Where are my former WW peeps??

I'm so glad I found this site.
On the old system I was able to drop 30 lbs. in a year and I made lifetime. I became pregnant and when I came back, it was the new program. I dropped 15 lbs. pretty quickly but after that I hit a plateau for 7 months!!!! I was between 166 and 170 for months on end. My leader urged me not to quit and I feel badly for having switched to MFP but something had to give. I couldn't waste my money on WW anymore.
I've lost about 3 lbs. so far and am happy to be below 166, finally!


  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    I did WW online between kid #2 and kid #3. It got me down to my lowest adult weight, 20lbs BELOW my pre-pregnancy and "normal" weight. And then yeah, I gained it all back during the pregnancy and ended up at the same max weight. I decided just to count calories this time (and didn't start / stick to it as early). I wonder if not paying for it is why I haven't been able to stick with it as well. I'm also more busy now so that could be part of it too. I am now working out a LOT more than I did last time. Last time I lost with just dieting and very little exercise.
  • carmcd
    carmcd Posts: 115
    I did WW last summer and lost 18 pounds in 3 months, then I bought the online tools and hoped to use them once I went back to college. But with classes and friends I fell off the bandwagon and came home this summer having gained back 10 of the pounds lost. I considered starting the new points plus program but found MFP instead!! I think that this is website has a MUCH better database for food. I usually can find EXACTLY what I am eating, instead of on WW online where I was guessing. That coupled with the fantastic support makes me believe that I am going to go all the way on MFP and never go back to confusing point calculators and tedious meetings :)
  • mamasita38
    mamasita38 Posts: 28
    How is MFP working for you?
    I've been doing it for 3 week and have lost about 2.5 lbs.
    Heck, I'm not gonna complain though because that's 2.5 lbs more than when I was on WW.
  • Goal4Good
    Goal4Good Posts: 115
    I've been doing WW for 6 years. It wasn't until I joined MFP that I started losing again. I'm about to cancel my WW online membership and stick with MFP. A change of venue was in order and WW was not working for me anymore. For the past week, I've been logging in my points on the WW tracker as well as my caloric intake on the MFP site just to compare. Pts and calories are averaging out about the same. MFP however, is free and a bit easier to use so buh,bye WW membership.

    If you want a former WW friend, just add me and we can support each other.:happy:
  • katiejneely
    So glad I found this site. I've lost 21 pounds. I had tried WW countless times and wasn't very successful. I feel great and I'm not wasting $40 a month anymore!
  • Pseudocyber
    Pseudocyber Posts: 312 Member
    I'm about to dump WW. I don't even bother tracking anything in there - what's the point of tracking zero point food? It's a stupid system.
  • VStar55
    VStar55 Posts: 75
    I think that this is website has a MUCH better database for food. I usually can find EXACTLY what I am eating, instead of on WW online where I was guessing. That coupled with the fantastic support makes me believe that I am going to go all the way on MFP and never go back to confusing point calculators and tedious meetings :)

    I agree. The MFP database is fantastic and the team spirit here keeps me going.
    So glad I found this site. I've lost 21 pounds. I had tried WW countless times and wasn't very successful. I feel great and I'm not wasting $40 a month anymore!

    YEP! add to that the fact that MFP works for iPhone, Droid , BlackBerry AND it's free and fast. I kissed WW goodbye for the last time in March.
  • beamishcas
    beamishcas Posts: 226 Member
    I really like using MFP and have lost 21 official lbs in the 2 months I've been here. I weight in again tomorrow morning. My husband doesn't want to do anything but WW. So I went ahead and bought the New program for him.. the At Home Kit. He always tells me the only thing that works for him is WW. as long I as stick with it. (LOL) I Haven't heard too much good stuff about the new program , but I hope it works for him. the old programs have always worked for him. He has over 200 lbs to lose. I will continue on here because it's working for me. :)
  • liveminimal
    I did WW pretty successfully in in 2004-2005, and lost about 70lbs before my wedding in Oct '05. Didn't get down to quite where I wanted, missed the mark by about 30lbs, but pretty much stopped completely after the wedding.

    Gained back about 25lbs since then, trying to save the money I'd spend on WW by doing MFP now...
  • mrrodriguez
    mrrodriguez Posts: 158
    My doctor recommended WW. My sister and brother started me on MFP. Inever did go to WW. I didn't realize it cost. I am also on the Hillian Michael's site, but don't use it as much as MFP. Will probably cancel my membership. The annual renewal came in and I think it was like $45. How much does WW charge?
  • Violetsworld
    What is your work out routine? It took me 2 months to just lose 14 lbs.
  • WinterWedding2013
    I did WW a TON of times... I like My Fitness Pal much better.........and so does my wallet!:laugh:
  • mamasita38
    mamasita38 Posts: 28
    What is my Workout routine? I don't really have one.
    However, I do go hiking 2 - 3 times a week for 30 -60 minutes. Sometimes with my baby in the back pack and other times without.
    I belong to the gym, but with 3 little ones at home it's hard to get there.
    When I do go to the gym I either hit the treadmill or swim.
    Like to start taking more group classes, that seems to get me motivated.