In need of serious, aggressive motivation and direction PLZ!

Angizzle76 Posts: 15
I have hit slump. I've rapidly gained BACK 15 pounds after stopping a weight loss prescription pill. I had been exercising and dieting aggressively for 3 months and as I saw a little change in muscle tone I saw NO changed in inches or weight loss. I am discouraged that I have stopped it all for that last month in a half. I saw a pic of me recently that disgusted me and I really want to get back on track but am SOOO discouraged that I don't know where to start and how to find the motivation anymore. I need to lose 15 pounds aggressively. Help? How can I get it started and see results?


  • supertracylynn
    supertracylynn Posts: 1,338 Member
    Go heavy on the fruits and veggies, and low/non fat dairy.

    Go easy on the grains.

    Cut out beef, pork, and processed foods.
  • NO MORE PILLS, You can do this on your own, Thats the problem with alot of those quick fix weight loss schemes, as soon as ya stop here comes the weight back and then a few extra punds. ONLY WAY TO LOSE WEIGHT IS TO HAVE A PROPER DIET AND EXERCISE.
    I am no expert at this weight loss but I know that to be a fact.

    Good Luck to you and kick some butt
  • velvetkat
    velvetkat Posts: 454 Member
    First off you need to start tracking your food intake and set up your weight loss goals with your calories you need each day.. You need to eat those calories and not less than 1200... less does not mean more weight loss. Drink your 8-10 80z glasses of water each day. Stay away from fast food and try to eat 5-8 servings of fruits and veggies a day with more emphasis on veggies.
    Start exercising again and do it religiously taking a day off each week. You can start slow, dont have to run a 5k to get exercise.

    Be serious determined about your weight loss and be realistic in your goals. 15 lbs if that is all you need to lose is not gonna come off in a month. It will take some time but it will come off. Be sure to do some strength work too to get muscle tone.
    Add me if you would like as I have some other ideas that might help you but dont want to cram your brain with too much at once!

    Good luck and YOU CAN DO IT!!

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • Soziberry
    Soziberry Posts: 115
    Quit complaining and get serious! Magic potions and pills are like Cinderella's pumpkin. Eat less, do more and do food diaries!
  • pinkita
    pinkita Posts: 779 Member
    You don't need pills, and since you have a small amount of weight to lose (compared to many others here), just know it's likely to take you longer to take that weight off. So be patient, track all your food and exercise, and if you're committed the weight will come off at a slow, steady, and healthy rate.

    Good luck!
  • Holton
    Holton Posts: 1,018
    First, you have got to give up the pills. As much as you want to believe there is an easy way to lose weight, there is not. IT is just common sense and commitment. Use MFP to its fullest potential and put in your starting weight and your weight loss goal and let MFP assign you your calories. Then log your food intake religiously everyday. Work out 2-3 times a week and log the calories that you burn and eat back those calories as MFP outlines.

    Advice regarding what to eat: eat the perimeter of the grocery store. FRESH vegetables, FRESH fruits, LEAN meats, Dairy, Eggs, etc... Give up processed foods, specifically anything containing white flour and white sugar. You will be amazed by how much weight you will lose and as a by product HOW GREAT YOU FEEL!!!!!!

    Do it the right way and change your lifestyle. Do it slowly, not overnight. Focus on eating right and working out and the weight loss will follow.

    Good luck on your journey!
  • Quit complaining and get serious! Magic potions and pills are like Cinderella's pumpkin. Eat less, do more and do food diaries!
    From the lady with the bright red hair:laugh:
  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    NO MORE PILLS, You can do this on your own, Thats the problem with alot of those quick fix weight loss schemes, as soon as ya stop here comes the weight back and then a few extra punds. ONLY WAY TO LOSE WEIGHT IS TO HAVE A PROPER DIET AND EXERCISE.
    I am no expert at this weight loss but I know that to be a fact.

    Good Luck to you and kick some butt

    ^^^^^THIS. Don't try to lose weight "aggressively". The only way to lose and keep it off is to permanently change how much and what you eat, plus exercise.

    You can lose the weight with the tools here at MFP. And what you learn by using those tools will help you keep the weight off.

    You can do it.
  • here_I_go_again
    here_I_go_again Posts: 463 Member
    Go heavy on the fruits and veggies, and low/non fat dairy.

    Go easy on the grains.

    Cut out beef, pork, and processed foods.

    Why would you cut out pork? Pork tenderloin is a clean food....just sayin']
  • Angizzle76
    Angizzle76 Posts: 15
    Thank you all for your posts. It was encouraging... Let me clear up some things though. I'm NO longer on that pill, but I did take it off and on for a LONG time. As far as it being a "magic" pill. It was! HAHA! I lost weight in NO time and didn't have to really even exercise! BUT, that's where I got sucked in.... YES, I agree that that was NOT the way to go. I am reaping the results of that, unfortunately. I stopped taking that pill, blinked and it was all back. I'm not even kidding. So anyway... I started exercising and dieting, doing it the RIGHT way. I was doing P90X 6 days a week and for me that is a rigorous work out. I was taking in around 1300 calories a day. I saw a little muscle toning, but was VERY discouraging for me was that the measurements were not coming down. Not to mention I was WORN slap OUT! I know that muscle weighs more than fat, but isn't the fat supposed to burn off eventually too?! The scale wasn't going anywhere either. So, I guess my BIGGEST question is what am I still doing wrong? My Dr. told me that I was getting older and that contributed to the difficulty and what not. I'm 35... I didn't expect it ALL to come off in a month(I had been doing it for almost 5 months),but I thought something would happen, other than some muscle toning. Maybe I should do MORE cardio/calorie burning work outs??? Does anybody have a exercise and diet regimen that works? I'm thinking about going to Nutiri-system or Jenny Craig. Any thoughts on that? I really appreciate your responses everyone! THANK YOU! I'm going to try it AGAIN! LOL!
  • Schwiggity
    Schwiggity Posts: 1,449 Member
    I know how discouraging a big gain can be. Don't let it make you depressed though. If you feel angry/frustrated/disgusted, use it. Work out HARD, stay hydrated, and eat right (I think most people know what that really means). Those that succeed at weight loss are the ones that persevere through the hard times of plateaus and gaining back weight.
  • isabelk
    isabelk Posts: 153 Member
    The closer you get to your goal, the longer it takes to see results. If you only have 15lbs to lose, it is going to be several months before you see results (assuming you are eating 1200 calories a day).

    Non-scale goals can keep you motivated. For example, going by the measuring tape instead of the scale, going for fat % instead of scale, completing a 30 day shred, completing 30 day shred on advanced level, participating in couch-to-5k, competing in a 5k, setting a fitness test goal and meeting that goal, going for a clean eating streak (5 days with greens on the plate, 7 days raw foods, 7 days no soda etc).

    Rewards can also keep you motivated when the scale isn't moving. Is there a treat item or bucket list trip you could use to motivate yourself?

    Give yourself four months to lose and give yourself a goal range instead of a goal # (for example, go for 130-140lbs instead of 135). 1lb a week is a great weight loss goal if you only have 15lbs to go.

    The reason getting it off slowly is good is that you will find it easier to go into maintenance mode at the end of it. You will be slowly making a lifestyle change instead of taking a pill. You won't put it all back on at the end. Four months is really not that long of a time! The habits you make in four months can stay with you. You will eat better, you will feel stronger and you find motivation and encouragement past the number on the scale.

    I KNOW YOU CAN DO IT! Healthy, fit YOU is ready to strut her stuff.

    I know this is long but MFP and 30 day shred have given me a confidence and happiness that I just have to share.
  • RattieLove
    RattieLove Posts: 125
    Quit complaining and get serious! Magic potions and pills are like Cinderella's pumpkin. Eat less, do more and do food diaries!
    From the lady with the bright red hair:laugh:

  • Angizzle76
    Angizzle76 Posts: 15
    The closer you get to your goal, the longer it takes to see results. If you only have 15lbs to lose, it is going to be several months before you see results (assuming you are eating 1200 calories a day).

    Non-scale goals can keep you motivated. For example, going by the measuring tape instead of the scale, going for fat % instead of scale, completing a 30 day shred, completing 30 day shred on advanced level, participating in couch-to-5k, competing in a 5k, setting a fitness test goal and meeting that goal, going for a clean eating streak (5 days with greens on the plate, 7 days raw foods, 7 days no soda etc).

    Rewards can also keep you motivated when the scale isn't moving. Is there a treat item or bucket list trip you could use to motivate yourself?

    Give yourself four months to lose and give yourself a goal range instead of a goal # (for example, go for 130-140lbs instead of 135). 1lb a week is a great weight loss goal if you only have 15lbs to go.

    The reason getting it off slowly is good is that you will find it easier to go into maintenance mode at the end of it. You will be slowly making a lifestyle change instead of taking a pill. You won't put it all back on at the end. Four months is really not that long of a time! The habits you make in four months can stay with you. You will eat better, you will feel stronger and you find motivation and encouragement past the number on the scale.

    I KNOW YOU CAN DO IT! Healthy, fit YOU is ready to strut her stuff.

    I know this is long but MFP and 30 day shred have given me a confidence and happiness that I just have to share.

    This is great info. Thank you!
  • Angizzle76
    Angizzle76 Posts: 15
    Quit complaining and get serious! Magic potions and pills are like Cinderella's pumpkin. Eat less, do more and do food diaries!
    From the lady with the bright red hair:laugh:


    Yea, Yea, Yea... I saw that already! HAHA! Not complainin, jus sayin...
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member

  • Thank you all for your posts. It was encouraging... Let me clear up some things though. I'm NO longer on that pill, but I did take it off and on for a LONG time. As far as it being a "magic" pill. It was! HAHA! I lost weight in NO time and didn't have to really even exercise! BUT, that's where I got sucked in.... YES, I agree that that was NOT the way to go. I am reaping the results of that, unfortunately. I stopped taking that pill, blinked and it was all back. I'm not even kidding. So anyway... I started exercising and dieting, doing it the RIGHT way. I was doing P90X 6 days a week and for me that is a rigorous work out. I was taking in around 1300 calories a day. I saw a little muscle toning, but was VERY discouraging for me was that the measurements were not coming down. Not to mention I was WORN slap OUT! I know that muscle weighs more than fat, but isn't the fat supposed to burn off eventually too?! The scale wasn't going anywhere either. So, I guess my BIGGEST question is what am I still doing wrong? My Dr. told me that I was getting older and that contributed to the difficulty and what not. I'm 35... I didn't expect it ALL to come off in a month(I had been doing it for almost 5 months),but I thought something would happen, other than some muscle toning. Maybe I should do MORE cardio/calorie burning work outs??? Does anybody have a exercise and diet regimen that works? I'm thinking about going to Nutiri-system or Jenny Craig. Any thoughts on that? I really appreciate your responses everyone! THANK YOU! I'm going to try it AGAIN! LOL!
  • MichelleF81
    MichelleF81 Posts: 98 Member
    Stop thinking so 'aggressively', slow and steady is healthier and more long term......a lifestyle change of better diet and a good exercise routine means the weight will come off and stay off. Pills tend to result in a yo-yo effect of the weight loss/weight gain cycle. Good luck.
  • pinkita
    pinkita Posts: 779 Member
    Also, doing p90X 6x a week and only eating 1300 calories could be the problem. You might not be eating enough.
  • NewVonnie
    NewVonnie Posts: 683 Member
    Do a search here for " the human diet" Thats all you need :)
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