Have you ditched the scales yet?

My goal has been to reduce BF and gain muscle which obviously meant losing weight too. Having initially lost 22lbs my weight has not changed much in the last 4 to 5 months, however my waistline continues to get smaller and my t-shirts tighter which tells me the diet and weight training are working well so as of today I am longer going to use the scales to measure progress.
Other than looking in the mirror what method do you like to use to measure progress if losing weight is no longer the ultimate goal?


  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    No - I've kept the bathroom scales (I weigh daily to spot trends early) and stopped food logging.

    Mirror, tape measure, PRs on my bike, adding weights in the gym, fit of clothes all have some relevance.
  • belimawr
    belimawr Posts: 1,155 Member
    I kept my scale, but i refer to it maybe once or twice a month and hoping even to do away at some point once i learn to trust the fit of my clothes.
  • capaul42
    capaul42 Posts: 1,390 Member
    I weigh daily. Helps keep me on track.

    I also take measurements every 1-2 weeks. Sometimes a better indicator of loss since water weight is always an issue with the scale.
  • mylittlerainbow
    mylittlerainbow Posts: 822 Member
    I still weigh in every Friday to keep on top of what's happening to me. I don't log all my food every single day any more - too much traveling or eating out that I can only estimate now that it's summer. But logging when I can keeps me mindful of what I eat and weighing weekly keeps me from creeping back up again. I will probably weigh myself for the rest of my life. I notice that I stopped weighing myself when I was afraid I wasn't going to like the results and let myself go instead, and that's how I got to where I was when I started back up here again a year ago.
  • violet_wister
    violet_wister Posts: 34 Member
    I notice that I stopped weighing myself when I was afraid I wasn't going to like the results and let myself go instead, and that's how I got to where I was when I started back up here again a year ago.
    Exactly this, which is why I plan to keep weighing a few times a week now I'm maintaining a 70lb loss.
  • glitternurse
    glitternurse Posts: 18 Member

    I notice that I stopped weighing myself when I was afraid I wasn't going to like the results and let myself go instead, and that's how I got to where I was when I started back up here again a year ago.
    Happened to me this way too
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited July 2016
    mcdonagk wrote: »
    My goal has been to reduce BF and gain muscle which obviously meant losing weight too. Having initially lost 22lbs my weight has not changed much in the last 4 to 5 months, however my waistline continues to get smaller and my t-shirts tighter which tells me the diet and weight training are working well so as of today I am longer going to use the scales to measure progress.
    Other than looking in the mirror what method do you like to use to measure progress if losing weight is no longer the ultimate goal?

    Your waist line is getting smaller but the t-shirts are getting tighter?
    FWIW I use a scale to ensure I am staying on track maintaining.

    Good Luck
    No, I haven't and I'm not going to :p

    When I'm maintaining a healthy weight, I find it easy to weigh every day.

    Weighing myself every morning helps me maintain my weight, probably because it keeps me aware that every day is a chance to make more good choices than bad.

    I'm also using a food scale to weigh what can't be counted. I plan meals and log what I eat. I just don't track calories anymore.

    I agree with the weigh every morning, I also log the results in a ledger book. I also weigh my foods. I microwave a lot of Frozen Vegetables for example and I use the scale to know how long to do the Microwaving
  • RanaSimon
    RanaSimon Posts: 73 Member
    I joined a Biggest Loser contest at work, so we weigh in weekly. I want some kind of 'data' to track while I lose weight so I can keep myself accountable instead of just going by how I 'feel'. I feel amazing, even if I gain weight instead of lose week-to-week (like this week), but I can consider the amount of strength training versus cardio and that usually is parallel to how my weight fluctuates.

    Measuring is just too much of a hassle. If my clothes feel loose, that's enough for me.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,203 Member
    Food scale? I use it about half the time now.

    Body scale? I use it every single day just like I've been doing for the last 30 years.
  • vixtris
    vixtris Posts: 688 Member
    I've only been maintaining for about 3-4 months now, but I still weigh myself and record it daily, and don't plan on stopping, either. Sometimes the scale fluctuates up to 5 lbs or so, and yes it can be discouraging, but its better to see that number and know what you need to do instead of stop weighing altogether and end up letting yourself gain.
  • mcdonagk
    mcdonagk Posts: 136 Member
    Thanks for the input everyone, much appreciated. Going on the advice here I’m about go at this all wrong, think I’ll keep the scales. :)
  • mcdonagk
    mcdonagk Posts: 136 Member
    Yea badly written I guess, what I meant is I’ve lost a fair amount of belly fat “Beer Gut” but gained in upper body muscle.
  • 46HealthyMe
    46HealthyMe Posts: 25 Member
    Just started maintenance this week but I will continue weighing weekly so don't get off track. Will still log food too because one of my big goals was to eat healthier.
  • Gisel2015
    Gisel2015 Posts: 4,150 Member
    edited July 2016
    Body scale, clothes and mirror (not my friend), are my tools to maintain. I don't count so much on the measuring tape because it fluctuates more than the scale and that is because I suck at taking measurements so I measure myself once in awhile or when I remember, which is not often.

    I like to add that I have been maintaining for almost six years. Anniversary coming up this August.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I still have it but I admit I haven't weighed myself in 2 months... Clothes still fit. Measurements are good. If clothes start getting tight I'll start worrying about it... because really at this point my goal is not to have to buy bigger clothes... But I still weigh my food, I still exercise, I still log and eat about the same amount that I have been...

    But I'm perfectly aware that I'm also worried about what the scale will say! I tend to retain water weight like crazy though, so the scale has been a constant source of frustration for me, and it's better for my state of mind not to obsess about it.
  • CincyNeid
    CincyNeid Posts: 1,249 Member
    I have not. I don't rely on it as much for weight loss numbers. But so I can have a better idea on how many calories I burned based on my BMI.

    My weight has been staying the same for the past 4-5, within 5-8 pounds, months but my clothing sizes are going down. So no for weight loss number, yes for BMI.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    I still monitor the scale and have been in maintenance for over three years. It's not the be all and end all...never was...but it's still a useful tool.
  • Hollyrena19
    Hollyrena19 Posts: 19 Member
    I don't weigh myself bc I become obsessed with the number on the scale. I try and take pictures to document my progress. i think it helps if you can see your body changing. Also, fit of clothes and measurements keep me on track.