Hello Everyone!

Hello everyone,

My name is Scott. I'm currently 32 years old. I have a girlfriend and we have a 3 year old boy. We are a little happy family.

Many moons ago, I was an active and fit person. While I wasn't topping any charts in muscle mass, my body fat was low and I was very lean. I had an almost limitless amount of energy.

Fast forwarding to today, I'm a very different person. I often find myself having to take a breather, my mental clarity is non-existent, and I have a gut.

That gut started many years ago, when I shifted my focus to computer technology. That interest eventually landed me in an IT field and I spent much of my time in a swivel chair in front of a computer. As the fat developed around my muscles, I was conscious of what was going on. But I could still feel the abs underneath of the fat, and I was OK with that. I don't know how many years it took, but I remember one morning, when I went to feel for the abs under the lard, and THEY WERE GONE!

When that happened, I panicked. I wanted a quick fix and I didn't want to do any of the work that I put in to getting that lean body. We all know how that story goes; I failed time and time again. I did try legitimate diet plans, but always seemed to do them half-assed. I always had an excuse to turn that cheat day into a cheat week, into a cheat-month, and so on.

What's different now, is a new source of motivation. As I said, I have a 3 year old. These little creatures have an uncanny ability to learn through watching other people's behavior. And I don't want him to cut his life short because of behaviors he learned from his papa. Also, I would like to be around long enough to witness him grow up and choose his life's path.

The IT career is still here. It's not going to go anywhere. But this gut is!


  • lamprechterilene
    lamprechterilene Posts: 7 Member
    My little girl has her own set of dumbbells, and the girl can squat better than her momma. She is two. LOL!
  • scottaking
    scottaking Posts: 22 Member
    Hah. My boy saw me brushing the dust of mine and said he wanted a set. I'm going to go get him some weights tonight.