Anyone 5'4"??



  • wannaBme
    wannaBme Posts: 143
    I'm 5'4" and felt my best at 135 lb, which was my weight after my second child.

    I was so hot looking at 135lb that my husband would NOT leave me alone and i wound up with baby number 3 several months later.

    Several ... okay many, many years later I am still trying to lose baby weight from number 3 with the addition of hypothyroidism from a radioactive treatment that I've had.

    My present goal is 140
  • Im 5'3 1/2 and Im trying to get to 150-145lb. I was 150 before but I was build nice and wore a size 6 which is very nice for me. Im not built thin so any skinnier then 140 would be bad and to thin for me. At 140 even 150 my BMI was like 25-24 which in Army standards is really good! Dont try to be to thin. Be healthy...oh and I could run two miles in 18min! That was nice too!
  • nightangelstars
    nightangelstars Posts: 337 Member
    i'm 5'4 and currently at 112 pounds, but would like to be at 108, I eat jello cups, 5 calories a cup, jello no sugar choc pudding cups, 60 cal a cup, half english muffin with a tsp of peanut butter, around 100 calories, 1 cup caramel corn, 80 calories, jos louis 100 calorie snack cake, smores granola bar 90 calories, kraft handi snacks 110 calories, for the cheese one, 1/12th of an angel food cake is around 130 calories, lettuce and tuna wrap with fat free mayo, 90 calories..I put the tuna in a lettuce leaf and wrap it up!..very yummy, I also like to freeze raspberry ice crystal light in a cup and eat it with a spoon, it's a nice frozen treat and has no calories...these are the snacks I eat on a regular basis =]

    I hope you are seeking help. 112 is small, to small for your height. Please don't pass this on to your daughter.

    just curious, what do you mean by that? I think she looks very nice in her photo. I am 5'6" and my goal is 135-150. prefer the low end. I know I'd look great at 120ish though, I just don't think I could maintain it. she's 2 inches shorter and weighs 112.... that doesn't seem too low to me. It is on the low side, but some are healthy on the high side... everyone is different, I don't think we should be accusing anyone of having a problem they need to be "seeking help" for. I dunno, hard to say.

    Well I suppose it's different when you've actually been there. In high school, I was recovering from two consecutive back surgeries, and came into my freshman year at 5' 3" and 112 lbs. I can't tell you how many people paid attention to me eating in the lunch room just to see if I did, or actually out-and-out accused me of anorexia. Even two years later at 118 lbs with some muscle on me, my hipbones still stuck out like the fins on an old 50's car - that's why I was concerned, personally. I didn't enjoy being that skinny and I would never go back. And I am pretty fine-boned.

    On the other hand, it looks like she's very athletic so I think one must make concessions for that - being very lean is different than being very skinny. Still, I would like to say to her - you look great just the way you are! You probably don't need to worry about losing any more! Just wanted to contribute my experience here . . .
  • RKA625
    RKA625 Posts: 151 Member
    I'm 5'4" and my current weight is 176.5, my first goal weight is 140 and then I hope to slim down a bit more even from that.
  • I'm 5' 3" . Weighed 130 when i started and i think i put my goal down as 120 -125lbs. nothing too major
  • I am 5'4" and I started at 165 and now weight 115. I want to get back up to 120/125 but am having a hard time finding my comfort zone for eating healthy and well balanced. I weighed myself the other day and weighed 113 and felt gross and have thus gained a couple pounds these past few days!
  • Well, maybe my goals aren't that great! For me, I think it is - I think I would be very comfortable at that weight and maintainable. Anyhow, I am 5'4" and started at 242.5 lbs. My goal is 160 lbs. I am currently at 203.5, almost half-way there!

    kerrilucko- I remember seeing a post a day or two ago from her saying that she was battling an eating disorder and was afraid she was passing it onto her daughter. I think the poster was probably referring back to that message. Hope that helps explain.
  • saktii
    saktii Posts: 8
    You and I are exactly the same stats!
    I'm aiming for 135-150.
    I didn't look bad at all at 150, but I've always been extra curvy.
  • bsimon989
    bsimon989 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm 5'4 and my goal is right in the middle of the healthy range, 127.

    To everyone that keeps talking about the lady that is 112, I was smaller than that. In high school my weight was below 100 (usually around 99). I did not have an eating disorder, it was just how my body was. I ate all the time. After having my first daughter I dropped the weight without even trying and was back below 100 when I got pregnant with my second. After I had her I was 135.

    I look back at pictures of myself and for the most part I don't look too skinny. Cut the lady some slack, she may look and feel great at that weight and there is nothing that says she's doing it in an unhealthy manner.
  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    Well, maybe my goals aren't that great! For me, I think it is - I think I would be very comfortable at that weight and maintainable. Anyhow, I am 5'4" and started at 242.5 lbs. My goal is 160 lbs. I am currently at 203.5, almost half-way there!

    kerrilucko- I remember seeing a post a day or two ago from her saying that she was battling an eating disorder and was afraid she was passing it onto her daughter. I think the poster was probably referring back to that message. Hope that helps explain.

    You must be right, thanks Stef, I didn't see that post. I don't think I have ever seen a post from her actually. If that is the case then yes, help should be sought.
  • loreeb18
    loreeb18 Posts: 1,221 Member
    I am 5'4". I started at 140, gained 30 pounds with my daughter. I've lost that weight and 10 more. Now I'm at 130. My original goal was 110 but I think I'd look too skinny (I'm small to medium build.) so now my goal is 120.
  • jackeh
    jackeh Posts: 1,515 Member
    I'm 5'4 but i think that its awefully hard to determine by height what weight you should be at... I think it all depends on body frame, muscle mass, ect....
    My goal is a size 6 jeans... what ever weight that might be for me... i carry my weight differently than most and right now im 215 pounds in a size 14....
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    I am 5'4" and I started out at 165 lbs. My *current* goal weight is 138...

    My high school weight was 138.
    However, I am very curvy and carry my weight well so I'll be happy at 145, I believe.
    The healthy range for me is 118-145, I think.
  • renae77
    renae77 Posts: 3,394 Member
    I am 5'4" and in high school I weighed 105. Now I don't want back to that but I do want smaller than I am now. I am 182 right now and I want at least 130-135. I think Lauryn got it right with the healthy range.
  • I am 5'4" with an athletic build. I'm currently at 180, though I've been as high as 195. Right now I'm in a size 12. My goal is 160, but I don't know how realistic that is. I've always been active, playing 4 sports a year during high school and working out twice a day in college, and even then I was 165 and wore a size 10. I just want to feel better. I know I'm not healthy now. If I fell better at 170, I'll be happy if that's all I can get. I know that's a lot heavier than most people at this height, but I carry a lot of muscle and actually have a hard time not building it when I workout.

    My favorite snack is carrots and apples.
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I'm 5'4 and am currently 173 (size 10 stretch jeans). My goal is about 145, 140 for some cushion.

    My favorite snack is tropical fruit salad in light syrup with low-fat whipped cream.
  • lessertess
    lessertess Posts: 855 Member
    I'm 5'4 and started at 256. I'd like to get to 145 ideally but will be pretty happy in the 160 range. I've a pretty muscular build, a little large boned, and, now that I finally have a waist again, an hourglass shape. I can carry a bit more weight than someone with a more slender build. My sister is the same height and has the same bone structure and muscular build but isn't as busty as I am. She's at 135 and looks fabulous but honestly, I think she looked even better with about an extra 5 pounds, so I think 145 - 150 is probably about right for me.
  • meanness67
    meanness67 Posts: 366 Member
    I'm 5'4" with a goal weight of 135-140. I was there in 2005 and told by everyone that I looked great and not to lose any more. I, too weighed right around 100 lbs in high school, but come on, that was over 20 years ago, plus I like being curvier instead of being a stick.

    Ever notice how you are at a weight and you want to lose weight, but when you gain more weight and look back at pics of the "middle" weight, you'd be happy to get back to that! :laugh: I used to think I wanted to get back to the weight I was when I got married (105) but now I look at those pics and think I looked too skinny.

    I think, for me, 135-140 is a very healthy weight and wasn't hard to maintain once I got there. "What happened?" you may ask....well, several years in a very stressful job working 70 hours a week added 37 pounds. I have now changed jobs, changed eating habits and am working out again. I've only lost one pound, but I know the changes I have made will work.
  • genabug
    genabug Posts: 1,820 Member
    i'm 5'4 and currently at 112 pounds, but would like to be at 108, I eat jello cups, 5 calories a cup, jello no sugar choc pudding cups, 60 cal a cup, half english muffin with a tsp of peanut butter, around 100 calories, 1 cup caramel corn, 80 calories, jos louis 100 calorie snack cake, smores granola bar 90 calories, kraft handi snacks 110 calories, for the cheese one, 1/12th of an angel food cake is around 130 calories, lettuce and tuna wrap with fat free mayo, 90 calories..I put the tuna in a lettuce leaf and wrap it up!..very yummy, I also like to freeze raspberry ice crystal light in a cup and eat it with a spoon, it's a nice frozen treat and has no calories...these are the snacks I eat on a regular basis =]

    I hope you are seeking help. 112 is small, to small for your height. Please don't pass this on to your daughter.

    I think this is just your opinion, and would be better left unsaid. I think she looks amazing!
    I am 5'0 and my goal weight is 108, I was 95 about 3 yrs ago, but I don't wish to be that size again, it looked fine on me being so short, but I had to shop in the childrens clothes, and at 33 I don't want to wear childrens clothes! So I am shooting for 108/105ish, thats what I weighed before my second daughter.
  • I'm 5'4 and my goal weight is 125-130. I think I would look pretty awesome at that point lol Healthy range of weight for 5'4 (according to the BMI here on MFP) is 107-145 I believe. Those are just numbers though, if you feel awesome and look how you want to at 160, then go for it!!! It's all a matter of personal preference and perception :smile: Good luck!!!
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