Starting again

Hi I am Jesmin, I have lost and gain weight my whole adult life. This time I am going ton lose it for good. I want to meetbpeople and build a support system were we can help each other to accomplish our goal.


  • maquillateconmigo31
    maquillateconmigo31 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello jesmi i want to lose weight is hard but we are here now i Support you can do it !!
  • kmartinez75
    kmartinez75 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi Jesmin! I too have gone through the roller coaster of up and down weight loss and gain. Even after gastric bypass! I made many mistakes, but I know I can work on getting back on track. Welcome, I am new too! Feel free to add me or message me!
  • ntbck8
    ntbck8 Posts: 29 Member
    Hi jesmin. I'm right there too on that roller coaster. I had lost a lot of weight then got pregnant with twins started losing the weight then let the stress of working full time and having 6 Kids get to me. I'm 100 lbs over. It would be great to have a support system!!!