Where are the Canadians at?



  • lilligraz22
    lilligraz22 Posts: 183 Member
    Toronto born and raised living in Italy. ....feel free to add me too
  • Littlemissyfit
    Littlemissyfit Posts: 92 Member
    Im from alberta. Add me! My dairy is open and I also like looking at other people diaries to get new ideas
  • BlueberryWatermelon
    BlueberryWatermelon Posts: 73 Member
    Former Albertan living in Montreal. Feel free to add. :)
  • MrsBoutin
    MrsBoutin Posts: 4 Member
    From BC! Joined a couple years ago but I am actually going to use it starting today.

    Add me if you like!!!
  • Kari_Bear78
    Kari_Bear78 Posts: 533 Member
    Wow alot of ontarians here!!! I live close to some of you in good old woodstock ontario!
  • mcleodcon1981
    mcleodcon1981 Posts: 8 Member
    Kitchener-Waterloo here!!
  • Sinnister78
    Sinnister78 Posts: 134 Member
    Ontario too. Having ups and downs but mostly weight loss with MFP.
  • jackie_van_d
    jackie_van_d Posts: 240 Member
    edited July 2016
    Peterborough area Ontario
  • avj_78
    avj_78 Posts: 35 Member
    Happy Belated Canada Day! Calgary. New friends welcome.
  • Marybethg46
    Marybethg46 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi fellow Canadians
    For those of you who are really struggling as I know it is an everyday battle...check out The Food Combination Diet...if you can stick to it, I guarantee you will lose weight...it may not happen the first week or so but once you get the hang of it...the lbs will come off...and the bonus side is, you will no longer crave sugary foods!!! Just Google The Combination diet
    One really good site that explains it easily is