Am I sabotaging my diet?

There are two things that I eat that I consider to be indulgences...a big bowl of Cheerios with skim milk for breakfast and an apple with reduced fat PB for a snack. I'm just wondering how far outside the definition of 'eating clean' these two things fall.

FYI - I'm doing P90X and trying to eat high protein, middle carbs, and low low fat. I always stay within my cals for the day, but do get my ratio of protein to carbs a little off sometimes.

Breakfast Cals C F P
Cheerios - Plain Cereal , 2 Cup (28g) 200 40 4 6
Milk - Nonfat (fat free or skim), 1.5 cup 129 18 1 13
329 58 5 19

Jif - Reduced Fat Peanut Butter- Creamy, 3 tbsp 285 23 18 12
Apples - Raw, with skin, 1 small (2-1/2" dia) 55 15 0 0
340 38 18 12

Any advice? Thanks in advance.


  • jokerrn
    jokerrn Posts: 51
    There are two things that I eat that I consider to be indulgences...a big bowl of Cheerios with skim milk for breakfast and an apple with reduced fat PB for a snack. I'm just wondering how far outside the definition of 'eating clean' these two things fall.

    FYI - I'm doing P90X and trying to eat high protein, middle carbs, and low low fat. I always stay within my cals for the day, but do get my ratio of protein to carbs a little off sometimes.

    Breakfast Cals C F P
    Cheerios - Plain Cereal , 2 Cup (28g) 200 40 4 6
    Milk - Nonfat (fat free or skim), 1.5 cup 129 18 1 13
    329 58 5 19

    Jif - Reduced Fat Peanut Butter- Creamy, 3 tbsp 285 23 18 12
    Apples - Raw, with skin, 1 small (2-1/2" dia) 55 15 0 0
    340 38 18 12

    Any advice? Thanks in advance.
  • may_marie
    may_marie Posts: 667 Member
    hi there !!

    those are not real indulgences.. those are pretty balanced breaky and snack if you ask me..
    my idea of a threat is chocolate, cake and such things..

    dont be so hard on yoruself, if you start restricting yourself too much you will feel deprived and that will not help you in the long run.

    beside .. i eat cheerios every night as my evening snack.. and apple with peanut butter every second day of so..(full fat pb !!! .. although only about half the amount)
    your body needs fat !!!!!!!!!! its essential to its good functions, about 25% of you daily calorie intake should be from fat.. fat does NOT make you fat.
  • psyknife
    psyknife Posts: 487 Member
    I wouldn't worry about those foods at all ;):flowerforyou:
  • fiddlechic
    those are guidelines you follow not set in stone. it is very very hard to be exact. sounds to me like youre doing awesome. and I agree with the first post that if youre too rigid or hard on yourself then you might not make it.
  • jokerrn
    jokerrn Posts: 51
    Thanks for the replies. I appreciate it. I didn't think they were too bad, but I hate that feeling that I may be dooming myself unknowingly...

    Couldn't agree more on the idea of being too rigid. Did that last year. Deprived myself of everything I love to eat for a few months. Lost weight, did well, but once I let it go, I spent the next 9 months eating worse than I ever have in my life. Thus the need for another diet and P90X this year.

    Thanks again.
  • AmyNVegas
    AmyNVegas Posts: 2,215 Member
    My concern wouldn't be what you are eating but the quantity. 2 cups of cereal at a time is a double serving and 3 tbsp PB is a serving and a half. Might be a lot for your body to handle at a time. Good Luck!:drinker:
  • SteffCooley
    ACK, I hope those aren't bad things because that is what I eat on a daily basis! lol. Apparently they are not though, because I have lost a good bit of weight doing just that! I just found a new cereal - Cheerios Banana Nut, and OMG - they are SO yummy! I usually cut up a fresh banana into the bowl of cereal too, and mmmm - it's great!

    I think you are doing perfectly fine!!!!