Love dieting

Does anyone else feel that dieting and or exercise is an addiction? Any thoughts. Lol I really watch what I eat and I exercise every day, and when I lose its like a rush to do more!!


  • ajara13
    ajara13 Posts: 21 Member
    I have the same addiction! At my job everyone is always eating and it's cakes, donuts, junk food and soda. I have no desire to remotely touch that stuff! All the girls there are extremely obese and they know it but do nothing to change it.
    On my breaks and lunch there I walk around the building while everyone sits in the cafeteria. (over eating!)
    I've lost 35 pounds so far with 20 more to go. I'm always walking and average 15,000 to 20,000 steps a day. I stay on a 1100 calorie diet and stick to it. I watch shows that encourage me to keep it up like Weight of the Nation.