Hit a wall +1lb!!! - now what?

Hi all!

It's my first post but I love to look on here at all the helpful advice and motivating pictures!

Well the issue I need help with is this.... I started with MFP about 3 1/2 weeks ago and in my first 2 weeks I lost 10lb! I was so excited! Exactly 2 weeks ago (so 1.5 weeks into MFP) I started insanity which is amazing, I feel much stronger and have lost 2 inches from my waist and 2 from my hips in 2 weeks - its brilliant! However I got on the scales this morning and I have put on a pound since last week's weigh in - it's so frustrating! I am killing myself working out 6 days a week and religiously sticking to my calories on MFP - I haven't changed anything so why the stall?

I am 26 years old 5ft 8inches tall and weigh currently 168lb with a goal weight of 154lb that I was hoping to reach by the end of July with MFP and Insanity. My calorie intake each day is between 1200 and 1400 (MFP recommends 1200 with 3 bouts of 30 mins moderate exercise a week but sometimes I eat a few of my Insanity calories if I am hungry). I have a balanced diet, lots of fresh fruit and veg, lean protein, a little dairy - fats from fish, avacado and a tiny little bit of olive oil (2tsp a week) and healthy wholegrain carbs. I don't eat junk food, or full fat anything and I've cut out sugar except from fruit. I'm not sure what I am doing wrong!

After years of trying all the fad diets I was so pleased to join MFP and make the long term change and stop the yo-yo dieting that pretty much controlled my life so to hit a wall so soon is really annoying. I know 1lb isn't much but it's going the wrong way so now I am panicking!

Bottom line is, what am I doing wrong? I am scared of eating all my exercise calories for fear of putting on more weight.

Any helpers out there?

Thanks so much - Bigred.


  • alifer
    alifer Posts: 387 Member
    Since you started a new workout plan it may take a couple of weeks for you to see a change in the scale. I would take measurements. Most likely you are losing fat, but gaining muscle. The muscle takes up less space per pound, which is why your clothes may begin feeling loose and you may see a change in measurements. Keep up the good work and try to be patient.
  • KaylaKilgore
    KaylaKilgore Posts: 160 Member
    Your probably gaining muscle, measure yourself again.
    Don't give up!
  • bigred0106
    bigred0106 Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks guys, yeah the measurements over the last 2 weeks of doing Insanity shows a loss of 9 inches over my body which is great - so why am I letting the scales upset me! Grrr! :mad:
  • bigred0106
    bigred0106 Posts: 6 Member
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    Gaining muscle and losing fat causing weight gain is, honestly...something of a myth. Particularly over so short a time period. The human body can only gain about 1lb of lean muscle a month...and that's on a male bodybuilder's diet, lifting heavy weights 6 days a week. We simply cannot bulk up muscle that fast. Yes, it does weigh more than fat (or 'takes up less space' if you're one of those 1lb is 1lb people), but we don't gain enough of it in a week, or two weeks...or even a couple months...to increase our weight appreciably. It's more a situation where, if in 6mos you look and feel great, and are at 12% body fat...but you weigh more than expected by a couple pounds...well, that's muscle mass.

    What you're seeing is water weight fluctuations...plain and simple. Don't let it get you down...just keep on doing what you do =D. If you're really on a plateau...shake up your diet by zig zagging your calories (easy search here on MFP), and changing up your exercise routine drastically. If that doesn't work (it didn't for me), two full weeks of rest from exercise and a changed up diet will certainly do the trick. I was on a 6 week plateau...stopped exercising completely as well as changed my diet, and I'm down 7lbs in the last two weeks. 90% of it has been in my waist...and my biceps are actually bigger than they were lol.

    My body just needed rest!

  • wildon883r
    wildon883r Posts: 429 Member
    My body weight can fluctuate 2-4 lbs on any given day. I wouldn't even consider 1lb a loss or gain. Throw the scale away is a start to your goal size.
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    My body weight can fluctuate 2-4 lbs on any given day. I wouldn't even consider 1lb a loss or gain. Throw the scale away is a start to your goal size.

    For once we agree!!

    Though I still use the scale as a tool. A really inaccurate, rough gauge type tool lol =D.
  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    Don't focus on the scale. Also, I wouldn't focus on a "deadline" to lose weight.

    You're doing the right things. :smile: You're very similar to me in height/weight. With you being so close to your goal weight (as am I), your body will lose weight at a slower pace than someone who has a lot to lose.

    I have my weekly weight loss goal set at .5 lb/week based on a really good thread around here that talks about when your BMI is close to healthy, your body will lose at a slower rate because you're almost "normal".

    Getting fit/tone is the goal you should aim for. You've picked a good program and your measurements are proof it's working. The scale is only ONE tool in your toolbox, and it's not always the best one.

    Keep your chin up! :happy: