Weight probs after brain injury

Hey everyone I thought I'd give fitness pal a try since leaving hospital just over a month ago! I had a fall which resulted in fractures on my skull and brain haemorrhage!
I'm not hugely over weight but i really need to track calories as I'm sedentary and indoors all the time! I used to be on the go all the time with my 3 kids, work and the gym! Since the accident I've put on over a stone and half! I've lost 8lb since I was discharged!
I'm not allowed to do any exercise and have to take things slow! I get bad headaches and dizziness alongside other things I suffer with since it happened! If anyone has any weight loss tips for me I would be very greatful or even any brain injury info would be great!


  • lamprechterilene
    lamprechterilene Posts: 7 Member
    Sorry about your injury. That sucks!
    I hope you get all the info you need.
  • amyjohnson7681
    amyjohnson7681 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi what a terrible time. Ive found since using mfp ive lost 2 stone. What i found was logging my food was very helpful it was scary to see what you thought was healthy is actually terrible for you. It makes you aware of what your eating :)
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    Will they let you just walk? That is about all I can do but I changed my way of eating to burn more stored fat.
  • grocthepoet
    grocthepoet Posts: 7 Member
    Sorry to hear about your injury,I to suffered from a serious head injury so I understand what you are going through. I just recently have returned to training and one thing that help me while not being able to train was my diet my weight went completly out of hand weighting 312 lbs at 5ft 8 was very difficult for me but understanding more about what I ate change my life completely Where now at age 40 weighting 180lbs and in the best shape of my life. I learned that no matter what life throughs your way you can overcome.Most people have the wrong approach to dieting moreover believe that you need to train very hard to help maintain weight lost when actually simply watching your calorie intake can keep you staying lean till you can get back to working out.So just using this app your are making progress. God bless wish you speedy recovery.
  • Amrik10
    Amrik10 Posts: 93 Member
    Hi, sorry to hear about your injury. Must be so difficult not enjoying the things you are used to. Any cardio will cause dizziness of course. Main thing is to eat healthy using this app. As for exercise it's risky because of your injury. Just start with gentle walks if you can and see what sort of length you can maintain them but take someone with you to be on the safe side. Hope you can find some more answers in your aim to enjoy life. Best of luck.
  • kiellylane
    kiellylane Posts: 3 Member
    Hey everyone! It is hard as my life has changed a lot but I was very lucky things could've been much worse so I'm feeling very positive! I'm allowed to walk around and have to gradually walk further each time! Docs told me at least a year until I'll be on my way to my old self! I'm now having around 1200 calories a day which seems to be working for me! As I've got more time on my hands counting calories and weighing food has become an obsession but I'm feeling brilliant I'm drinking lots more water and cut out caffeine and I feel so good! Thank you all for your kind words it means a lot xx

  • Amrik10
    Amrik10 Posts: 93 Member
    Will add you so if you need more support can give you the boost you want.
  • kiellylane
    kiellylane Posts: 3 Member
    Thank you so much
  • Justn83
    Justn83 Posts: 5,226 Member
    Just saying Hi :) add if you like