Why is it....Sugar!

Why is it that i always go over on my sugar on here? I mean i know why, because alot of what i eat/drink have it but i guess i never realized so much stuff had so much sugar. I dont have candy & soda either...Like for instance, i was good on everything then i had a glass of milk & it put me way over..I know it has sugar but i guess didnt realize that much! Anyone else have issues with going over? Not ness just sugar..anything..



  • cszammit
    cszammit Posts: 26 Member
    I really like fresh fruit salad but I tend to eat double the amount of sugar. Should we eat 5 fruits a day or what?
  • radio_flyer
    I had a sugar issue too ... and I realized a lot of it came from my breakfast cereal -- I was eating Special K with Strawberries and Honey Nut Cheerios, both allegedly good for you cereals, but both had a ton of sugar. Now I just eat plain cheerios and corn flakes. Now I'm always under.
  • dgirllamius
    dgirllamius Posts: 171 Member
    I sometimes go over. Not by much though, only a few gramms. I find it quite annoying however when I feel a bit peckish in the evening and want an apple - boosts my sugar up even more. If I ate 5 apples a day (as I'm not keen on any other fruit) then I'd be way over just from that. I don't get it :-/
  • fitzgev
    fitzgev Posts: 1
    yeah, sugar is tough... I had some cantelope and an orange and that puts me over the sugar limit for the day. Are we supposed to be concerned if we're over when it's fresh fruit that is the culprit? Also, noticing I have to watch yogurt in the future, the brand of low fat plain yogurt that I bought isn't helping on my intake of sugar
  • mamacremers
    mamacremers Posts: 183 Member
    I go over on sugar every day. I don't watch it. I watch what I think I should watch. I make sure I stay under on calories, met or exceed my fiber and I want to meet or exceed my protein too, but I usually don't watch it.

    The thing that puts me over on sugar usually is fiber one bars and then my breakfast is usually pretty full of sugar. but I don't eat sugary things. My breakfast is usually cereal of some sort, but grown up cereal. Kashi or granola.
  • kristarablue
    kristarablue Posts: 707
    Always go over and almost always because of fruit. I don't eat sweets, drink soda, juice, or eat sugar, but I almost always go over....:-( frusterating
  • sbrown6
    sbrown6 Posts: 334 Member
    cereal and yogurt are the biggest culprits for me. I switched to almond milk on my cereal and that helps.
  • janiepumphrey
    I peeked at your food diary - fat and protein both seem a little low to me. If you incorporate more natural sources of fat and protein then I think your sugar intake will resolve itself naturally. Some examples - meat, fish, eggs, olive oil, butter, avocados, olives.

    Personally I like to get a higher percent of calories from fat and protein compared to what MFP recommends. It helps me feel more satisfied and keeps my moods and energy level very stable.
  • Zeromilediet
    Zeromilediet Posts: 787 Member
    I quit tracking sugar--most sweet stuff I eat now is fruit and the fibre component modifies the fructose impact, so no biggie.

    However, it was because of tracking sugar (glucose, fructose sucrose etc) that I became aware of how it's in everything! I can see anything made with grains because they're practically inedible without it, but meat? What is the nutritional necessity of sugar in sausages or bacon or lunch meat? Why is there sugar in peanut butter? Even adding sugar to fruit juice which is already sweet enough.

    Anyway, now it's only natural stuff ... okay, except for the occasional piece of chocolate or scoop of ice cream :-)
  • ZumbaQueenKelly
    The sugar in fruit and even milk is actually GOOD sugar! I did my research on the milk... it's true! But yeah, I'm in the same boat as you.
  • GaveUp
    GaveUp Posts: 308
    I pay more attention to the carbs then the sugar, its to hard because I love fruit.
  • mitzir
    mitzir Posts: 10
    I've been over every day since I joined MFP, even the days when I ate great. In fact, eat 3 good sized apples and you're pretty close to done for the day. So no milk, no yogurt, and nothing processed. But that's almost un-doable. So, I worry more about fats and fiber, cholesterol and sodium, and keeping all those where they should be. This has been bothering me actually. I guess, if MFP is right, maybe it's because our bodies just don't need as much sugar as we are able to eat now because our agricultural system has evolved much faster than our biology. You know, like if we were living in caves almost all our sugar would come from fruit, right? Other than that it's like nuts and seeds, meets, or fiber-filled plant life. We just weren't built to have access to raisin bran, and bread, and plenty of fruit, and an occasional Fo-Yo, etc. Maybe.... Just a thought. :)

    The inclusion of sugar in every single processed thing on the grocery store shelves is just a whole nother' ball of wax.
  • needamulligan
    needamulligan Posts: 558 Member
    I really like fresh fruit salad but I tend to eat double the amount of sugar. Should we eat 5 fruits a day or what?

    the food pyramid say 2-4 fruit servings. i haven't tracked sugar, specifically, but different fruits have fewer carbs than others. Berries are low in both carbs and sugar.
  • welloiledmachine
    welloiledmachine Posts: 1,147 Member
    Sadly, sugar seems to be in just about everything. Bread especially. I gave it up and have started using Ezekial 4:9...not too much like regular bread. The only cereal I'll eat is Shredded Wheat. Had to switch to Smucker's Natural Peanut Butter. I keep my fruits to 2-3 per day. I use Unsweetened Almond Milk and Plain Greek Yogurt. I don't do much processed stuff. Fruit is what really bumps it up. I try to avoid artificial sweeteners too as they can effect your weight negatively too. I guess you have to pick and choose. It's great not eating sweets and junk as these are really high is sugar.

    Update: I will say, since making these changes, the weight came off quicker and my belly got flatter....but could be coincidence.
  • ImperfektAngel
    ImperfektAngel Posts: 811 Member
    I don't have fruit for this reason! My daughter offered me a mango yesterday and as much as I wanted it, I had to decline :(
  • wildon883r
    wildon883r Posts: 429 Member
    If your refusing to eat food because it blows your sugar goal on MFP your not on the ball. You should in fact eat more then 2 servings of fruit a day. If you were getting it from soda pop or candy which have no nutritional benefit that's one thing. Fruit is one of the most healthy and nutritional things you can eat. I don't eat candy or drink soda pop or eat cakes and such so i don't even care what MFP shows regarding sugar consumption . Most folks here ignore it. I go over it with 2 pieces of fruit every day.
  • Zeromilediet
    Zeromilediet Posts: 787 Member
    The sugar in fruit and even milk is actually GOOD sugar! I did my research on the milk... it's true! But yeah, I'm in the same boat as you.

    The sugar in milk (lactose) isn't good for everyone however. Many people are unable to digest this sugar because they lack the enzyme lactase. Almost 75% of African Americans** are unable to properly digest lactose or the milk protein, casein. There are plenty of other sources of calcium, protein, vitamin D etc. in other foods. As with any dietary choices, it's important to choose what works individually not only for weight control but for overall health.

  • LaJauna
    LaJauna Posts: 336 Member
    The sugar in fruit and even milk is actually GOOD sugar! I did my research on the milk... it's true! But yeah, I'm in the same boat as you.
    there are so many other ways to get calcium into your body without drinking milk. Humans are the only mammals on the planet that drink milk from other animal sources after we are weaned. Milk is natures way of accelerating body growth! Some people start to have lactose intolerances because our bodies naturally stop making the enzyme that breaks down lactose in our gut causing all kinds of nasty tummy troubles.
  • BigZ486
    BigZ486 Posts: 47 Member
    Yeah I noticed that milk has a lot of sugar too, I never thought about it. I'd basically ignore the sugar you get from fruits though, only try to count sugar from processed foods or sugar that you add yourself.
  • mmiiaa
    mmiiaa Posts: 171 Member

    I go over my sugar SO MUCH, ALL THE TIME. It's horrible and I always feel so terrible about myself afterwards. I'll have a glass of lemonade, and I'll be over. So I cut drinking things like that, started drinking only water. I had a fiber bar, vanilla yogurt, and a banana and was still way over.

    I'm honestly considering not tracking it anymore, because I feel so bad afterwards all the time.

    The thing is that I heard that unused sugar turns into fat. Is this true? And if so, how much? I'm almost always way under in my fat.. so I kind of want to see if I can set my own sugar limits. lol Silly, I know.