Need help with getting started

Is it better to work out at night or in the morning? Or is it personal preference. Sometimes I prefer to do night and sometimes I wanna do morning. It just depends on how i feel. I read somewhere that it was better to work out in the morning. Should I start my workout with strength training or should I start my workout with cardio?

Any suggestions on how I can get my fitness journey started?

Much appreciated, thank you all.

Also SW 221 (most I've ever been)
GW 160.


  • SelfLove2point0
    SelfLove2point0 Posts: 46 Member
    Some would say morning workouts are better to fuel you full of energy for the day, but I read somewhere that no specific time is best to burn calories. Just workout at the time of day that you are most likely to stick to :)
    Good luck :)
  • andrea_nichol
    andrea_nichol Posts: 47 Member
    Personally I like working out in the morning before my day gets to busy but when I do exercise later in the day I have more energy and can be a little more intense. I think it is personal preference, but I would find a time you can fit into a regular routine.
  • alaine5377
    alaine5377 Posts: 30 Member
    I workout around my daily schedule. I only work 2 days a week so I have 5 days to adjust my workout as needed. Many people prefer a solid routine with same times every workout. I think it has a lot of personal preference behind what works for you. The most important thing to working out is You have to enjoy it and look forward. Times will come that you won't want to do it. So learn to enjoy it.

    Good luck! It pretty vague, but there is no set way to get yourself going!
  • nurse_jaz09
    nurse_jaz09 Posts: 5 Member
    Thank you both, I really appreciate it!
  • haroldrios1692
    haroldrios1692 Posts: 90 Member
    There's no doubt that going to train on a beautiful sunny day is motivation enough and certainly a good time. The reality is you sometimes need to train around your schedule and lifestyle. Important thing is to set that time aside and stick to that goal. Can you make progress going to the gym late night? Absolutely!! How do I know this? because I did it, I use to be in the gym at 2am sometimes doing squats and some serious work. I was in there on Holidays, when the gym was empty, late night during snow storms or any other unusual times. Make sure you have a nutritional plan and a solid training regiment. Stick to your game plan religiously and remember getting fit takes time it's a lifestyle change. Every training session will take you farther away from where you started and closer to your ultimate fitness goal. Best wishes on your fitness endeavors...Stay strong!
  • sharondjs
    sharondjs Posts: 676 Member
    Good for you , maybe a professional session with a pt instructor ( experienced ) someone who can help you set up goals and a schedule that you can fit into your days. They can also discuss the cardio / weights question , i am not sure but i dont think most lifters do weights and cardio on the same day , I just go to classes at a gym different ones on different days :smiley:
  • Nachise
    Nachise Posts: 395 Member
    Whatever works for you is what works the best. I'm retired, and I devote two days per week for training. I'll start mid morning with aqua aerobics, then swimming laps for 1/2 hour, followed by at least an hour in the weight room. I'll finish off with a class like BodyVive, or just more cardio, then stretching. These two days are non-negotiable in my schedule. I take time for cardio the rest of the week, but when it fits in my day. I'm an early afternoon person in that regard.