, then have them, just figure out how you can work them into your allowance and then enjoy them guilt free :)
  • trigden1991
    trigden1991 Posts: 4,658 Member
    Its not a binge until you've hit at least 3000 calories in one sitting ;)
  • katandwaves
    katandwaves Posts: 67 Member
    Its not a binge until you've hit at least 3000 calories in one sitting ;)

    Love this! And have done this many many times :)
  • Taliko
    Taliko Posts: 82 Member
    Oh I know what you mean... Those dang Rice Krispie squares. It's impossible to have just one. I don't buy them any more! If I open one, I open 6..
  • Savyna
    Savyna Posts: 789 Member
    Good job that you logged it. And glad you didn't beat yourself up over them. I once went on a power spree on pop tarts and ate myself sick of them. Haven't really eaten them since 2014. I bought a pack yesterday but it's still in the bag. I probably will end up throwing it out.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    For me:

    1. More protein in relationship to carbs stops the physical urge to overeat:
    2. Yoga stops the emotional urge to overeat:
    3. Ramping up activity level in general does something positive as well