the belly and hip area...

Hi everyone - I thought I'd turn to some others for support/ideas here.

I'm down about four pounds in my quest to lose 15, which is great, but I'm really struggling with my belly/hip area. Part of it is genetic - my mom's side carries their weight in their bellies and I"m no different. I've started counting calories and watching what I eat and reducing portion sizes. I hit the gym 2-3 times a week for cardio and weights. I don't have a car so I walk the majority of the places that I go. I don't drink sodas anymore and try to drink only water.

So if anyone has any tips or exercise advice I'd appreciate it. Thanks!


  • Emmy_Ann
    Emmy_Ann Posts: 60
    Its just going to take persistence.. If you're eating right to lose the weight and you're doing your exercise theres really not much else you can do. I have issues with my love handles and belly.. its where I carry a majority of my weight.. I just make sure when I'm lifting and its ab day or back day that I just put that little bit of extra effort into it. Muscle is the best way to burn up calories and make your body efficient, so keep at it :)
  • ninaws
    ninaws Posts: 42 Member
    Keep your sugars and carbs very low. That is what has helped me reduce my belly fat (that's also where I carry my weight, aren't we lucky?).
  • Brodericks_Mama
    I have PCOS which makes losing in that area REALLY hard. I am having the same issue. I am trying to lose "baby weight" and I'm losing everywhere except where I really want to. I've heard the hips and belly are always the last place to lose. I've started drinking a lot more water, using Splenda in my coffee instead of sugar, a drinking non fat milk. It's already made a difference. In 2 weeks, I lost just over an inch in my waist and an inch in my hips.

    It's a tough battle, but I'm determined to win. :smile:

    Just keeping working at it. By the time you hit your weight loss goal, your belly and hips will have slimmed down too.
  • MayhemModels
    MayhemModels Posts: 367 Member
    For me in my journey, the belly is the hardest and the last thing to go as you lose the body fat
  • flutterqueen04
    I am in the same boat and it sucks.
    What I've researched and what I have been told is the same. Pretty much that your belly fat will be the last to go. You can't really spot reduce but you can do things to help it go faster. 1) Strength train all areas of your body. You will burn lean muscle and lean muscle burns more calories than fat. The more muscle you have the more calories you burn thus the more fat you burn from all over your body - including belly and hips. 2) Although you can't spot reduce you still need to do ab and core exercises. Tone your muscle so that not only will you build more muscle but your abs will be tone so when the fat finally melts off your core muscles will be ready to go. 3) Lotion up your belly to help your skin tighten back up. You skin looses its elasticity (stretch marks...) and lotion with vitamin E will help get it back so it will hopefully bounce back nicely. 4) Watch your sugar, sodium, soft drink/carbonation, and artificial sweetner intake. These things will make you bloat and thus make your tummy appear bigger than what it actually is. Drink water like crazy! Learn to love it!! haha.

    I should also note that strength training doesn't mean having to beef up like a body builder. That is totally different. Just normal training with 3-8lb weights will help you build the lean muscle that is more compact than fat.
  • lnforner
    lnforner Posts: 29 Member
    thanks so much for the tips/encouragement - i appreciate it!
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    Age has something to do with it also. I have always carried my weight below the waist...thighs, belly and hips. I have found that this time in my mid/late 40's that the weight is actually shifting very well in those areas, especially the thighs. Not what a 20 something wants to hear, but during your childbearing years you will carry the weight in those areas.