Need more self control!

i really need more help with self control, its killing me!
i am exercising right and drinking enough water, it is just the food and all the temptation.
please help
anybody have some good tips on self control?


  • drogheda1
    drogheda1 Posts: 57
    Good post...i was going to ask this myself...i exercise and drink lots of water, just give in to food now and then :(
  • charmednz
    charmednz Posts: 49 Member
    For me I just think of the extra exercise I will have to do if I give into temptation!

    and dont buy any "bad" foods or have them in your house

    Drink a glass of water every time you feel tempted...
  • drogheda1
    drogheda1 Posts: 57
    You cant stop other people bringing crap into the house
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    One thing I did was I often left my wallet @ home when going out or brought just enough $ for whatever I needed. Can't buy bad foods and naughty treats if I don't have the funds, right?
  • chloemeow
    chloemeow Posts: 71
    For me I just think of the extra exercise I will have to do if I give into temptation!

    and dont buy any "bad" foods or have them in your house

    Drink a glass of water every time you feel tempted...

    its hard when my step dad brings in all his types of food, coz he has a great metabolism, he just buys blocks of chocolates cans of fizzy drinks, cakes, lolliles, chips.

    i really just need the control
  • leslturn8
    leslturn8 Posts: 505 Member
    im the retart that stands at the chocolate isle going should i or shouldnt i.......then i remember the times i give in and eat 8 bars and a 12 pack of choc in 2 days and i walk away.....didnt make me sick but i have no self control.
  • chloemeow
    chloemeow Posts: 71
    like im fine with it once im in the shops and buying my own food, but when im home, and open up the fridge to see a piece of cake or a block of chocolate, its just hard ugh!
  • erinoldham19
    great post.. i was just posting how hard it has been and how hard today is going to be. my mothers annual july party is today and they always have great food and my bday cake.. i need so much strength for today its making me sick right now esp since i have not done so well lately..

    i buy junk food for "my husband and children" and then i eat it.. i'm my own worst enemy.. they can eat a tub of ice cream and loose weight but me, if i just look at it i gain weight.. even after drooling over it as much as i do.. prob because once i give in i go all in..

    i am a food addict, end of story

    i tend to stuff my face when no one is looking i love the feeling but do NOT like the numbers on the scale or the image in the mirror..

    this is a tough battle we are fighting but maybe if WE all find away to do it together we can get through it..

    it is hard when someone brings the stuff around and no matter how hard to plead and beg they end up bringing it in the house, and that chocolate isle is always going to be there.. it seems to be getting bigger and more spread out..

    find someone you can email, text, call or something you can do when the temptation happens.. that is why i am here.. i'm looking for a support because its not easy to do this alone and to be around people who just dont understand..

    good luck..
  • chloemeow
    chloemeow Posts: 71
    that is so true!
    my mum has lost over 20 kilos / 40 pounds in the past 12 months
    and shes always here for support but its different because she smokes
    which helped her not eat and she doesnt enjoy all the bad food,
    she just would just eat big servings, so she doesnt really understand when im craving something :(
  • maxinethestrange
    I try and plan my meals and if im going out taking healthy snacks or even splitting my chocolate up into smaller parts and only taking so much wth me , I am lucky enough to not have anyone bringing junk into the house as it is just me and my partner ... do slip up though but I made myself work of the junk cals which when I do slip up makes me have less because I know how hard it is to actully burn off , not worth it.

    sticking photos around the kitchen cupboards of you at your biggest might put you off or maybe even pics of who you want to look like.
  • robynrae_1
    robynrae_1 Posts: 712 Member
    im the retart that stands at the chocolate isle going should i or shouldnt i.......then i remember the times i give in and eat 8 bars and a 12 pack of choc in 2 days and i walk away.....didnt make me sick but i have no self control.
    I have this problem to. I have found that if I get dark chocolate (>60%) it helps. I have a had time with sugar, once I start I can't stop, so no milk Chocolate for me. I also get the NO Suagr added popsicles so that when my husband is eating his GIANT bowl of ice cream I can have something sweet and not drool all over him.
  • veronicastelo
    I was just thinking the same thing. I'm really good during the week because it's all routine but then the weekend comes along and i've made a complete mess of it. It's just so difficult to say no
  • MichelleF81
    MichelleF81 Posts: 98 Member
    Stick pictures of your body ideal around the house, especially where the snacks are!! Often its just a case of mind over matter, try and imagine how guilty you'll feel after eating that chocolate before you eat it lol and remember that the temporary feeling of satisfaction just isn't worth the huge amount of calories and extra weight that it costs you.....if you keep practicing at doing that pretty soon it comes naturally and you stop craving the junk so much. Have plenty of easy to access snacks.....veg sticks ready prepared in tubs, low cal cereal bars, fresh fruit and keep a big bottle of water in the fridge and each time you want to snack have a big glass of water first and you'll find the temptation usually wears off. I have four kids so constantly surrounded by bad choices, right now I'm looking at a big box of choc muffins and not tempted at takes practice but the good results i'm seeing in the mirror from keeping within my cals and working out not worth sacrificing over a muffin. Do treat yourself but do it in moderation and make sure you save some calories or do an extra work-out to compensate. Which is more important - the body you want or a bar of chocolate? Keep thinking those words and good luck to you :) Maybe ask your bf to keep the treats out of direct sight if you're really struggling but it's better if you can see them and just think....nahh not bothered thanks :) x
  • _Sally_
    _Sally_ Posts: 514 Member
    I chew a lot of gum in the evenings (spearmint or cinnamon) and drink herbal tea... I found a a tea with a little kick to it which helps stave off hunger: Yogi Aztec Sweet Chili tea.
  • erinoldham19
    I chew a lot of gum in the evenings (spearmint or cinnamon) and drink herbal tea... I found a a tea with a little kick to it which helps stave off hunger: Yogi Aztec Sweet Chili tea.

    i just read that capsaicin is great for fat burning.. does this chili tea have that? i do well when i drink lots of green tea and when i have gum around..
  • poll09
    poll09 Posts: 549
    i feel exactly the same for me its freinds who are skinny and are like wanna mcdonalds and i find it so hard to say no x
  • _Sally_
    _Sally_ Posts: 514 Member
    I chew a lot of gum in the evenings (spearmint or cinnamon) and drink herbal tea... I found a a tea with a little kick to it which helps stave off hunger: Yogi Aztec Sweet Chili tea.

    i just read that capsaicin is great for fat burning.. does this chili tea have that? i do well when i drink lots of green tea and when i have gum around..

    Not sure... I've never heard of capsaicin. The tea has the following spices: cocoa, organic cayenne, organic ginger, cardamom, cinnamon and clove.
  • mamaboobear
    I don't think there is any real answer except within you. You just have to be ready to battle your urges, try to keep lower calorie food that you like prepped and ready to eat when you are tempted by something 'bad' so you can grab a better choice instead. I think we all battle it, I have a husband and two kids, so I can't keep junk out of the house either, and I can't put them on a 'diet' for dinner, so I try to make the best choices I can as often as I can. I may lose slower, but hopefully I won't get so stressed that I feel MFP is too hard and quit and be back where I started. GL
  • milaxx
    milaxx Posts: 1,122 Member
    Plan for it. If you know you like a piece of chocolate, once a week figure out how to incorporate it into your menus and account for it in your calories. I woke up yesterday and knew I wanted a cupcake. I made sure my meals allowed for that without going over. That way you don't sabotage yourself. The only things I don't do this with are foods I will binge on. They are off limits.
  • milaxx
    milaxx Posts: 1,122 Member
    I chew a lot of gum in the evenings (spearmint or cinnamon) and drink herbal tea... I found a a tea with a little kick to it which helps stave off hunger: Yogi Aztec Sweet Chili tea.

    i just read that capsaicin is great for fat burning.. does this chili tea have that? i do well when i drink lots of green tea and when i have gum around..

    Not sure... I've never heard of capsaicin. The tea has the following spices: cocoa, organic cayenne, organic ginger, cardamom, cinnamon and clove.

    Capsaicin is what makes peppers hot. If it has cayenne in it, then likely it has capsaicin.