
Hey everyone, my name is Fran and I'm trying to lose weight because of self esteem issues and difficulty doing exercise.
I want to be able to have snacks in between meals without gaining unnecessary weight.
What sort or tasty, healthy, filling snacks should I try?
(Bearing in mind I'm in the UK so it will have to be snacks I can get here.)
Thank you!


  • _runnerbean_
    _runnerbean_ Posts: 640 Member
    Hi fran. Are you logging all your food on mfp? You can snack on anything as long as it fits into your daily calorie allowance. If you want healthier choices how about unsalted cashews (25g is approx 150 cals) - lidl sell big bags cheaply. Or fresh fruit. A slice of aldi low fat cheese (60 cal) on 4 aldi whole grain crackers. As you can see I'm a fan of the German discount stores lol!
  • Osiris275
    Osiris275 Posts: 228 Member
    Hi I am UK too! There's so many options for snacks. Personally I like to have smaller amounts of so called unhealthy foods as snacks then have healthy meals. My snacks include:

    2 squares of dark chocolate. 40 calories.
    Muller light yoghurts. 99 calories.
    Babybel light cheese. 50 calories.
    Cereal bars (Alpen light and Tesco Healthy Living). 70 calories or under.
    Meringue nests. 60 calories.
    Chocolate biscuits (breakaway and blue riband). 99 calories.
    Sugar free jelly. 5 calories.
    Frozen grapes are also delicious!

    And the list goes one. Next time you're in a shop, just have a look at the options. There's loads to choose from and as long as they fit into your calories for the day there's no need to restrict anything.
  • franisnothealthy
    franisnothealthy Posts: 2 Member
    NOT a very healthy snack...and it tasted like salty charcoal