Lifelong battles.

As someone who has constantly battled her Bulimic/Anorexic tendencies, weight is constantly been a number full of fear for me. When I wasn't eating, my weight was dangerously low, after about a year of therapy and everything, I learned to love my body and enjoy food again. I recently went to the doctor for my check up, and now I weigh way too much. Being happy with yourself, and still having it be wrong is awful. I'm fighting myself, continuing to eat, but making changes and watching myself; trying to ignore the voices telling me to just starve myself again. I don't know, I just feel ashamed...


  • navdeeprana
    navdeeprana Posts: 473 Member
    You are beautiful and look great. Between everone of us here hardly like the way our body is but we continue to strove towards it. Stay strong and keep doing the right things.

  • lisamagee273
    lisamagee273 Posts: 6 Member
    Heya. I've suffered with an eating disorder for 10 years now. I was diagnosed with anorexia when i was 15 and took a good 4 years in therapy and hospitals to regain weight but i always hated it. When i was about 21 i gained weight and was out alot and wasn't really involved with my disorder but 2 and half years ago i relapsed and went down a really bad path and I'm still now not in a good place and I've a lot of work to do mentally and physically but i learned to enjoy working out and eating the right amount of food to give me the energy i need. I use to use working out as a punishment and nearly kill myself doing it but now I don't. I refuse to weigh myself anymore and it is the best decision i ever made. I try my best to eat 3 good meals a day and compared to when i hardly ate my body now is so much fitrer and stronger. So please don't give up and don't go down the wrong path to lose weight do it the right way and love yourself because we are all so much more than a number and we deserve to be happy