How many of you eat your "exercise calories"?

DulceDollie Posts: 115
edited 8:02AM in Food and Nutrition
In the past few days I've read some posts that mention not eating exercise calories. Am I one of the few that does? Will I still lose weight effectively on MFP if I eat all or most of my exercise calories? I'm feeling paranoid that doing so will keep me from progressing! Any opinions/insight much appreciated!


  • TinaS88
    TinaS88 Posts: 817 Member
    I don't make it a purpose to. If I am hungry I will eat some, if not I don't... I am not super loosing the pounds, but the inches are decreasing!!
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    you're supposed to. I eat almost 2000 calories a day. You don't have to starve yourself to be thin and healthy. SOme people just don't get that. Glad you do. Keep on doing what you're doing.
  • mrphil86
    mrphil86 Posts: 2,382 Member
    This is a raging debate but you are by far not the only person. It just seems people who don't eat their exercise calories are more public about it. Not sure why.
  • depends how hungary i am . some days i eat all of the other days half and so on . i believe if u speed ya metobism up and burn the weight you shd feed it well too. works well for me :-)
  • McKayMachina
    McKayMachina Posts: 2,670 Member
    I've always eaten my exercise calories. I've lost 48 lbs. in 6 months. It works for me. Try it for a month or two and see how you feel.
  • marianne_s
    marianne_s Posts: 983 Member
    I do eat mine.... because it allows me to eat more food... :bigsmile:

    Since I've started doing so, I have consistently lost 1 - 1.5 pounds each week.

    Because I now know how many calories I burn for each exercise that I do - I can plan my meals + snacks for the day accordingly
  • SuzieR
    SuzieR Posts: 127
    I eat most of mine back - usually about half to three quarters. I try not to eat them all as I don't think the MFP calculation for calories burned is all that accurate. I'm losing weight steadily.
    (Sometimes I'll do some exercise just so I can have something else to eat! :blushing: )
  • jennywrens
    jennywrens Posts: 208
    I'll dip in to them if I'm hungry but I don't eat them otherwise! I understand the logic behind eating them though so I just keep and eye on my progress and if what I'm currently doing stops working I'll adjust my outlook!
  • DulceDollie
    DulceDollie Posts: 115
    Thank you all so much. You have no idea how much relief you're giving me! My life will be so much more satisfying this way! And hearing of your really helps me. Thank you all.
  • xSophia19
    xSophia19 Posts: 1,536 Member
    Sometimes i will eat like half the calories back after a decent workout. I try not to eat all of them back as i feel it was a waste of time excercising if ya get me :) soo i eat half my calories back and i still loose between 1-4lbs a week!! :)
  • taurie
    taurie Posts: 225 Member
    I've noticed I lose when I don't eat them back. When I eat them back I don't lose, but this could be because I only have 10 lbs to lose. I'm 5'1" and 120 lbs.
  • fitnessjch
    fitnessjch Posts: 449 Member
    I eat my exercise calories. Would be too hungry half the time otherise!
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    I eat them... and you can check out my profile pic to see if it's working for me :smile:
  • trishtrish84
    trishtrish84 Posts: 237 Member
    Like most people it depends. Some days I eat them back if I am hungry or If I want to eat something that goes a little big over my normal calories for the day.... and some days I don't eat them because I am full ..... Some days I don't even exercise :embarassed: I know shame on me.
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    i dont so much eat them back, as have generally upped my intake in general to take into account the fact i run a lot.
    I dont always eat extra on the day i run, but will often find im hungrier the next day, and will eat more then.
    Im trying to stay in touch with my own body and listen to it telling me what it needs, when it needs it, and when it doesnt need anything. I will not forcefeed myself over 1000 extra calories in one day just because ive done a good run, but i also wont fret if i fancy an extra portion of something, or a treat, because i know i can get away with it now
  • joanneeee
    joanneeee Posts: 311 Member
    i eat them and love them!
  • kr3851
    kr3851 Posts: 994 Member
    I eat them when I'm hungry. I eat them if I want something 'unhealthy' and go exercise and still want it. I try to keep my net between 1200-1500 a day. I'm losing slowly but steadily.

    Sometimes after a big workout I don't see the point of eating all of that effort back. And other times, I am simply ravenous, and can't imagine not eating them. Listen to your body - if you're hungry, eat. If you're not, don't. Nourish your body with the foods it needs. Occasionally splurge on the food your emotions need. Don't beat yourself up over trying to over analyse everything - it's not as simple as 'eat this, exercise this much and you'll lose this much'. It IS as simple as 'eat less, exercise more' but it's just getting the balance right between less and more. And that ratio can change over time as well....
  • Fattack
    Fattack Posts: 666 Member
    you're supposed to. I eat almost 2000 calories a day. You don't have to starve yourself to be thin and healthy. SOme people just don't get that. Glad you do. Keep on doing what you're doing.

  • arkenny
    arkenny Posts: 125
    I eat most of mine back...some days i dont... but i think its important to try and eat them to keep your body fueled up and healthy! you dont want to eat to little and go into starvation mode!
  • MissMaggie3
    MissMaggie3 Posts: 2,464 Member
    I eat my exercise calories. Would be too hungry half the time otherise!

    My sentiments entirely! Also, having a heart rate monitor really helps. :smile:
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