How to date while dieting

Alright, guys...

I need some tips and/or motivating ideas here. I've recently started seeing someone. This isn't a bad thing, except that it totally harshes my calorie intake. Dinner dates, movie dates, picnic dates, basically EVERY KIND OF DATE is full of food and I'm struggling with managing it. I thought about going the salad ordering route, stuff I know to be safer calories-wise, but my options are kind of limited in that department. My city is a fast food city. Your basic family chain restaurants with grease fried chicken in the salads, no lite dressing options, etc. And I'll be honest about it--at the end of the day, 8 hours since I last had something to eat, that's not filling me up. So when I look at menus, I'm looking for substance. Or at least something my eyes think, anyway. (On top of that, he's cooking me dinner occasionally and it is super cute, so I can't be all OMG I CAN'T EAT THE CALORIES!)

It also hasn't helped that my boss, who is a super nice guy who does a lot for his employees, buys us breakfast and lunch all the time. Another situation of take out food, and a girl not wanting to be the jerk that turns it down. In the last week I've consumed so much crap.

I'm aware a big part of is that I'm not sure how to measure the calories.

Any ideas on how I can get a better handle on this?


  • Mom2rh
    Mom2rh Posts: 612 Member
    You cook your guy dinner.

    Get salad dressing on the side.

    Join the group for lunch but eat what you brought.

    Suggest non food oriented dates. Hikes? Walks? Bike rides?
  • MarieNevada
    MarieNevada Posts: 395 Member
    you've got to be ruthless. i refuse all food at work. my company likes to celebrate with special lunches etc. losing weight to me is more important than "being nice". i've also just started dating and i explained my situation to him and he's been awesome. he even suggested dinner theatre then hastened to assure me that they have lots of vegetables and fish before i could even say anything. If you're important to him, your priorities will be also. Don't let someone else scuttle your plans. Look after yourself first, put yourself first in this one thing. Your body will thank you.
  • doublechinny
    Try the cooking together romantic and you can introduce healthier items to him. Dont think your a jerk to turn down breakfast or lunch from your boss. Your not! Your being cognitive of what you eat so bring your own lunch and pack healthy snacks and lots of water so you dont always look for "substance". More active dates are a great idea too!
  • Scorpiomom222
    Scorpiomom222 Posts: 1,462 Member
    You cook your guy dinner.

    Get salad dressing on the side.

    Join the group for lunch but eat what you brought.

    Suggest non food oriented dates. Hikes? Walks? Bike rides?

    Also, for the hikes, walks, bike ride dates you can bring a blanket and light snacks of veggies and fruit salad. Last week, me and my fiance picnic'd with a few friends. They brought KFC for half and we brough fruits and veggies to share with everyone. More of the fruits and veggies got eaten than the KFC. :)
  • mamacremers
    mamacremers Posts: 183 Member
    You cook your guy dinner.

    Get salad dressing on the side.

    Join the group for lunch but eat what you brought.

    Suggest non food oriented dates. Hikes? Walks? Bike rides?

    If you really like this guy, he's gonna have to know you're trying to better yourself and let him know what you would like to do. Don't just go along with whatever. Picnics? go to the grocery store and buy fruit and veggies to eat. If he wants chicken, get some baked chicken. Ask him to go for a walk or go to the gym with you. Sometimes sweaty guy can be pretty hot!
  • polo571
    polo571 Posts: 708 Member
    almost all restaurants have something light and vegetable options. Just make sure you are the prioriy not the food. I like to go with salmon and skimp on simple carbs and lean more towards extra protein,
  • MsKeelah919
    MsKeelah919 Posts: 332 Member
    You cook your guy dinner.

    Get salad dressing on the side.

    Join the group for lunch but eat what you brought.

    Suggest non food oriented dates. Hikes? Walks? Bike rides?

    I dont think it gets any better than this!! It may seem like it will be weird making all of these adjustments, but you have a very good reason for them. they will respect your decision to put your goals and health first. I am currently experiencing this at my job...and they make comments and even try to tempt me. But when I refrain, by choice (and they REMEMBER the old me) and I am consistently slimming down, they have to give props. Some of them are slowly making positive changes and telling me about it.... :)

    And as far as eating out....I try and go to the website and calculate the meal beforehand. My bf does get a bit annoyed by this, as it takes a while for us to select the restaurant, then I have to jump online to decide what I want, but it makes life MUCH simpler. Good luck! and Congrats on your new guy!!
  • SassyStef
    SassyStef Posts: 413
    I would totally start with politely turning down the crap food at work. Being nice isnt gonna make the weight fall off. Going out to eat doesnt have to be that hard either. Forget the salads, order a chicken breast, steak or even a burger, just dont eat the bun or fries. Get healthier sides, veggies, fresh fruit. You can do this. Think outside of the bbox. My favorite place to eat is a Mexican restaurant and I order the fajitas, chicken and beef, I eat the meat and the guacamole that's it!!
  • sla0814
    sla0814 Posts: 240
    Have an honest conversation with him about trying to eat healthier, he'll totally respect that!! You don't want to fast forward 5 months and come on this forum and say, "I've gained 25 pounds in 5 months!!" Gaining that love weight happens, we've all been there...I've been there! However, look out for yourself and your health first girl!! Like I said, he'll understand and support you!! :)
  • craft338
    craft338 Posts: 870 Member
    the guy i'm "seeing" knows about my diet and is luckily REALLY cool with it. he's like "where can we eat? sushi? that's healthy, right?" it's cute lol we also started cooking together and he LOVES it, we try out new recipes all the time.

    at work, i just say "no thanks" if someone asks, and eat my own stuff. i'm not gonna make a big deal about it, usually no one notices anyway. if they keep bugging you, then THEY'RE the rude ones!
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo Posts: 3,634 Member
    Tell your guy about your fitness plans so that he can adjust his food and also your dinner dates (if he really does love you, he will do anything for your sake). My bf knows about my fitness goals, is very supportive and is happy on what I achieved. Its OK to eat fried foods sometimes but make sure you balance it with low calorie dinner and don't order something that you know is very high in calories. As for your boss, you can eat what he ordered and just go lower on dinner and move more so you can burn more calories.
  • ButSeriously
    Thanks for all the awesome replies, guys! New Guy is aware (he recently lost 70 lbs himself, he tells me) but I think we're both in the same boat about our misconceptions on options. I've just never been in a situation before where I had to make those decisions, because I will always choose to eat at home rather than order out, or when it came to dinner plans with friends I save the calories when the occasion came up, but that is nowhere near as often as it has been lately, and it's been very impromptu. Right after I posted this, I went on an app installing spree and I hope having some of these at the ready on my phone will help.

    As far as my boss goes, I guess I just don't want to make waves. He's not a moody guy, but I can tell he's sensitive when it comes to the support he gives us, the things he does for us. I have a few co-workers that take it for granted, and I can see the look on boss's face when he's sad about it. In the future, maybe I'll take a longer look at the menu and figure something out. There is a small salad menu, but I always avoided it because it's pub food and always laden with chicken fingers and mushrooms.

    A big deal for me is portioning. I grew with that poor folk mentality, starving children in china, etc. Don't leave anything behind to go to waste. Somehow that translated into not leaving anything on the plate, or in the fridge to eat later. This is something I've been consciously trying to deal with too. Just another part of the process.
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    Maybe with the boss thing, you should order something you'd like but ask for a box and box half of it up right away? I know thats hard and even I can't do it, but if you're faced with it every day, maybe that's what you have to do. I work at a work where there's always sweets out and we have lunch and dinner provided and it's ALWAYS chicken fingers, etc. so I just have to resist and indulge in what I want to.
  • chris6515
    chris6515 Posts: 131 Member
    I know what it is like trying to order healthy fast food. My work requires a lot of time on the road and I have to use fast food restaurants a lot. But most of the fast food places do have things you can eat, so check out their websites or ask for a nutrition guide on your next visit. My favorites are Subway--for breakfast their English muffin/egg/bacon with lots of veggies, for lunch/dinner you have multiple choices of subs or salads, just light on the meat and cheese and heavy on the veggies and watch your condiment sauces. McDonalds--love their oatmeal, smoothies, fruit parfaits, apple/walnut salad, Asian chicken salad w ginger dressing. Burger King--the veggie burger is not terrible if you request extra veggies and skip the mayo. Wendy's has great chili, which I like to use to top a baked potato sometimes. Their salads are wicked good, expeciallly the chicken/berry/almond combo. Taco Bell has a great "Fresco" menu of items that are very reasonable. KFC grilled chicken is not terrible, and you can have green beans or corn on the cob as sides. The thing to watch with all the fast food is the high sodium content, so try to balance with lots of water.
    When I eat at a sit-down restaurant, the portions are usually double what I should have, so I ask for a box straight off and put half away for lunch or dinner the next day. I like to start off with a salad or broth-based soup and always ask them not to even bring out any bread, and ask for salad dressing on the side. Shrimp cocktail is a good appetizer, too. Grilled chicken or fish with sides of veggies are dependable choices. Anyway, it can be done, and your guy sounds great! Have fun!
  • milaxx
    milaxx Posts: 1,122 Member
    I'm curious as to why you would go 8 hours between meals. That's going to play a big part in you finding the will power to turn down food that isn't good for you. You've been given several good options. I particularly like you cooking the guy a healthy meal or doing non food activities. However I can't stress enough the importance of speaking up for yourself. That means either telling your boss no when he buys those breakfast and lunch treats or figuring out how to make better food choices. I have a fee food allergies and sensitivities so I learned long ago how to politely ask for adjustments on food. Asking for things without salt, dressings on the side or no sauce will go a long way to towards keeping the calories down. most places are wonderfully accommodating and I always tip well for good service.

    You may want to check out the Eat this, not that blogs on Men's for other fast food choices.