50 and taking control!

My name is Kat and I'm new to this site, and Will take control of my weight,feelings,selfestem,and loving who I am!


  • desperate1964
    desperate1964 Posts: 1 Member
    edited July 2016
    I am in the same boat you're in. New to this site, getting lost in adding friends, lost lots of weight and gained most of it back.
    I just saw a video of my self 20 years ago. This pushed me to do something about my weight, feelings, and self esteem.
    please add me (if you know how :) )
  • killdontmurder
    killdontmurder Posts: 142 Member
    Add me guys, I'll do whatever I can to motivate you. Answer any PMs and I'll always leave you some motivating comments.
  • HokieBrad
    HokieBrad Posts: 1,670 Member
    You can add me also. 51 and trying to get my weight back to where it should be...I will try to be a motivating factor for you...
  • kim2walker
    kim2walker Posts: 52 Member
    Hi all,

    I am Kim 56, and I live in Switzerland. I am returning to MFP after a long break. I am now at my heaviest EVER. I am determined to change my lifestyle permanently after seeing my sister benefiting almost miraculously ( in so many ways) from the Ketogenic diet. I am in the UK at the moment visiting her on vacation. She looks so good aftre years of being so poorly. I have being doing a bit of research today and found the diet needs quite accurate documentation, at least at first. So I am building myself up to starting my new way of life and the new diet on my return to Swtizerland on Tuesday.
    Anyone, please add me as a friend to wish me luck, and I will do my best to return the favour.
  • kim2walker
    kim2walker Posts: 52 Member
    Ermm , I am 55 not 56.... I lost count :)
  • Getfitat54
    Getfitat54 Posts: 526 Member
    Same here. Let's be friends.
  • StuDuza
    StuDuza Posts: 34 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm Jay and I'm 44. Here once before, went off track, but I'm back! I have no clue how to add friends :/ , so please add me!
  • Hey everyone,
    You all have no idea how surprised I am when I read all your posts!
  • Also still can't figure out how to add you all as friends! Anybody find out how let us know please Thanks