Am I just encountering a crazy amount of water weight or what?

Losingthedamnweight Posts: 535 Member
edited June 2016 in Health and Weight Loss
So not too long ago I would see the number on the scale, freak out and revert back to binge eating. I'm not doing that this time! (I'm pretty proud of myself for that) instead I want to understand what is going on. The past week I've eaten at a deficit everyday except for 1 day when I ate at maintenance. I've also started a running program and have been doing that every single day. I won't end my day until I have every activity ring on my Apple Watch and have gotten at least 14,000 steps.

As I look back on the past week, I've been totally on point in my calorie counting. I had 1 day I ate at maintenance, but other than that I've been at a 800-1000 calorie deficit plus lots of exercise. I haven't stuck to eating clean or a certain diet, just been eating within my calories and I noticed I've had a shitload of sodium. Yesterday I had 6000 mg of sodium. The day before it was 4500. Day before it was 5600. Day before it was 3300 (blows my mind I can have that much sodium and stay under 2000 calories) I've also been drinking a lot of water.

I got on the scale today after a run and I am 4lbs up from what I should be. Should I be worried? Will it level off? What can I expect?


  • ogtmama
    ogtmama Posts: 1,403 Member
    A combination of too much salt and muscle repair from the New work out. I'd stay off the scale for a few days :)
  • beckyinma
    beckyinma Posts: 1,433 Member
    how much water are you drinking? sounds like you should be at least having 12 cups, minimum with the calorie deficit and amount of exercise you're doing, plus the crazy sodium. Watch out for it, it's everywhere, especially in 'light' and reduced calorie stuff, to enhance the crap taste....
  • Losingthedamnweight
    Losingthedamnweight Posts: 535 Member
    A lot of water. I have this 20oz bottle I refill probably 8 times a day. And I had no idea I was even eating that much sodium. It was nuts looking back on it. Like the other day I would have a small meal in the morning and in the afternoon I had a burger and fries and just that little meal alone was my entire day's worth of sodium (2300 mg) at one time! The next day I went out for chicken teriyaki which was only 800 calories and in fitness pal it said it was 2900 mg? Holy crap. If excess sodium causes water retention, that would definitely do it.

    When I weighed myself it was a bit of a shock. I've been just pushing myself like crazy with going running and sweating my butt off. Before getting on the scale I felt like I HAD to be way lighter, so to see 4lbs over what I should be? Ugh...
  • StacyChrz
    StacyChrz Posts: 865 Member
    That sounds like salt intake and fluid retention in your muscles. Try to be careful about packaged foods and added salt in your own cooking and while eating out. Drink plenty of water and avoid sports drinks. It sounds like you get more than enough electrolytes from your diet without supplementing.
  • capaul42
    capaul42 Posts: 1,390 Member
    Water retention will often mask scale losses. This is why I take measurements as well (every 1-2 wks).
  • aylajane
    aylajane Posts: 979 Member
    edited June 2016
    You said you weighed yourself AFTER your run... Best to only weigh yourself under IDENTICAL conditions - like naked, first thing after you wake up, right after you pee. If I weigh myself 10 times in a single day, I will get 10 different numbers swinging between about a 5 pound range.

    Weighing after running wont match from day to day because you may have run harder or longer or faster etc.
  • LPflaum
    LPflaum Posts: 174 Member
    Definitely sounds like fluid retention. You don't state how long you've been doing the new workout or exactly what you're doing, but any new fitness plan will inevitably result in fluid retention. That's how the body repairs itself! The sodium intake likely isn't helping with the fluids. To the best of your ability, try to limit some of the pre-prepared foods. Restaurants are notorious for adding salt to their food to make it taste better.

    Give it a few weeks for your body to adjust and definitely start taking measurements! I started at about 158 lbs and VERY doughy in March, I'm still about 150-155 lbs (depends on when i weigh myself), but I'm down an entire dress size and people keep telling me I look like I lost (a lot of) weight.
  • ogtmama
    ogtmama Posts: 1,403 Member
    My sodium intake goes over almost every time I eat outside the house.
  • dlkfox
    dlkfox Posts: 463 Member
    I just want to say I love your new attitude!!! To want to understand rather than to binge. That is an incredible breakthrough!

    Any new workout routine will make you retain water for muscle repair, so that's part of it. (I just started some new things myself and from experience, I know not to worry about that scale number for a couple of weeks.)

    Dude, your sodium is off the chain! Do what you can to reduce that. It is amazing how much sodium manufacturers and restaurants put in things. That sodium intake will definitely make you retain, too.

    Excellent job in keeping your calories at goal and at maintenance. Seriously good job. You keep doing that and you will get there...the scale is a contrary piece of equipment sometimes. ;-)