My own Independence Day

Hello all. I am continuing a journey I started two years ago, and this time, I decided to make it a little more public. Helps with accountability.

In August 2009, I weighed 260 lbs. I was miserable. After spending my years following High School in a constant flux of obesity, I had reached my highest point ever...and my lowest. I decided to make a change, and over the course of five months, as of January 1st, 2010, I had lost 50 lbs. Go me! Unfortunately, like many before me, I backslid. I stopped exercising, I didn't care what I ate...and with the help of a new anti-depressant med I was on, which made me want to eat EVERYTHING in site...I gained back 30 lbs. I eventually discontinued the use of that medicine, and slowly lost most of the weight back. That brings me to now, July 4th, 2011, having lost 40 lbs. from my original highest weight...and declaring that today will be MY Independence Day.

I promise to lose 100 additional pounds by my 30th birthday, November 4th, 2012. I want to be in the best shape of my life. I want to remember my 20's as a time of discovery, lack of inhibition and yes, excess...and move on with the wisdom to treat my body and myself the way I deserve. I'm not sure why I previously failed to acknowledge that I only get one body in this life. I think my spirited views in my youth (i.e., ignorant views) led me to believe that nothing could REALLY harm me, I mean, not long term everlasting damage, right? I'm young! I can get away with anything! This chocolate cake won't kill me! No big deal if I don't exercise today...or ever! Notsomuch.

I am no longer young, nor ignorant. I may not be old, but I am not young anymore. I refuse to live the rest of my life looking back to the decadence of my youth, trapped by those choices, with it being the only time I "lived". In truth, leaving things this way would mean that the only time I "lived" would be the time I could have set myself up to really live...and instead, sabotaged my health, my looks, and my options in exchange for a short-term life of laziness.

My Declarations of Independence include:

I am going to quit smoking (again). I quit 6 months ago, only to pick it back up a few weeks ago due to stress. Cigarettes are a super healthy way to manage stress, right?

I will stop eating fast food.

I will stop drinking Dr. Pepper.

I will stop being lazy. All of these things are slowly, but surely, killing me faster than I'd like.

I will start eating REAL FOOD. I don't remember the last time I ate an orange, or any real fruit for that matter. I will eat proteins, I will eat vegetables. The sad thing is, I like these foods, I just don't eat them. Double Cheeseburgers are faster, and cheaper. And killing me. Major drawback.

I will start running. Walking first, I'm no athlete, or idiot. I'll work up to it, but I want to be able to run 2 miles a day without stopping. Seems daunting right now, but I'm told it's totally doable.

I am going to lose a total of 140 lbs. I know a lot before me have done much more, or less...this is my goal. That's a Backstreet Boy, for God's sake! But I will achieve it. I have broken it down into 3 goals:

Goal 1: I will lose 40 lbs by my 29th birthday, November 4th, 2011. This will bring me to my lowest adult weight at 180 lbs.
Goal 2: I will lose another 40 lbs by my graduation date, April 4th, 2012. This will put me at 140 lbs.
Goal 3: By the time I reach my 30th birthday, I will lose the last 20 lbs, bringing me to my goal weight of 120 lbs.

I have no delusions. This will be, by FAR, the hardest thing I have ever done in my life. I will need determination, I will need perseverance. I do not have these in spades. I will need inspiration. Luckily, I do have that: my good friend and the guy I'm currently dating did it. He lost 110 lbs and got crazy in shape. I will also need support. That might be where you come in. :)

Thanks for reading my story. Feel free to post a reply, hit me up with a message, or an invite. I'll be posting pics soon of my various states during this weight loss journey.

Happy Independence Day to you all.


  • callmefor911
    callmefor911 Posts: 155 Member
    good luck on your journey.... feel free to add me as a friend... u can do anything u put your mind to it.. I am trying to lose 50 pounds before I turn 50 at 36 pounds right now still have another month and a half and then want to lose 30 more after that.. have a bet with my 9 year old grandson..
  • bmmadden
    bmmadden Posts: 499 Member
    Good Luck on your journey and congrats on your Independence Day, it is very liberating coming to find these new discoveries about ourselves! and have a Happy 4th of July too!
  • amy_p
    amy_p Posts: 82
    Happy Independence Day to you!

    You can and will do this!!

    Good luck :-)
  • clancie518
    clancie518 Posts: 40
    welcome to the MFP family... as my mom used to say. that will be a wonderful "DASH" in your life. (you know the dash in between the year of birth and year of death). You will look back on it and be proud at all" you " have done to make the changes to better your health and agility... Congratulations on the weight loss thus far and good luck in your journey...
  • n8leagr8
    n8leagr8 Posts: 13
    Thanks for the intro words of encouragement. You guys are great!
  • bumblebee87
    bumblebee87 Posts: 6 Member
    wow, what a brilliant start off post, good luck to you, if your motivation stays like that i'm, sure you'll have no problem smashing those targets!!!!