Changing My Lifestyle!

vinn2012 Posts: 2 Member
edited June 2016 in Introduce Yourself
Hey everyone!

My name is Vincenzo. I have been using MFP for about four years now on and off and have never posted before in the message board. Every time I begin to change my lifestyle and how I eat, I always end up going back to my old, lazy eating habits. This time, I know for sure, I am ready to make a change. My goal is to lose twenty pounds over the next twelve weeks (which I think is a pretty reasonable goal considering I am active five to six days out of the week). I am super excited to begin this journey and see where it takes me! Wish me luck and add me as a friend. I'm going to need some inspiration, and maybe even motivation, along the way.


  • AnnieWilliams19792
    AnnieWilliams19792 Posts: 20 Member
    Lifestyle is a challenge just always ask here first. It is the mind itself and the way are daily life interacts with what we want to be you'll be fine I can see it