Compulsive Eating

I really need help, I'm 14st and only 5.4ft. I really struggle to not eat, my issue is that I get bored and then my brain can't think about anything else but to eat a packet of crisps or something sweet. Then when I do eat, I eat like there isn't enough food in the world for me until I feel sick. I'm doing exercises, 30 day shred, and taken up cycling and I'm hoping that these activities will take my mind off food on a shirt term basis.
Is there anyone else out there who eats compulsively??


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Take up some other hobbies so you're not bored.
  • letsdothisagain40
    letsdothisagain40 Posts: 9 Member
    I too am a food addict. Maybe we can help one another when those cravings hit..
  • idrinkalotofwater
    idrinkalotofwater Posts: 251 Member
    Yes, I eat whatever I want 1 night a week. That's the only way I convince myself not to eat compulsively during the week, it's like, "no, you can have that on that night". But you can't eat THAT much in one night, so it doesn't end up setting me back that much.
  • jaredlonnegren7
    jaredlonnegren7 Posts: 2 Member
    I just made sure to change my shopping list completely. Also, we have a jar of Hershey's kisses that I would take 3-5 out of a day until I didn't care for sweets anymore.
  • kuftae
    kuftae Posts: 299 Member
    I developed a bad relationship with food. Think it was a side-effect from regimented bulking/ cutting cycles for many years. Hated food for 2+ years. Couldn't enjoy it. I was like the smoker who had 2 cigarettes a day and thought about those cigarretes the remaining 23 hours and 45 minutes of the day that they weren't smoking. I just tried to start think of why I was hungry. Time of day? It looks good? It smells good? I deserve this? I'm bored? Then I'd just eat slowly and try to be completely aware of all the tastes in my mouth.

    I thin it's important to ask yourself if you actually even enjoy it when you are compulsively eating. I know i didn;t really enjoy it. it was just.. well.. compulsive.
  • exact0ninja
    exact0ninja Posts: 33 Member
    More hobbies if it's a mental thing or try to eat more protein if it's a physical thing. Slower burning foods help with hunger if it's satiation. Try slightly upping your carbs and protein within reason.
  • kuftae
    kuftae Posts: 299 Member
    I also read this super hippie book called "mindful eating" that helped a lot.
  • ponycyndi
    ponycyndi Posts: 858 Member
    Staying busy, distractions (ie, go in the kitchen, and sweep the floor or wipe the counters instead of opening cabinets. Open the fridge and grab a water, etc) also, don't keep things in the house, and you can't eat them. I keep protein on hand, veggies, etc. ready, so that I'm not grabbing something high calorie every time I walk into the kitchen.
  • islandnugget
    islandnugget Posts: 10 Member
    I used to be a perpetual grazer....eating all throughout the day even if I wasn't hungry. Now, before I put anything in my mouth I ask myself, "Is this worth it? Is this thing I'm about to put in my mouth worth the calories?" I've actually spit stuff out of my mouth and thrown it in the trash because I just didn't think the few minutes of pleasure from the food was worth the calories and extra pounds. I like the idea of eating whatever I want one night a week, within limits, of course :-)
  • ravengurlxx
    ravengurlxx Posts: 5 Member
    Wow these comments are great guys! Please add me if you want to be accountable, I find this helps me stay on the right path!