Returning to myfitnesspal, NEED HELP!!

I need to get back into the swing of things so bad, but I'm struggling really bad. I don't know what to do. Every time I decide to start back up again I blow it. So I'm asking for reinforcements. I need more then just a computer relationship to help me along the way. I need friendship and more. I hope I'm not asking to much, but I need some people to talk too, to get me more motivated and able to reach my goals, I have gained so much back it's not even funny, I am proof on how fast you can backslide and how fast it and come back on. I don't want to me be fat and miserable any more. And I want to be strong enough to be able to tell someone NO when I can't eat something. I want to make the right healthy choices. And be able to live my life with out being weakened by the thought of certain foods. I need help.. :sad:


  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    If you know you can't refuse certain foods - then keep them out of the house. Make sure you pack lunches and snacks when you go to work - and leave your money in your car or at home. This will prevent bad choices from being made. Make sure you eat every couple hours - this will help stabilize your blood sugar. Stable blood sugar = less binge eating in my experience.

    You can do this. I promise you can. We're all here to help you! :)
  • berchen82
    berchen82 Posts: 59
    If you like, we can fight together against the weight :-) Just add me as a friend...

  • registers
    registers Posts: 782 Member
  • grasp
    grasp Posts: 31
    This website is an amazing tool for helping to loose weight. However, I find I needed real life support and interaction to keep me on the straight and narrow.

    So I joined TOPS (take off Pounds Sensibly).

    I put that link in for the Hamilton OH, area.
  • hyper_stitch
    hyper_stitch Posts: 180 Member
    Bless you, I get it ... we all get it. I've been MIA alot lately but am determined to get back on track! Don't ever ever give up you just haven't got to that place yet x
  • carebear80
    Add me as a friend. I'm going through the same thing...I found that it helps to continue logging all of your food, even when u eat bad. That way u can look at how much you went over and not just ignore it.
  • Dreamweaver4036
    I feel your pain! This is the first time I have ever gotten this far and sometimes I feel myself slipping and know how easy it would be to go right back to never exercising and eating whatever I want. I just try to keep in mind how much BETTER I feel when I eat healthy and stay active. It's still extremely hard. Feel free to add me and we can help motivate one another! I really want to see what my body looks like under here and I know I can do it! And trust me, if I can, anyone can! Keep up the good work!
  • dgirllamius
    dgirllamius Posts: 171 Member
    I know how you feel, I say sometimes "right, I'm gonna start tomorrow!" ... tomorrow comes and it doesn't start. This time however I am determined to do it, it's just hard pushing yourself to get started, so I can totally relate. You can add me as a friend if you like, can offer support to each other along the way! :D

  • martyc91
    martyc91 Posts: 55
    Listen - it starts & ends with commitment; either you want to lose weight or you do not want to lose weight; that is the BOTTOM LINE! People on here are not going to help you; myself included! It is on you to do it & you get the reward or you take the blame - BOTTOM LINE!
  • LJCannon
    LJCannon Posts: 3,636 Member
    You know all the 'Right' things to do. You will find all the encouragement and support you could wish for here. It is not Easy, and it may be a Long Journey, but you CAN win this battle. All you have to do is make one good choice at a time. There will be bumps along the way, and you will make some Bad Choices occasionally. But in the end we can succeed together.
    :heart: :flowerforyou:
  • jenro39
    jenro39 Posts: 29
    We seem to be in the same boat, I joined 26 days ago and have only lost 4 pounds in my first week and since then nothing. I have religiously logged everything I eat and have been doing a bit more exercise than usual but really need to step it up as the scale is not showing me any different and its very disheartening. I am very short 5ft and use to be athletic when younger and still up till 6 months ago visited the gym at least 4 times a week but never lost weight. Probably cause I had never caloried counted and realised how many calories I was eating. Its been a big wake up call and I thought Id be seeing a difference or feeling it in my clothes but na da. I have had to do my own exercises these past 6 months due to me breaking my wrist whilst roller skating last April and having a very bad break and now have to have manpulation to get it working again, its got a plate and 5 screws in it so a pain in the butt when it comes to trying to do gym. Thus me doing it from home which is hard as u have to motivate yourslef. So there u have it in a nut shell my life of battling the bulge.

    Id love to help u along the way as we both battle with our deamons. Add me if you like. All the best on your journey to being a happier and healthier new you.