Trying to get it right this time!

I'm new to myfitnesspal but unfortunately not new to my weight loss struggle. Even though I keep stumbling - I refuse to give up! Hopefully I'll get it right this time. I do really well in the beginning and then a few weeks or months into it I start to get complacent or more often than not life throws me a curveball. I get really busy and "forget" to workout or get lazy and eat what I want rather than what I should and next thing you know I weigh more than when I started :( . Any advice on how to stay on track when that happens? I'm the first to admit I need all the help I can get so any suggestions would be much appreciated. I'm currently 292 and there is a size 8 in here that's just dying to get out! Glad to be a part of the group!


  • ChaseAlder
    ChaseAlder Posts: 804 Member
    Whatever you do don't stop all together if you get thrown a curveball!!

    I was awesome at my diet and food logging for my first month or so here at MFP (I lost 11 pounds and improved my 5K time). Then out of nowhere a tornado came through and turned our lives upside down! My car was totalled outside while the storm levelled houses only a couple blocks away from us. It was the scariest 5-10 minutes of my life. The last week of May was horrific, and during the entire month of June I didn't diet or exercise. I started back up yesterday and already the improvement in my mood is huge! I feel so in control, which is really big right now in this town.

    So my advice is if you get thrown off track or a curveball comes your way, deal with it as best you can and get back on track when you're ready... we'll all still be here =)
  • PocketoAlice
    PocketoAlice Posts: 2 Member
    Something I'm trying out is rewarding myself with something nice (say an ice cream cone or a small bag of cookies) and maybe a nice dinner every Friday. It keeps me on track with junk food and gives me something to look forward to later in the week, knowing that I won't be let down and know exactly how long I have to wait.
    Another thing I'm trying is planning meals ahead of time, maybe setting up a meal plan the day before. I find it also helps with a busy lifestyle to find at least one meal that holds a lot of different, good food groups, is easy to make, and get the routine down of making it every day. (I bought an omlette cooker and add different vegetables, meats, a slice of cheese, and spices to it and drink a glass of juice with it for lunch.) It eliminates the stress of having to cook in the middle of the day.
    Another thing that I've found helps is eating your biggest meal in the middle of the day, and your second biggest in the morning. This gives your body extra time to wake up so that energy isn't lost getting your day started. For dinner, I normally eat about 200 - 400 calories worth (I am on a 1,200 calorie diet), and eat around 7:00 so I am not hungry later on.
    When you know you are going to have a busy day ahead of you, plan out your meals ahead of time and record them. If you can't get to the computer to record them, right them down on a little notepad and save them for the evening.
    Lots of positive support, reminders, and hints help. Tell your friends, family, and everyone you know what you are planning on doing, and don't be afraid to ask for support. This way, you know you can't let them down, and you will only have friendly helping hands to help you do your best!
    I started a diary consisting of a picture every week (since it's hard to notice weight loss as it's happening) and am planning on comparing them week after week as motivation.
    And don't be afraid to do research! At least dedicate a set time to educate yourself, because knowledge will only help you. I wouldn't look up quick fixes, or any gimmicks, but real, proven, wholesome facts.
    Everything else just takes the ability to say "no", make your own choices, and know that you have the power to change yourself (something that no one else can do for you.)
    I really hope this helps you, and I definitely wish you the best of luck! :)