Summer Junk Food In My Pantry - HELP!

Before MFP, we went shopping 2.5 wks ago and bought all kinds of snacks (Chips Ahoy, Popsicles, M&Ms, Pringles) and Fruit Loops and Frosty Flakes. The plan wasn't to eat them all at once, but to just have snakes during these summer months. Now I feel bad for all that junk being in the pantry. I hate to waste food! Any suggestions as to when to eat these foods, so it won't hurt so much?


  • wonnder1
    wonnder1 Posts: 460
    Bring them to work. IF they are still in the lunch room after an hour-you are meant to have them! Seriously-look at the actual serving size of that fantastic tasty cereal and the calories and ask if it's worth it. (It's not!)
    You'll be loved at work AND you'll look better than them!
  • wriglucy
    wriglucy Posts: 1,064 Member
    You could take them to work. Either...put them out (except the popsicles :) for people at work to eat there, or just put them on a counter for anyone at work to take home. My mother-in-law sends us junk food all the time, like pop tarts, candy..etc. So I just take it work and leave it for other people.
  • wriglucy
    wriglucy Posts: 1,064 Member
    I just read your profile....maybe you could have your husband take them to work :)
  • jbucci1186
    jbucci1186 Posts: 440 Member
    had the same situation, but i just threw it all away....... waste.
  • cruiseking
    cruiseking Posts: 338 Member
    Yum, you have a nice supply of some of my favorites. I would lose the guilt and toss them (after two or three cookies). I think guilt is what has contributed to many people being over weight. We all learned it as children. "Finish your food, there are people starving in _________" . I say toss the goods, or give them to somebody.
  • missjaiy
    missjaiy Posts: 58
    Bring them to work.

    Unfortunately, I'm not working right now, and I'm not sure I trust my husband to actually give them away. They may become his work stash...LOL
  • missjaiy
    missjaiy Posts: 58
    I must really say I didn't expect many of you to say toss them :frown: And I left those pop-tarts off the list...LOL! Will it be too bad to leave them and just eat half a serving on a good day after a major workout?
  • cruiseking
    cruiseking Posts: 338 Member
    Ah a reward. I have set myself up to NOT be on a diet. I hate that word! I eat just about anything I want, but I make myself earn it. So maybe it could work to your advantage. I play little games, if I REALLY want something. Example; I will burn an extra 300 calories to allow myself an extra 200 calories of a treat (usually good beer). But make sure you "bank" the extra burn, BEFORE the reward.
  • missjaiy
    missjaiy Posts: 58
    Ah a reward. I have set myself up to NOT be on a diet. I hate that word! I eat just about anything I want, but I make myself earn it. So maybe it could work to your advantage. I play little games, if I REALLY want something. Example; I will burn an extra 300 calories to allow myself an extra 200 calories of a treat (usually good beer). But make sure you "bank" the extra burn, BEFORE the reward.

    This is my kind of thinking. On the real, I'm really disciplined in how I eat, so this shouldn't be an issue. I was just hoping others were doing the same with their junky treats :) I actually worry about my hubby getting more tempted than me actually eating them all.
  • wonnder1
    wonnder1 Posts: 460
    I must really say I didn't expect many of you to say toss them :frown: And I left those pop-tarts off the list...LOL! Will it be too bad to leave them and just eat half a serving on a good day after a major workout?

    Ahh...ok...well, if you have the personality to eat 1 cookie, go for it. I don't have the strength for that! Poptarts aren't actually that bad as long as you work them in your day. Cereal for me is hopeless, 3/4 c is a serving size???? For WHO????
  • missjaiy
    missjaiy Posts: 58
    Cereal for me is hopeless, 3/4 c is a serving size???? For WHO????

    I just ate my first serving of cereal since joining and when I put 1 cup in the bowl, I was like "they must be crazy"...LOL! Fruit Loops were my favorite, but now I'm in love with Special K Vanilla Almond. If I do eat 3/4 cups, I'll have to cut up some bananas or strawberries and also eat some yogurt.

    But I understand how hard it can be to eat just 1. It's not always easy, but I usually combine it with some fruit like an apple to balance out the taste cravings.
  • wonnder1
    wonnder1 Posts: 460
    The chocolate cheerios are my favorite. Or the chocolate mini wheats. Or the froot loops. Or the Corn pops.

    Yup-they all sound totally healthy no? I just love FROOT.
  • missjaiy
    missjaiy Posts: 58
    The chocolate cheerios are my favorite. Or the chocolate mini wheats. Or the froot loops. Or the Corn pops.

    Yup-they all sound totally healthy no? I just love FROOT.

    I see you're on a bathing suit mission. So until we reach out goals, we have to love "PROGRESS" more than "FROOT"! I think of food as a necessity to stay alive versus a means of pleasure of taste and satisfaction. To keep me focus, I'll watch my favorite sitcom or just go to sleep. I'm still in search of a hobby. So for now, my sitcoms or Y&R does the trick :)
  • missjaiy
    missjaiy Posts: 58
    The chocolate cheerios are my favorite. Or the chocolate mini wheats. Or the froot loops. Or the Corn pops.

    Yup-they all sound totally healthy no? I just love FROOT.

    I see you're on a bathing suit mission. So until we reach out goals, we have to love "PROGRESS" more than "FROOT"! I think of food as a necessity to stay alive versus a means of pleasure of taste and satisfaction. To keep me focus, I'll watch my favorite sitcom or just go to sleep. I'm still in search of a hobby. So for now, my sitcoms or Y&R does the trick :)
  • FieryNikkie
    FieryNikkie Posts: 61 Member
    I would allow yourself a treat if you have a big enough deficit left after a work out. If I do a run and strength training and then also eat healthy all day, I usually have 200-300 calories left. Hello icecream!!!!
  • wonnder1
    wonnder1 Posts: 460
    we have to love "PROGRESS" more than "FROOT"

    Exactly-which is why work got a LOT of junk food at the beginning! I just can't have it in the house. Not even the low cal stuff. I bought a box of skinny cow bars, cause it's a lot cheaper than buying one at a time as a treat. Not so low cal when you eat 3. Now there's nothing good in my house ever, lol. And yes, I will always consider ice cream good and yogurt healthy. Good AND healthy I'm still working on believing.
  • fabi8081
    fabi8081 Posts: 232 Member
    I would allow yourself a treat if you have a big enough deficit left after a work out. If I do a run and strength training and then also eat healthy all day, I usually have 200-300 calories left. Hello icecream!!!!

    Thats me allll the way. I use my extra calories for Ice Cream mmmmm. Dryers makes this sugar free triple chochlate Ice cream that is so amazing!!!! and I don't get the guilt that goes along with eating junk.
  • cruiseking
    cruiseking Posts: 338 Member
    If Hubby eats your treats, that goes on his calorie count. My wife has tons of sweet treats around, and yes, I did eat them 25 lbs ago. But that was MY choice, it was also my choice to begin this journey of healthy eating. If and when your Husband chooses to live a healthier lifestyle, he will do it; and he has a fine example in you to help him. Now pass the Froot Loops, I love those, second only to Fruity Pebbles.
  • wildon883r
    wildon883r Posts: 429 Member
    We don't have any unhealthy snacks in the house anymore and i personally don't miss them. Me and the wife were at the store today and as i looked around i said to her, "you know about 70% of the foods in this store are JUNK.. That leaves you with fruit, veggies, meat/protein, nuts, legumes, whole grains. Thankfully most of the healthy stuff is on the perimeter of the supermarket by design so we avoid the isles.
  • Tarilynn
    Tarilynn Posts: 22 Member
    My friend once gave me a piece of fantastice advice. - (With 3 young picky eaters - I hate to waste food as well) - she said I had a choice of either wasting the food in the garbage OR wasting the food on my hips - IT'S ALL ABOUT CHOICE!!!!! Good luck on whatever you decide. I know I still sometimes struggle with tossing my kids leftovers. Also, is there someone you could donate the food to if it's a matter of getting it out of the house? That way, you might feel better about spending the money already. Someone in need of any type of food would be grateful. Again, I wish you the best with your dilema.:flowerforyou: