I'm so peed off!

So I'm desperate to lose weight quick! Iv been trying so hard!
Today I weighed myself and some how I'm back at my starting weight! How? Iv stuck to my calories and been walking miles daliy! I feel so deflated I could go pig out n to hell with it all! I'll just have to be fat forever!! I'm so angry with myself I could cry!! X


  • Fursian
    Fursian Posts: 526 Member
    Hang in there!

    How are you counting your calories? Food scales? Logging all foods/drink here on MFP or elsewhere? If so, just give things more time. We don't consistently lose weight week by week or day. Some weeks we can see a loss, gain, or just stay the same (thanks to water retention, time of the month, etc)...but if we're weighing and logging our food right and staying in a calorie deficit, we'll lose weight. Just need to soldier on.

    As to the whole wanting to pig out and *F* it all, there is an awesome saying that someone around here once said, along the lines of...if you had a flat tyre, would you then go around and slash the other 3?
  • Byronic_Ryu
    Byronic_Ryu Posts: 176 Member
    Here are some other factors to look into:
    1. Are you or have you been under pressure or stress?
    2. Have you started a new medication(s)?
    3. How is the quality of your sleep?
    4. Are there any big changes occurring in your life?

    I list the ones above because for me personally, I have experienced all four and they all contributed to my weight gain.
  • adoette
    adoette Posts: 181 Member
    So, how long have you been at it, any recent changes in exercise or diet, are you in the vicinity of shark week? When do you weigh yourself, do you use the same scale?

    Lots of things that could cause it, none of which are permanent. Let's work through it to figure out what happened.
  • JoshuaMcAllister
    JoshuaMcAllister Posts: 500 Member
    So I'm desperate to lose weight quick! Iv been trying so hard!
    Today I weighed myself and some how I'm back at my starting weight! How? Iv stuck to my calories and been walking miles daliy! I feel so deflated I could go pig out n to hell with it all! I'll just have to be fat forever!! I'm so angry with myself I could cry!! X

    Weight Loss doesn't work like that sadly. You haven't specified the duration of time between your first weigh and today but judging from your first sentence it wasn't long enough to see a significant drop.

    Don't get down beat, you wont be "fat forever" keep working, progress is slow but worth it.
  • jaime1029
    jaime1029 Posts: 22 Member
    Is it that time of the month that always gets me :)
  • Byronic_Ryu
    Byronic_Ryu Posts: 176 Member
    So I'm desperate to lose weight quick! Iv been trying so hard!
    Today I weighed myself and some how I'm back at my starting weight! How? Iv stuck to my calories and been walking miles daliy! I feel so deflated I could go pig out n to hell with it all! I'll just have to be fat forever!! I'm so angry with myself I could cry!! X

    I felt a lot of pressure from family (who took no account of my various physical illnesses) to lose weight and all it did was made me feel more miserable about the idea of weight loss. I had to change my mentality on why I wanted to be more active and eat healthier with smaller portions because if I was miserable the whole way, I was more likely to not stick to it or even if I ended up skinnier, I could have been a wreck emotionally.

    When it comes to the subject of physical activity and diet changes, weight loss tends to get the spotlight but there are other benefits that end up getting over shadowed such as making the body stronger, getting fresh air and sunshine, an aid to help maintain good mental health, etc... You are not a failure and surely there might have been something good that came from the work you have done so far (such as are your leg muscles stronger?). Is it possible that some of the weight gain might be from muscle mass? Because I had that happen to me as well.
  • charlittefield824
    charlittefield824 Posts: 9 Member
    I had a reality check! If I pig out I'm not going to get anywhere! Stuck to my calories and went for a 5 mile walk! Hopefully Saturday I would have lost something! Muscle mass might be playing apart as iv been working out ALOT! Xx thanks guys.
  • plewtia
    plewtia Posts: 7 Member
    I had a reality check! If I pig out I'm not going to get anywhere! Stuck to my calories and went for a 5 mile walk! Hopefully Saturday I would have lost something! Muscle mass might be playing apart as iv been working out ALOT! Xx thanks guys.

    That's awesome that you had a reality check BEFORE you pigged out and not AFTER. I've been realzing after that it's not worth it more than before. I'm looking for a motivation text buddy, where we can help remind each other of our goals and stop us from giving up or giving into bad foods. Lmk if you're interested!
  • billglitch
    billglitch Posts: 538 Member
    have you tried low carb? Its been working for me. check out dietdoctor.com
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    What are your stats? How long have you been at this? Are you coming up towards your TOM? Did you eat anything sodium-heavy in recent days?
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    billglitch wrote: »
    have you tried low carb? Its been working for me. check out dietxxdoctor.com

    Reduced calories are working for you.......eliminating carbs is just the calorie reduction method you chose. Plenty of people eat carbs (yum!)....and lose weight. What will your chosen method of maintenance be.....have a plan before you get to goal.

  • wilsoncl6
    wilsoncl6 Posts: 1,280 Member
    There's a lot of things that could be happening. A high sodium meal can cause you to hold water and it'll show on the scale, as well as that time of the month for women. My advice is to use the scale as a guide but use your clothes as the determining factor. Don't be so obssessed with the number on the scale and, if you're working out with a progressive strength training routine, watch your body dimensions change. Also, don't be obsessed with losing weight fast. Fast loss is not usually good loss and isn't a mindset you should have for a sustainable healthy lifestyle. You need to create steady viable routines now that you'll follow when you reach your goal. The extra weight you have now didn't get put on fast so it's not going to come off fast, at least not in a health way.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
  • HokieBrad
    HokieBrad Posts: 1,670 Member
    wilsoncl6 wrote: »
    There's a lot of things that could be happening. A high sodium meal can cause you to hold water and it'll show on the scale, as well as that time of the month for women. My advice is to use the scale as a guide but use your clothes as the determining factor. Don't be so obssessed with the number on the scale and, if you're working out with a progressive strength training routine, watch your body dimensions change. Also, don't be obsessed with losing weight fast. Fast loss is not usually good loss and isn't a mindset you should have for a sustainable healthy lifestyle. You need to create steady viable routines now that you'll follow when you reach your goal. The extra weight you have now didn't get put on fast so it's not going to come off fast, at least not in a health way.

    Very good advice. Instead of focusing on lbs lost focus on inches lost. I get on a scale maybe once every two weeks. My measuring stick is the waist of my pants. Pants that were too tight that now need a belt to stay up is the best feeling in the world!
  • keyka777rosco
    keyka777rosco Posts: 28 Member
    Add me let's help each other:-)