New Friend is that you??

rlamons1 Posts: 10 Member
I'm not new here but I wanted to reintroduce myself! Had MFP for a couple years.
I've made use of it since August '15.
Im 2lbs away from my 55lb loss goal. Excited for the new goals...
...One thing that's helped me along this ride is having made some friends on here. If you want to motivate and/or be motivated consider me your go to gal!


  • killdontmurder
    killdontmurder Posts: 142 Member
    Welcome back and congratulations on your loss! Added.
  • ellenvalldeperas
    ellenvalldeperas Posts: 3 Member
    Added you, I hope that's okay! I really like that we can so easily find other people who are going through the same struggle! Fantastic job on the weightloss, keep it up. :)
  • azpostal
    azpostal Posts: 788 Member
    Added you! I am Half a pound away from goal…I am not stopping MFP, it has been an awesome and motivating tool! Trying to decide if I'm ready to maintain weight or set a new goal for an additional 5 pounds. Good luck to you!
  • Amrik10
    Amrik10 Posts: 93 Member
    Excellent loss and great incentive to others. Add me if you like.