Cheat meals

I'm not sure I agree with cheat meals. Since my first cheat meal Friday, I've been falling off my diet since then. Maybe cheat meals aren't good because sugar isn't all that good for you and you're just feeding your addiction. I'm addicted to sugar...


  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,562 Member
    Why not just work something into your calorie/macro goals and enjoy it? In two and a half years I've never had a cheat meal.
  • idrinkalotofwater
    idrinkalotofwater Posts: 251 Member
    I do cheat meals, they work for me. Once a week. Just because I don't want just ONE cookie, I want to be a savage and eat the whole box of Oreos. That's why I can't really trust myself to add it into my diet. Honestly, I agree that it's not good for you and I don't encourage it
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    If "cheat meals" don't work for you, you don't have to do them. They work fine for some people, others not.

    It isn't like there is a right answer for everyone.

    I have some days when I may decide to go over my calorie goal to have something I really want, but I don't really do "cheat days."
  • bendis2007
    bendis2007 Posts: 82 Member
    I try to do a modified cheat meal - it seems to help me. For example, someone brought in white castle today - YUM! I had one slider, but I ate it with a cup of leafy greens I had. I'm also drinking one serving size of soda but a liter of water at the same time and a cup of fruit. It allows me to get something I love (coca-cola and a slider) but also still keeps me in line because I'm balancing it with veggies, fruit, and water.
    If I allowed myself to cheat the whole meal or the whole day, I would feel awful (both physically and mentally). I can see how it would be easy to spiral out of control for a few days afterwards. These modified cheat meals prevent me from splurging but still get something I'm craving in there as well.
  • cross2bear
    cross2bear Posts: 1,106 Member
    I am not a cheat meal person either. If I am being truthful to myself, and telling myself this is a lifestyle change, then I really have to give up habits that were counterproductive, and viewing food as a reward or a splurge is part of that. If there is something I want, I make it fit in to my calorie budget. For example, I was at Red Lobster for a colleagues birthday lunch today and yes dammit! I had one of their biscuits!! And it was good and I loved it!! And I had shrimp and broccoli and salad and their champagne vinagrette. So for dinner tonight, I may only have some soup or another lower calorie option to fit into the calories I have left over.
  • dlkfox
    dlkfox Posts: 463 Member
    No cheating for me. Not paying attention got me 75 pounds overweight. This is a lifestyle not a diet for me. If I eat it, I log it. Sometimes within my daily calorie goal. Sometimes within my weekly calorie goal. The only way I am going to maintain the losses I am making now is by paying attention and doing the math.
  • kbarrett0701
    kbarrett0701 Posts: 54 Member
    In the last 17 1/2 months, I only had 1 cheat meal. For me, it was easier to totally stay away from temptations.