Clean Eating Newbie

I'm trying to incorporate clean eating into my life, but I wanted to learn more about eating clean. Does anybody have any websites, books, or any other resources that they recommend ?


  • melt57
    melt57 Posts: 60 Member
    I have been doing the same thing since starting MFP. Mostly, I just cut out artificial sweeteners (99% of the time...) and have been avoiding high fructose corn syrup as well. I spend a lot of time on the supermarket floor reading labels, and seeing how many words I actually recognize. I wish I had some actual resources for you, but with a little bit of thought you can definitely get started. Good luck!
  • BigZ486
    BigZ486 Posts: 47 Member
    Michael Pollan's In Defense Of Food is good.
  • laddyboy
    laddyboy Posts: 1,565 Member
    Eat off the top 2 tiers of Michi's Ladder
  • ryry18
    ryry18 Posts: 21 Member
    Yep Clean Eating magazine gives lots of great recipes. We shop at WHole Foods and Trader Joes and try to not eat too many boxed foods. Clean eating is great! Good luck!
  • tcharesse
    tcharesse Posts: 1
    This is a grocery list for eating clean :) And if you can get you hands on a copy of "skinny b*tch" read it! if crazy but its the reason I started eating better!

    Hope this helps!!
  • Psyb3r
    Psyb3r Posts: 176 Member
    There is this book call "150 healthiest foods" that they have at B&N. It's really good and explains why some foods are better for you than others. Hope this helps. Good luck!
  • get_fit2009
    get_fit2009 Posts: 827 Member
    There is a book called "The Clean Eating Diet" by Tosca Reno. It is actually meant to be a way of life. I try to follow it on the weekdays and cut some slack on the weekends. I feel better when I follow it and I tend to get more of my fruits and veggies in.
  • clmix062
    clmix062 Posts: 1
    The company my Husband works for offers a couple of websites for recipes and ideas for better eating. and

    I hope this helps.
  • OliveLucas
    OliveLucas Posts: 84
    Tosca Reno has several books (includes two cookbooks) on this subject.