Lactose intolerabt or Dairy free?

Any lactose intolerant or dairy free MFP members or if you know anyone please like or comment below as I would love to follow & make friends for some ideas & inspiration?
Thanks :)


  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    Most people are lactose intolerant to a degree but keep eating a lot of dairy anyways. You can add me. I do a lot of dairy-free food.
  • shumm090
    shumm090 Posts: 23 Member
    I eat 100% dairy free and have found a lot of good recipes/ substitutions. You can add me.
  • dlkfox
    dlkfox Posts: 463 Member
    I have a dairy allergy, but I can't say I do 100% dairy free -- it's everywhere. 97% dairy-free is probably more accurate.
  • rajackson913
    rajackson913 Posts: 9 Member
    Dairy messes my stomach so bad. Following because I would love some advice
  • escschwartz
    escschwartz Posts: 13 Member
    My daughter is extremely lactose intolerant and she swears by plain unsweetened almond milk. She also relies on products labeled vegan and says that Ben and Jerry even has some great vegan options. You should also learn the various kosher symbols put on food labels since if they don't have a D then there is definitely no dairy of any kind and nothing (even seasonings) derived from milk. Kosher certification is stricter than the government concerning "non-dairy" labeling. Of course there are the various Lact-aid products but that won't help if there is a casein allergy involved also, which most milk allergy involves.