Who lost the last 10 pounds??

bananabeannn Posts: 110 Member
Those last few that seem impossible to get off. That's me...5'3, 130lbs, just want to get rid of those last few vanity pounds. It's been years now and nothing seems to work...I get that it will be harder, but I get discouraged cause i don't think anything works. I would LOVE if you guys could show me otherwise! Tell me how you did it and how!

Thanks all!



  • RainaProske
    RainaProske Posts: 636 Member
    Lost 'em! :smile:
  • bananabeannn
    bananabeannn Posts: 110 Member
    Lost 'em! :smile:

    How did you do it? is it like CaliAJ said - exactly the same way? And if so, what was your regimen? Congratulations!
  • bananabeannn
    bananabeannn Posts: 110 Member
    Forgive me for 'weighing in', but why should 'the last 10lbs' be any different to the others?

    How does your body know? For instance My goal was 140lbs, so technically at 146lbs, I am in the 'last 10lbs' zone. My weight loss is continuing at the same weight.

    I have decided to go to 130lbs and see what that looks like, but my body doesn't know I'm going to stop there, so why should my loss rate change? For 6 months I have eaten the same, exercised the same and lost the same. I don't expect that to magically change when I hit 140lbs!!

    No need to forgive! Thanks for your reply! If i can ask...what has been your plan for the first pounds? Typically the last few get more difficult, but I am just really looking for motivation at this point!
  • CaliforniaAJ
    CaliforniaAJ Posts: 196 Member
    bananabeannn I eat Low Carb, but skewed to high Protein, rather than high Fat. My typical day comes out around 1100 calories and I workout 5 days a week (45 mins treadmill, 20 mins of that with 5lb dumbbells, plus 15-25 mins of strength training, all at home). I don't eat back any exercise calories.

    I have lost pretty much 10lbs a month, taking into account 3 stupid 'training related' injuries from over training that forced me to rest for 2 weeks each time. When I don't exercise I lose just over 1lb a week. When I do exercise, I lose 2.5lbs on average.

    You are welcome to add me as a friend and look at my diary. My food is quite simple. A typical day looks like this:

    Breakfast: 3 slices bacon (medallions), 1 egg scrambled, 1 cream cheese pancake.

    Lunch: 150g Protein

    Dinner: 150g Protein, 100g Zucchini, 75g Asparagus, 100g Mushrooms (veg cooked in butter).

    I snack on nuts, 99% chocolate & sugar free jelly.

    I am never hungry, always full of energy and my hair, skin & nails look better than they have in 20 years :-) Good times!
  • RainaProske
    RainaProske Posts: 636 Member
    Lost 'em! :smile:

    How did you do it? is it like CaliAJ said - exactly the same way? And if so, what was your regimen? Congratulations!
    Bluntly, Banana, people don't like it much when I tell what I did. It just doesn't settle well. So I'll tell you, but . . . , well you've been warned! :wink: -- short version.

    On my 60th birthday, I asked G-d for a birthday present: weight loss. Then I watched for and listened for what seemed to be the right things to do (except I didn't do the right thing re exercise. I didn't exercise.) . . . .
    Skipping down to those last 10 pounds, I really didn't even think about them, especially because I was so grateful for the 114 pounds I'd already lost, and I was very happy with my weight! I didn't expect to lose more! But more fell off. Unnoticed. I now weigh 113 pounds. Well, a little less this morning, but anyway . . . .
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    I did it! Diligent logging and weighing of food and exercise everyday. Nothing too crazy with exercise either. I'm 56 and it took me 6 months
  • CaliforniaAJ
    CaliforniaAJ Posts: 196 Member
    RainaProske, that kind of sounds like 'The Secret'.

    Ask for what you want, know that you are worthy of it, be prepared to receive it, be thankful when it arrives.
  • ElJefeChief
    ElJefeChief Posts: 650 Member
    I have trouble deciding whether that last 10 pounds need to be gone or not
  • ericatoday
    ericatoday Posts: 454 Member
    I have the last 5lbs left and theyre so hard to lose. Im at a healthy weight so my bodys metabolism has come to a screeching halt
  • 12Sarah2015
    12Sarah2015 Posts: 1,117 Member
    11 pounds left. Gaining muscle and losing tummy but scales not budging. 10000 steps a day on 12000-13000 calories
  • maggierenee88
    maggierenee88 Posts: 352 Member
    I did but gained them back lol. My body just doesnt like being that thin or something. I'm happy but still working on shedding them
  • sassysisterjd
    sassysisterjd Posts: 41 Member
    Patience and a lot of dedication! I am 5'3" as well, sw 141 cw 121 gw 115. I feel like losing this last bit of weight is mostly mental, because I am pretty comfortable with my weight now and it's easier to justify eating at maintenance. I have noticed that I have to be much more precise with measuring my calories with so little to lose. It's taken me nearly a year to lose twenty pounds, and will probably take several more months to lose this last bit, but in the process I have learned a lot about nutrition and feel a lot better about being able to maintain a healthy weight now. I don't exercise much more than a weekly pilates class, and I lose between .25 and .5 pounds per week on 1500 to 1800 calories. Just stick with it and it does eventually happen! :-)
  • iamgunz
    iamgunz Posts: 56 Member
    Hey there, I am myself fighting for those last 10 pounds to go for several months now.. I feel I eat sweets in between now that I have lost quite some weight ,Will try to control the sweet tooth now and try to achieve my goal weight. Lost around 30lbs! already , just last 10 are toughest to loose. But I have increased my time and days of exercise already, so trying to work it out.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Forgive me for 'weighing in', but why should 'the last 10lbs' be any different to the others?

    How does your body know? For instance My goal was 140lbs, so technically at 146lbs, I am in the 'last 10lbs' zone. My weight loss is continuing at the same weight.

    I have decided to go to 130lbs and see what that looks like, but my body doesn't know I'm going to stop there, so why should my loss rate change? For 6 months I have eaten the same, exercised the same and lost the same. I don't expect that to magically change when I hit 140lbs!!

    I think many of us find that the closer we are to our goal, the smaller the "window", the smaller the margin of error.

    I lost the last ten, but didn't know it was the last ten at the time. Basically I was losing weight (I didn't calorie count) and then I wasn't. I figured my body had found some sort of balance between calories in and calories out, which suggested to me it was a good place to be, and would be easier to maintain (and it has been).

    But yeah, the smaller margin of error, the more challenging it can be.
  • dramaqueen45
    dramaqueen45 Posts: 1,009 Member
    Some things I tried as I hit plateaus were: increasing the intensity of exercise, adding intervals to exercise, becoming much more diligent with logging and stopping the BLTs (bites, licks, tastes- these can add up!), and then finally for those last 5 I stopped eating back exercise calories altogether. I had been maintaining while eating back around half or more of the exercise calories and so I thought- I will just go back to the same calories and eat back the calories in order to maintain- nope- continued to lose and lost about 4 more pounds without trying so have upped the calories a bit. Maintaining can be tricky but if you stay diligent and keep and eye on the scale and adjust as needed it can be done. Good luck. It took me about a year to lose 45 pounds and another 6 months to lose the last 10 (taking Thanksgiving through New Year's off and just maintaining during that time). I'm now 49 and have had hypothyroidism for many years. Also I did switch to taking the thyroid medicine at night before bed and that seems to have helped with those last few pounds.
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