I need help

I am starting my diet now and I need help with what is good and bad to eat. I need to work out as well.


  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    Eat foods that you like in portion sizes that fit your goals.

    Get plenty of fats & protein for health and satiety.

    Get plenty of fruits & veggies for the micronutrients.

    Fill in the rest of your calories with carbs, sweets, and treats as you see fit.

    Calories are king for weight loss. Getting enough vitamins, fat, etc can be important for general health, but there are no foods you must eat or must avoid (barring medical conditions) to achieve that.

    Just getting started?



  • seska422
    seska422 Posts: 3,217 Member
    Weight loss depends upon consuming fewer calories than your body uses.

    There are no good and bad foods. You can eat anything in moderation. However, you may find some foods more filling than others. You can experiment along the way to find what works for you.

    Start by logging for a week or two to see what you are eating now. From that data, you can see where you might substitute higher calorie items that you like with other items that you also like or just the same thing in a smaller portion.

    Baby steps. Only change one thing at a time. It's much easier to stick to changes that way.
  • CourtneyBalestracc1
    CourtneyBalestracc1 Posts: 10 Member
    Protein! Whatever diet you decide to go with Protein is the main thing you need to make sure you're getting plenty of. I mostly just eat vegetables, but when i need something other then vegetables i always go by the serving size for everything i eat. It's worked for me so far, I've lost 10lbs in about 2 weeks. Feel free to friend me and we can be fitness buddies.