Android Running App

Hi can anyone recommend a good running app? I was really dissapointed this morning to run for half and hour and for the app to say it was only 0.7 miles (i know I'm not that slow!).

Soooo I'm looking for a good app for my Samsung, preferably one with voice prompts.


  • xjessicaxrx
    xjessicaxrx Posts: 144 Member
    I use the Nike app its brilliant and accurate.
  • pdxhak
    pdxhak Posts: 383 Member
    Try RunKeeper. It is free and I believe it syncs with MFP as well.
  • DresdenSinn
    DresdenSinn Posts: 665 Member
    MapMyRun by UnderArmour of course ; )
  • kimlight2
    kimlight2 Posts: 483 Member
  • NikolaosKey
    NikolaosKey Posts: 410 Member
    Runkeeper is fine for me!
  • McCloud33
    McCloud33 Posts: 959 Member
    I've been using Runkeeper and MFP together for 2+ years now. You can adjust what "prompts" you want. If you're doing intervals, you can have it prompt you for either distance or time (ex. .25 mi fast, .25 mi slow or 2 min fast, 1 min slow, etc...). Or you can do what I do and have it just give you splits. I have mine set for every 0.25 miles, but you can do whatever and it will tell you any or all of speed/pace/distance/avg speed/avg pace.
  • gillie80
    gillie80 Posts: 214 Member
    I use Strava. gives you lots of info from your run/cycle/swim etc. love it.
  • robininfl
    robininfl Posts: 1,137 Member
    I like Mapmyrun, the GPS seems accurate in my neighborhood, and I can record the yoga classes in there. I use the free version.
  • CincyNeid
    CincyNeid Posts: 1,249 Member
    Strava is pretty much on point.

    I've tried most of them and I keep going back to Strava, with Endomondo a close second. The only 2 reasons I prefer Strava to Endomondo is the Strava Segments and the Suffer Score.
  • Joanna2012B
    Joanna2012B Posts: 1,448 Member
    I like MapMyFitness. It links with MFP and it will track all fitness activities. I use it for walking, running and cycling. It is fairly accurate.
  • cookma423
    cookma423 Posts: 62 Member
    edited June 2016
    I've tried Runkeeper, Endomondo, MapMyFitness, and even just manually logging exercise here. My favorite by far is Strava. My cycling friends got me onto it, and I've now even upgraded to premium. Syncs with my Garmin running watch and MFP. No complaints
  • dolcy107
    dolcy107 Posts: 5 Member
    Thank alot everyone, I will def give them a try. I like the thought of my map fitness because it links with MFP. Will try that one first. Thank again for all of your help! Xx
  • Colt1835
    Colt1835 Posts: 447 Member
    I like the Nike running app a lot. The Interface seems simple to me and that's what I want when I'm running.