How much weight did you lose your first week ON MFP?

Tell me your stories! It's day 2 for me.


  • rldeclercq4
    rldeclercq4 Posts: 269 Member
    7 lbs. total is now over 106. Trust the process and believe in yourself and you'll be fine
  • MrsPaquin
    MrsPaquin Posts: 6 Member
    edited June 2016
    The first week of making a dietary and physical change in your life is usually when you see the biggest loss. Some say it's water weight.
    I lost 5lbs in the last week, which is my first week changing from a very poor diet to clean eating and being more active.

    That will not continue in the following weeks and I don't expect it to. I'm aiming for 1-2lbs per week.
  • happygalah
    happygalah Posts: 343 Member
    I think around 5 to 7.
  • Lucy1752
    Lucy1752 Posts: 499 Member
    6 pounds
    Total so far is 36
  • scrittrice
    scrittrice Posts: 345 Member
    I gained a couple of pounds. Seriously. Just kept going.
  • ericatoday
    ericatoday Posts: 454 Member
    My first week i lost 3lbs the first month 11. Since octiber ive lost 35lbs and have 5-10 lbs to go. It gets easier to stick to your calories and learn what is good for you but it gets harder to lose. I started out over weight at 175 now im at a healthy weight of 140lbs and the weight loss has practically stopped i hit the 139 mark and was so happy but went up to 142 real quick. This is my natural healthy weight so my body wont budge but im not giving up.
  • joans1976
    joans1976 Posts: 2,201 Member
    I lost 4.5 pounds the first week. I have been at it now for 11 1/2 weeks total and have lost a total of 24.4 pounds. Two of those weeks I lost 3 pounds each week (???-didn't do any fasting or anything.) most weeks I lose 0.5 to 1.5 pounds. The first week I wasn't hungry at all but I wanted to weigh myself every day. I'm glad I didn't because I was pleasantly surprised at the 4.5 pound weight loss! For me, if I had not lost at least 2 pounds that first week, I would have given up but that's how I am. I need to see lower scale numbers and feel my clothes fitting differently for motivation.

    Good luck! It's an exciting journey and the support on here is amazing!
  • DresdenSinn
    DresdenSinn Posts: 665 Member
    edited June 2016
    Not sure of the exact amount the 1st week as I was kind of half exploring/using the site but I've lost a total of 5lbs in 21 days. I was already pretty lean however before losing that so I'm pretty impressed with that result.
  • CaliforniaAJ
    CaliforniaAJ Posts: 196 Member
    3.8lbs in 1st week. 6 months later 52lbs down. Keep going. Day by day. The scale will go down gradually, and some days it will go up just to tease you, but you will get there. Keep positive, feel worthy, log everything!
  • loxxsley
    loxxsley Posts: 20 Member
    Officially? Five pounds. I couldn't weigh myself on the first day, so I estimated the nearest whole number. I'd weighed myself just a couple days earlier and actually weighed three pounds more than that estimate, so I maybe lost as much as eight pounds the first week?

    Either way, the exact number doesn't matter to me as much as the fact that there's a decrease each time I weigh myself. Even if it's only a pound, it's motivation to keep going, and proof that I can do it. Even better are my body measurements, the fact that I'm slowly but surely losing inches off my waist and belly—and not just according to the measuring tape, but my eyes too! I can literally see myself getting in shape.

    And it was tough at first—especially the first week or two, but keep going! Find whatever motivates you—it doesn't always have to be that number on the scale—and keep that motivation in mind. I'm sure you can do it. Best of luck! :)
  • dlkfox
    dlkfox Posts: 463 Member
    I have 75 pounds to lose, and in my first week, I lost one and a half pounds.

    And I have averaged the same rate of loss for the past 105 days! I've lost 22 pounds so far. Some weeks looked better, some looked worse, but I just kept doing what I knew I should be doing. I really pay attention to my weekly averages even more than my daily goal so I can fit in social eating on the weekends and enjoy myself...and the scale is.going down.
  • chassp8pooh
    chassp8pooh Posts: 131 Member
    I lost right at ten pounds the first week. Have managed to keep it all off and lost another 3ish pounds in two and a half more weeks. Not as fast as I would like but still coming off...
  • SuperSaiyanGoddess86
    SuperSaiyanGoddess86 Posts: 84 Member
  • mikngayaq
    mikngayaq Posts: 24 Member
    9 lbs, which I think was mostly water weight.
  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 5,116 Member
    I lost about 1 pound the first week. I've been at it 40 weeks and I'm down 55 pounds. Don't give up. Slow and steady wins the race.
  • xxlno
    xxlno Posts: 21 Member
    9.5 lb.s in 4 days, then nothing for 12. I have decided to weigh 1 time a week. As I get older my body likes to mess with me. One day I will be up 3 lbs. from the day before and stay there for 2-3 days, then down 4 lbs....repeat.... I get disheartened and it is hard to stay the course. I've been at it 43 days and lost 17 total.
  • Jezreel12
    Jezreel12 Posts: 246 Member
    I think I lost 6 pounds the first time.
  • ItsyBitsy246
    ItsyBitsy246 Posts: 307 Member
    edited July 2016
    Zero! In fact my first week logging I gained a pound despite eating only 1100-1200 calories a day. Go figure.

    EDIT- I'll add that this inspired me to weigh every day. I found my weight often goes up/down throughout the week, and hitting the scale once a week on a high day was discouraging.
  • forruths
    forruths Posts: 197 Member
    9lb in my first week then 3 per week for a couple of months, then 2lb a week for a while and now 1lb a week-a total of 88lb so far, another 30 or so to go. Good luck with your loss-take it steady.
  • youstolemyusernamex
    youstolemyusernamex Posts: 75 Member
    I had lost 7lbs in my first week. It was a new change to my body, it wasn't used to it all!
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